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Very Sad News

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by dhutch2352, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. dhutch2352

    dhutch2352 New Member

    I found out today that my dog is going to have to be put to sleep. We got her from the Humane Society about 7 years ago and she is now the ripe old age of 16. She has been very well taken care of and very spoiled over the past 7 years and its killing me to have to do this. She has a heart tumor. She had been slowing down more and generally just not feeling well. Of course being 16 she wasn't real active to begin with but if food was around she acts like a puppy. I've never had to do this before and I'm not real sure how to deal with it. I know shes old and she has to die soon anyway but it makes it no easier. Can anybody give me any help.
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Charllotte died very suddenly about two months ago from a heart tumor. We had her completely health checked and she was fine. So we proceeded with our Breeding plan. Two weeks before she was due to whelp, I found her "sleeping" in her kennel. Only she wasn't sleeping at all. She had fell asleep and passed away, along with her 10 unborn puppies.

    Heart tumors can be very rapidly growing. Charllottes developed with a matter of days.
    If I would have known, I would have tried my best to help her. But as the vet said during the necropsy, there wasn't anything anyone could have done.

    I"m very sorry for your loss. Its always devistating when you loose a loved one. Its aparent you loved him and I commend you for rescuing him from the shelter and giving him such a wonderful remaining life.

    The best I can say to help you out, is don't hold your feelings back. Let it all out. We had a burial for Charllotte and her photo still sits on my dresser, desk at work, and always on her kennel door.

    WE have now gotten another female, and though she will not ever replace Char, she helps fill in the void in our hearts and lives. Smokey is much happier now as well.
  3. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. When we had to put my cat to sleep I was so sad. Then when it was all over a great peace just filled the house. Sure there was no more Blueyes, but his spirit is still here, and i love waking up to him sitting on the edge of my bed and watching me sleep.

    it is said that when am animal is rescued it is like winning the lottery for the pet. You rescued your dog and she won the lottery, you were her prize. I can tell she won the ultimate prize. Don't be afraid to let your feelings flow. just let them out. don't worry about it. Again i'm sorry for your loss and hugs got to you and your dog.
  4. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    One thing remembwer he is going where he will feel no more pain Rainbow Beidge is a nice place God has made for them to wait for us. also maybe it's time or theres another rescue waiting for you to give it a happy home. Good luck and I'll be praying for you both.
  5. dhutch2352

    dhutch2352 New Member

    Thank all of you for your kindness. Trixie is very special to us and she has been given a wonderful life the whole time we've had her. I know it sounds a little silly for some but we have always talked about having her cremated and I suppose thats what we'll do. We've decided to wait until Monday to have her put to sleep because she always follows us around on the weekends knowing she is going to get to go to the park. So this weekend we will give her one last trip to the park before she has to go. Again thank you all for your help. Its been comforting.
  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Having her cremated is not silly My nala passed away in march and i had her cremated and her ash's spread in a pet cemetry. I'm very sorry to hear about your baby i will be thinking of you if you need to talk we are all here for you
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    its sounds llike you gave her wonderful life. I had to make this decision with my cat. I had to have my husband take him.

    Is she in a lot of pain or is it something nature will takes its course??

    Sometimes I think I wasnt there for him, and be with my dogs and cat when they go.

    so please think about whats important to you, do you want o be holding her, can it be done at home where you will both be more relaxed. Do you want to hav eher cremated .

    (((hugs))) to you and your baby

  8. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    dhutch2352: I know how you're feeling. I had to P.T.S. 4 old dogs in 2 years time. Just think about what a wonderful life you gave Trixie. Also I think it's the ultimate and most wonderful gift we can give our pets, the gift of relief from their suffering. I just wish we could do the same with our human loved ones.
  9. dhutch2352

    dhutch2352 New Member

    The vet says shes not suffering, a little uncomfortable maybe but not in any pain. Shes always been healthy and we've always tried to make sure she stays that way. You know 60.00 a month for arthritis medicine, heartworm medicine, flea medicine....etc. When they get her age its always something. But we have always taken care of it. She even had to have an eye removed. The retina detached and it was like that for a long time, it never hurt her she just couldn't see out of that eye. Then the eye just got soft and I guess dissolved so we had to have that removed. Her hearings not what it used to be and she doen't move too quickly anymore but shes never suffered. This has came on pretty quick and was very unexpected. Thanks for letting me ramble.
  10. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I'm very sorry. :cry:

    When Max died we had him cremated and we spred his ashes in the backyard in all of his favourite spots.
  11. dhutch2352

    dhutch2352 New Member

    I guess we really haven't thought about what to do with the ashes. I guess we need to think about that. Can't you just keep them?
  12. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Yes you can keep them. They have some really nice urns to keep them in.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Here are my favorite poems for this difficult time:

  14. Kathy74

    Kathy74 New Member

    I'm very sorry for this hard time you are going through. Don't feel silly if you want to have her cremated. My aunt had her precious kitty (the daughter she never had) cremated when she passed away quite a few years ago. Kitty's urn has a very special spot in the house and everyone knows that when my aunt passes on, that kitty is to be buried with her. It made it a lot easier for my aunt to know that someday they will be buried together. Do what you need to do to grieve your precious friend, and don't let anyone make you feel silly. Some family members tried to make my aunt feel silly...She told them that she pitied them as they obviously had not felt the love and devotion she had between her and her precious baby. *Hugs and prayers*
  15. dhutch2352

    dhutch2352 New Member

    Jamiya, Thank you for the beautiful quotes. They made me cry but they also help. Thank all of you for your kindness and your thoughts. I can tell today she is getting worse we were hoping to wait to do this until Monday but we may not be able too. She always looks forward to going to the park on the weekends and she will follow you around until you take her. If she is still here this weekend we plan to take her there one last time. I know she won't be able to take her usual walk but we can take her there anyway. I have a question that my vet may be the only one that can answer and I plan to ask tomorrow. Since yesterday I notice she will walk to her water bowl and just stand amd look at it. Last night I saw her drink from it but tonight she justs looks at it. What would make her do that? She hasn't been eating much but tonight I had some fried chicken and it was the only thing she had showed much interest in so I fed her most of my chicken. lol. She also never ever gets chocolate but she ate some of a candy bar tonight and I just let her have it what harm can it do now. I'm sorry this is so long I know I'm rambling and taking up a lot of space but it helps just to write these things down and know you are listening. If anyone has any clue about the water please let me know. Shes still peeing so I don't think its her kidneys.
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think she knows it is her time very soon. She may just not be interested in eating or drinking anymore.

    If she makes it this weekend, you can take her to the park in a wagon if she can't walk herself. We saw people at the park pulling their ancient dog in a little red wagon. The dog was all snuggled up in her blankets and you could tell she loved being there, even if she couldn't run and sniff like she used to. We had Nala with us, and this was when she was a little pup - such a beautiful illustration of the "circle of life."

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