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Sad kitty stories and deaths

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by darkrabbit213, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. darkrabbit213

    darkrabbit213 New Member

    Has anyone else noticed that lately there have been a lot of people coming on here and telling us stories about their cats and how they are sick and helpless?

    I've noticed that this keeps happening. Kitty is either near death, or has something wrong. The poster either posts once to tell us their cat's sad story or posts twice, once with the sad story and the second time to tell us if the kitty is either dieying or dead!

    Are these a common thing on Auspet? I've only been noticing them recently. I was also wondering if anyone had gotten a PM or anything with news about these poor kittens.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I think this is common on many forums unfortunatly.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I think people do this hoping that someone will have a miraculous answer for them and they won't have to take the cat to the vet...they wait just hoping the cat will "heal itself" and the animal dies cause help wasn't sought. They don't bother to come back cause they weren't told what they were hoping to hear - how to make their cat be all better without having to pay a vet
  4. RoWdY

    RoWdY New Member

    Yeah, having myself posted both in the last few months, the sad story and the update sad story, I guess that some people are just terribly frightened at the moment that their pet is ill and are just trying to reach out. I guess it's their only way of trying to deal with it. Yes, they should be at the vet trying to get their pet well, but in that instant that they are terrified, I suppose they just don't know what to do or maybe it's a money thing or like I've said before... I think some people's pets do die after they make those desperate posts and they are just afraid to face it again by reading their own thread.

    I would hate to think it was just some kind of weird ploy but for the life of me, I can't figure out why anyone would do that. Maybe to get a rise out of we pet lovers. I know my heart drops to my stomach when I read those posts about someone's cat having some life threatening emergency.

    Plus, as animal lovers, we have to remember that we tend to sometimes come down a little hard on someone who instead of taking their pet to the vet immediately waits and has us all waiting to see what happened. Because we do care. That's why we come down a little hard on them. I guess that might frighten them?

    It might also be what Mary said. They might think we have some miraculous answers so that a vet might not be needed.

    My story really wasn't that typical life threatening emergency thing so I guess it's not the same thing but I did consider not coming back only because of what I said before. I was afraid to see my own words again. I feared it would crush me to see them. But it didn't and I'm glad I came back. You are all so warm and loving.

    I hope nobody would ever be so cruel as to come here and lie about their pet getting ready to die just to get a rise out of us. :(

    You never know I guess, best to give them the benefit of the doubt. (?)
  5. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I agree Mary. And what truely saddens me is that many of them post once or twice and then never follow up, leaving us hanging and worried. I can only suspect the worse. And you'll notice that the majority are newly registered posters with one or two posts.

    I'm happy that I didn't find this wonderful place in that manner. I grew up with kitties my entire life except for the last 12 years. Then I adopted Booger and was compelled to learn all I could to keep her happy and healthy. I have a condition that effects my memory so I wanted to bone up. And during my search, I found this wonderful forum filled with kind, caring and wonderful souls.

    And Rowdy, that's what we're here for...the good and the bad. But sometimes the truth hurts. The only thing though that I've seen anyone getting talked down to about is not taking responsibility for the life that they took the responsibility for. And I can totally understand how that frustrates many here. I know that sometimes it comes off as though the poster is being beat up verbally...but it's with the best of intent. If it will save a life, I'm fine with it.

    With that said, I'm sure that if Booger fell ill, aside from my vet, this will be the first place I'd go to with my woes because I know that I will get good caring advice and support.

    With our posts, stories and pics, we all come to care deeply for each other and each others pets. It's like family and they're all our pets collectively.


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