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Turkey cat

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lil96, Nov 6, 2004.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Ok on my honeymoon I went to Turkey, we stayed on a resort in Antalya, but at the resort there were the coolest cats they had awesome marking. I have tried to find more pictures, but all I can find are these 2 (same cat) but if you can't really tell in these pics, but it has solid, striped and dotted patches and the stripes go in different directions, a patch of stripes are horizontal, the next vertical, I don't know how to describe it! And its eyes are such a weird intense color. The colors didn't come out as brilliant as it really was. Also these cats were very well behaved they didn'T jumpon anything, didn'T go through the trash (that I saw) They just played happily in the sand. It was so cute every night a guy would rake the beach and make the sand nice and smooth and a group of cats would sit on the side and watch him until he was totally done and had everything straightened, then the would come out and play!!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    how many were you tempted to pack up and bring home
  3. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    What an interesting story. The picture of the cat looks like he/she has stockings on the front paws. It looks like a beautiful cat.
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    That's a gorgeous cat!
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Its legs match like stockings really! I wanted to bring so many of them home! But that reminds, I don'T know if anyone knew this (or cared) but in GReece before the Olympics, they went through and wiped out alot of dogs and cats. My German teacher rescued a dog and told me about it, so I don't know too much on it, but I thought that was sad that the people PTS so many dogs and cats to make the city look prettier for the Olympics. Greece reminds me alot of Turkey that is why I thought about it. And I wondered what the cats do when the resorts shut down in winter, because they all looked failry young, except occassionally I would see a few big huge tom cats.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    What a beautiful cat, well fed too! I thought cats are good luck. How dare they wipe them out and dogs too just for the Olympics! :m36:
  7. Bente

    Bente New Member

    What a beautifull cat! :eek:
    I went to Turkey with my boyfriend in may, and we didn't see alot of cats.
    I saw two, and this is one of them:

    Cute :wink:
  8. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    omg..the markings on that cat are incredible..such a magnificent looking animal..i would have put em in my suitcase..lol...absolutely beautiful markings.
  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Very pretty cat, lil96. It does have beautiful markings.

    The kitty you posted, Bente, is very cute, too. It looks young.
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    What a gorgeous cat! I love the markings and colors.

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