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My Cockatiels hate me

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by PolkadotPaisley, Oct 7, 2004.

  1. PolkadotPaisley

    PolkadotPaisley New Member

    I got some cockatiels from a friend around march of this year. She had raised them and hand-trained them herself. It's true that they weren't entirely love-dovey with her either, but they'd let her hold them. When they first arrived at my house they were scared of me, as can be expected, but they let me hold them as well and they regularly played with and groomed my hair. But they have always hissed when I brought my hand up to them and the girl that they previously belonged to said that they did the same to her. They seemed to like me for a little while, but the past couple months, they've just really seemed to hate me. I'm sure that this is mostly due to the fact that due to my job for the last couple months I have been able to spend little to no time with them. They hiss when I walk by, they avoid me most of the time. However, last night I was able to hand-feed them and they groom my hair sometimes as well. I'm wondering what I can do to gain back my birds' love and trust. I know that I need to spend much more time with them and I fully intend to, but I am wondering if it is too late. Can I still make it up to them?
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi cockatiels are very funny birds at times mine are fully hand tame yet they will still have there off days.

    Once you start spending time with them again you will find that they will calm down again.
    If you have more than one they tend to prefer being with each other rather than humans but that is not too say that they wont start getting used to you again.

    Males are easier to train than females, All female cockatiels are highly strung especially if they are wanting to breed and they will most of the time hiss and bite humans.

  3. PolkadotPaisley

    PolkadotPaisley New Member

    Thank you so very much for your help. I appreciate it very much! :D
  4. hi there :)
    i can relate to ur problem as well.
    i have a young cockatiel,which we have tamed,altho we originally got her from a pet shop..shes very freindly most of the time,but she does the hissing thing and is funny around her face as well.
    its got worse since shes been laying lots of infertile eggs of late!
    some people tell me to take the egg out,others say leave them in to get her over it,i really not sure what to do??either way shes still narky.
    other than that,she flys around the house sometimes and sits with us and grooms my partners hair and ears,i think she likes him better than me sometimes!
    anyway..i understand ur concerns.
  5. luna

    luna New Member

    my moms coockatoo mr. jingles hates me. i feed him, he hisses, i try to pet him, he hisses, i go near him, he hisses and backs up. personaly i don't think these birds like anyone.
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Cockatoo's are known for not being very friendly unless handled from a very young age and this has to be carried on throughout the birds life.
    Don't take this personally as this is just the way they are.

    When any bird lays eggs if they are not fertile always leave them in the cage as each time you take them away they will just lay more to replace the eggs lost and this results in loss of calcium which can be fatal for the birds.
    Since they are infertile eggs they can be left with the hen until she grows tired of them or after the incubation period 21days for cockatiels and 19days for budgies(parrakeets)

    If you have a male and female pair and you dont want them raising chicks yet the hen lays eggs remove the eggs boil them allow to cool and mark with a number that way you know which eggs you have done and once cooled return back to the birds and allow them to sit this will stop them from replacing lost eggs.

    If there is anything in the cage that a bird can use for a nest remove it.
    Reduce the amount of light they have per day don't give them soft foods such as fruit and veg rice bread anything like that as this promotes egg laying.
    Keep changing the toys around in the cage even moving the cage to a different part of the house or room is usually enough to put her off from laying eggs.

    Always make sure birds have cuttlefish bone and mineral blocks this helps keep them in top condition.....

  7. luna

    luna New Member

    we got mr. jingles from a pet store and he can't stand quite. if its too wuite for him he starts squaking unless he's sleeping.

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