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abnormally large bichon?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by senzafine, Apr 5, 2004.

  1. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    When my dad bought Dodo (yes that's his name snicker all you want :p )
    the lady told him he was a pure bred. But i've noticed that Bichon Frise are half his size.

    Was he really a purebred? ...and just really rare? haha. Here's a picture of him.

  2. lanena322

    lanena322 New Member

    Just an Opinion

    Hi, I dont know much about Bichon but he does look abnormally large. Just my opinion but I think he could be mixed, there are some features that are a tiny bit off, just cant quite put my finger on them. Maybe the Toy Dog forum could also help?

    But purebred or not, large or not he is a great looking dog! Looks very sweet congratulations on the new dog
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I don't know...looks like a white cockapoo to me - do they ever come in white?

    I found a site with the standards for Bichons
  4. lanena322

    lanena322 New Member

    Thats it!

    Yes he does look sort of like a white cockapoo, thats what was off. I think hey do come in all white. But Dodo does have the look of a bichon just real large
  5. senzafine

    senzafine New Member

    Yeah i'm guessing that's why he was cheaper than the normal price for a Bichon.


    Here's another picture of him, a bit clearer to see his face.

    And all this time we thought we were over feeding him!
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    He could be less costly because everyone wants the tiny bichons. I have seen a pure bichon that was probably two times bigger that most. They do range in size. What size did you think he would be weight wise? This bichon I saw had to be at least 25 to thirty pounds. He was old though and fat. If he was at the perfect wieght for his size I would guess he would be around 17 to 20 lbs. He's got the round bichon eyes and the dark nose with the snout looking longer than the poodles does. Bichons sometimes have a bit a apricot when they are puts and generally turn whiteee by 1 or 2. Oh, as for your bichons name, don't feel bad. My brother recently got a pug pup and named him Bumbum. Check out the different bichon's rescues at www.smallpaws.com You can judge it for yourself too.
  7. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    I just wanted to add that he's so adorable :) I love Bichons- they're like giant teddy bears :)
  8. Alabamamom1

    Alabamamom1 New Member

    Bichons are supposed to be 7-12 lbs and 9-11 in tall. Even though your dog might not be those specifications that showing standards have, I am guessing that is why he was less expensive because he was larger and not meeting show standards. I don't personally think that it means he is not purebred, but who cares-look at that adorable face! He is way cute-no matter what breed. I say he is pure though. (just my opinion)
  9. catrastrophe

    catrastrophe New Member

    Looks pure to me. My husband's aunt used to breed Bichons for show, she said she always had at least one pup from each litter go oversize, and that once she had a 30lb Bichon. The Bichon my hubbie had growing up looked just like your dog, only smaller. I have never seen a cocker/poodle that looked like your dog. He is adorable! :idea:
  10. klf

    klf New Member

    bichon pup

    my in-laws only get bichons...they're dogs about 20-25lbs. poor breeding can cause larger pups. but this doesn't make the dog bad or of bad genes. Labs went under a lot of riticule because they were getting too tall and large. Akc restricted registering and pointing the ones that were tooo tall. the breed standard is just that a standard. large or small doen't mean a thing for a pet! they just want to be loved. cock a poos usually are buff or black and can weigh up to 40lbs. this guy could pass for one but the color and coat texture is not right. does your dad know how big the parents are? maybe mom or dad is large. i have to agree with : Alabamamom1 he does look pure blood and is very cute! nice dark nose and cute face! hope your dad will be with him 24/7 bichons hate to be left alone!

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