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Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by zarate, Nov 2, 2004.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Hey all, I was just curious and wanting to know if I put the 4 of my parakeets together in one humungous cage, then separated them in the spring, if they would still bond with their cage mate and still be willing to breed. Right now I've got the 2 older parakeets in the giant cage, and the other 2 parakeets in a different cage. I would like to put them all 4 in the one cage as it is plenty big enough, but I'm worried when it comes breeding season that they won't be bonded anymore. Does anyone have any comments? I wouldn't switch cage mates I'd keep it the same as I have now, but would it be ok to do that, or am I better off to just have them separated as they currently are? Thanks in advance for any replies!
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    HI it could work but the problem that could arise is even though the pairs you have are bonded with there cage mate they may decide once breeding season comes that they want the other birds mate.

    If kept in seperate cages you know who the father is of each clutch of eggs.
    If you do put them all in one cage aslong as when breeding season comes you put 2 nest boxes on the cage at the same height you should be ok but i would not worry too much if they decied the mate they have now is not the mate they want then aslong as they are not related then everything will be fine.

  3. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Reply to bonding.

    Hey Mike, thanks for the quick response. None of the birds are related, they are all from different places anyways. I was just wanting to put them together for now, but separate them again once breeding season arrives. I just wanted to know if they would abandon their mate, and if they all decide to swap mates, then that's alright too. Tho 2 of the keets are young and I don't think would mate anyways. I'm not even sure if they are male or female. I'm sure of the one pair I have tho, it's male and female. I think I'll go ahead and put them all together, I think they'd have more fun, this cage is huge...it's actually an aviary, but I've got a ton of new toys to put in their and the one pair loves it, so I'll put them all in there until breeding season comes. Thanks!
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi well since you dont mind if they switch mates then i would say yeah you can put them all together if the new cage is large enough when breeding season arrives you dont really need to seperate them aslong as you can get to nest boxes in both at the same height They will still breed usually without any problems..


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