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I got a new daughter!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I picked Lacy up last night!!!! She's awsome.
    Very shy and timid. But I'm assuming thats becuase its a whole new environment.
    It's very apparent she's never been shown any love and affection. Strictly a work and show dog. It took me 4 hours last night just to be able to get close to her with outher running and hiding.
    Then Granvel came home. SHe was very scared. She ran and hid behind the recliner in the corner of the living room. He had to go in and get her out before she got stuck.

    Then she tried to bite him. She can't stand to be held.
    So I kept the leash on her and kept her at my side all night. She calmed down quite a bit and allowed me to brush her and pet on her. She slept beside our bed last night and let granvel stroke her for a bit.

    Then when he got out of bed and in the shower this morning. She jumped on the bed with me!!! Granvel got out and said "what do you think your doing! and laughed...." Then tried to pet her again, and she freeked out.... But we calmed her down and he petted her some more.

    After he left she licked my face and fingers, and wanted to be loved on...even wagged her tail a bit!!

    So I've been introducing her and Smokey since 6 this morning. I felt comfortable enough to let them share a kennel together. My mother in law and brother in law are going to check up on them several times today.

    I'm SOOOO excited!!! I'm a new mommy!!!!

    Any suggestions on getting her to be more comfortable around Granvel though?? I have the suspicion that the breeders husband wasn't all that nice to the dogs. They are recently devorced.
    That and I guess she's grown up and been with her sire and dam her whole life ( 1 3/4 years) So I know it'll take some time for her to get used to the change....but boy is she pretty!!!
  2. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I think time will work. When I first brought Freckles home he did not take to Dukesmom and actually nipped at her face when she tried to pet him. You should see him now. A big Mommas boy.
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I hope so. Because she is SOOO beautiful. I wanted to take some photos. But I didn't want the camera's flash scaring her more. And it was also too dark. I'll try to take some this weekend when the weather clears up a bit. She's sooo beautiful. And I have to work late tonight. i've got a closing at 6 pm.....Sucks big time!!!
    My Bro-in-law called and said she tried to bite himwhen he put his hand on the kennel....doesn't seem to like him at all.....but he likes her! said shes the prettiest heeler he's EVER seen!!! I agree!!!
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    great Sam!! is this the one you were talking aobut last week? I think she will warm up to him, it will just take time

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yes!!! and I opted not to take on the sister....there was no way that dog would ever settle down. She's used to the breeder enough, and making her switch to a new home just insn't a good idea....she's dog and human agressive...Only Katrina can handle her.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Have him feed her lots of treats, or whatever her "magic" item is.
  7. Rene

    Rene New Member

    thats great sams congrats mommy :eek:
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thanks guys!! I can't WAIT to get home. The day seems to be CRAWLING by... I can't help but knotice everytime I look at the clock...only minutes have gone by...

    Jamiya~ stupid me didn't even think of that!! DUH! How stupid am I!!! :roll:

    I'm going to pick up a WIDE variety of doggie treats and toys today. See whichones she likes best and let daddy have all the fun. He really likes her. But gets frustrated. He doesn't have the patience to sit down, cuddle, and get to know her. He just expects her to "love me". And he wonders why SA won't approach him either.. DUH. He gets on and rides, and thats it. no grooming, no loving and giving treats for no reason.....she associates him with riding. She associates me with food. LOL...

    I'm sure she'll come around.
  9. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Congrats Sams! I can't wait to see pictures!
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hehe, yeah Sams, food has helped with Bonnie. She used to only approach men who had food for her, and then she was very cautious about it. Now she will walk right up to them - albeit slowly - and investigate to see if they have food.

    And some of it is just time. Look for a big difference around 6 months to one year from now. Most people say it takes that long for a dog to really settle in and know they are safe. Six months with Bonnie made a big difference, and she is still getting bolder! I actually caught her taking a toy from Nala and teasing her with it - it was so funny!!
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member


    watch the video. The second shot (first is a blue, then the red I'm talking about) Is a dead ringer for her. Personality and all. Color is exact, so are markings and body conformation and style.

    The you'll see the red heeler beeing shown. That is a "bullet" dog. One of the best heeler bloodlines there are. She's out of that lineiage and you can really tell by her stalkiness, and her intelligance and confirmation. Though she doesn't have the "sweetest" dispositions that I can tell at this point. She makes up for it in her work and smarts.
  12. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Congrats Sam, at least she will let him touch her that's a start./
  13. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

  14. nern

    nern New Member

    Congrats Sams!
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Last night she just wanted love!! She ran up to me from the kennel and jumped and acted like she's known me my whole life!! I was in tears I was soooo happy. So we went inside and played with her new squeeky toys, she wasn't intrested in them, or the new bag of doggie bones I bought.

    granvel got home and she growled and put her hackles up!!! I quickly told her "NO!" and she quit, but he tried to pet her and she ran off. She slept on the foot of the bed and was laying over his legs last night. It was funny. I don't think she knew who she was laying on!!! He reached down and scratched her for a while then she got back on te floor.

    But as soon as he got up, she ran to my side of the bed and hoped on...but wouldn't let him touch her again....So I grabbed her collar and held her while he stroked her and then I let go. He petted her for a while, but you could really tell she didn't like it.

    THen all she wnated to do was play!!! Ugh!!!! fun yes, but at 4 in the morning, no......

    So this morning, her and smokey RAN and played, and she'd crouch down and pounce on him and he to her....and they tugged on their pig ears and oh it was soooo beautiful!!!!

    He acts like he's a puppy!!! I know he misses Char, and I'm glad she'll play with him. CHar never would, but you can tell he knows its not her.
  16. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    i am so glad to hear laci and smokey are hitting it off, pics!!!!


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