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Garlic for dogs

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Okay, so apparently garlic is in the same family as onions, which are dangerous for dogs. I have seen so many references to feeding garlic to dogs, though, that I am doing some research on it. I have definitely found references that say not to feed garlic to CATS.

    Here is something that seems right to me:

    So, moderation seems to be the key. And watch for any of the symptoms they mentioned.

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    And another article:

  3. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Would this not be in it's raw form and not in the processed form and I am sure one would not give such dosages to cause harm to there pets. Once more I have never seen a dog or cat die from processed garlic as for onion I have never given it to my guys and would not. I had a friend out west that feeds there guys tacos and red peppers and they are just fine. Down Mexico way you see the dogs eating stuff like that all the time. It's a part of there diet. Just like other places in the world they feed what is available to them.
    I think we have been trained to feed out of the bag and just don't know any better. My fathers dog never had bagged food they got what was left after dinner and a good old bone. It's odd to me that they were around for a lot of years and did not get all the pills and shots they do today.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You are preaching to the choir, 2pyrs. I am trying to find some natural aids to repel bugs. My dogs are raw fed, and I am no longer vaccinating or using heartworm meds or flea/tick meds. However, I am also making sure that what I feed does not have a high risk of causing an illness in my animals.

    The articles all said that ANY form of garlic or onions could cause this reaction - raw, powder, processed - whatever. Onions were noted as being more dangerous than garlic.

    And as we both noted, it sounds like you would have to feed an excessive amount of garlic for anything bad to happen. One clove every day or two for a 40-pound dog probably is not excessive.

  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi guys i will give you something my vet gave me when i was looking after my sisters dog when he would not gain weight and it has worked wonders he is now his normal body weight for his breed and is full of energy.

    I always thought garlic was dangerous but guess not.

    Garlic rids the body of parasites and strengthens digestion.

    2Cloves of fresh chopped garlic
    Grated carrots or turnip( suede)
    Fast one day per week giving only raw meat bones.

    This helps dogs digestion and helps them absorb more nutrients than there body normally does which makes a stronger healthier dog.

    It worked for max maybe it will work on other dogs.

  6. Jas

    Jas New Member

    I agree moderation is the key. I posted before about Kyolic aged garlic which some people give instead. It does not contain allicin (the chemical in garlic and onions) related to hemolytic anemia. Kyolic may be easier on the system than raw garlic...
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I always put a couple tiny peices of chopped garlic in my dogs food. I have NO fleas and use NO Drops like advantage or anything on them. Char is illergic to it and I don't think its all that safe. I have used Frontline on my pups before. (over 8 wks)

    I like it. I don't feed processed anything to my dogs. I don't eat processed anything as well. Sorry, real meats for me!!! and Fresh veggies. Though I do like some canned veggies and frozen.....
    But NO hotdogs or anything like that. YUCK!
  8. catrastrophe

    catrastrophe New Member

    If you dont use heartworm preventative, how do you keep your dogs from getting them??? I have never heard of another way to prevent! Several people have suggested to us to go to homopathic medicine....but I dont know much about that....never thought about feeding a dog garlic before... :?:
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    If they are not bitten by a mosquito, they cannot get it! A lot of people believe if a dog's immune system is truly healthy - no vaccinations, no heartworm/flea/tick preventive, species-appropriate diet - that even if they do get bitten by an infected mosquito, they will fight off the infestation by themselves. I think there have even been studies that show that some dogs have built up an immunity to heartworms, without the preventive.

    Jas, where do I find kyolic garlic?

  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    JImiya most drug stores and grocery stores sell kyloic garlic. It says right on the front of the bottle. so yo should be able to find it easy enough.

    Sam OMG, I bought hot dogs the other day, rarely eat them and pick up what what I thought were all beef "ballpark" hot dogs. They were disgusting. So I look at the package and it says "fat free" hoe in the heck do you make a hot dog fat free YUK :x

  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Okay, so it is a supplement-type thing and not a raw, fresh plant sort of thing. It wouldn't seem like it would be as good as raw garlic, but I just read about it and they say even without the odor it has the same (or better) properties as raw garlic without the tummy upset. Interesting! I will look for it.

  12. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    We have been using black walnut and garlic as I have said for many years but I want it understood it is our preference and we don't sell the products but we do buy our stuff from Natures Sunshine a company we have been with for a number of years that originally sold herbs for people only. There are cheaper places on the net but remember you get what you pay for.
    We feel and others we know that black walnut gets in to the blood stream and since it is a form a low does poison it kills all parasites and it also goes into the digestive track killing worms. I guess you can say it is a good form of poison if there is such a thing. In and average day we ourselves consume more poisons in different forms then you could even begin to think about. the body has a way of breaking down and rearranging the stuff we consume. I wish I could find more studies on the way dogs and cats lived before we decided they need a bag of food and a shot to live. Oh by the way I take omega 3 and vitamin E,C, caps once a day and my cholesterol is 170.

  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I bet they didn't eat black walnut :)

    The point is, with a healthy immune system, promoted by a species-appropriate diet, no shots, and no "medications", your dog should be able to fight off infections and parasites. They don't need black walnut or anything else - it's just how they are made.

    This is what you keep talking about, like it is a thing that no one knows about anymore. Join some raw feeding or no vaccine groups and you will find yourself among like-minded individuals.

    However, since MY dog has only been on raw for a few months and because she had a TON of puppy vaccinations (I didn't know any better) and was given Sentinel and Frontline for several months, I feel better for the next year or so using some sort of bug repellent while her immune system recovers from all the abuse I caused it without knowledge of what I was doing.

    Garlic seems to fit the bill.

  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Okay, I finally found kyolic garlic. Anyone know how much is appropriate to give? There is 300mg garlic per tablet, and for humans they say to take 2, twice a day. So do you think one per day is enough for bug deterrent purposes in a 40-pound dog?

    I tried looking on the garlic/brewers yeast tablets I have that are made for pets and it says to give 2 tablets per 10 pounds of animal - but it doesn't say how much garlic is in each tablet. Must be a pretty small amount.

  15. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

  16. lanena322

    lanena322 New Member

    Congrats to all who feed raw! I am 16, and im trying to convince my mom that feeding raw is best. I had her so close but she still doent believe raw feeding is less expensive.

    I read on a site about raw feeding that it was less expensive, that you can go to the butcher and ask for left overs and they will sell for very cheap.

    But to tell you the truth, I really dont believe that feeding raw is less expensive! The numbers just dont add up, I mean we are talking about fresh, raw meat. Someone please help with the prices, I really want to start my girls on a raw diet!
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, but how does that equate to kyolic garlic tablets with 300mg of garlic per tablet? :)

    For the cost of raw feeding. If you are somewhere with a raw feeding co-op, you can get really good prices. Makes the shopping easy, too. Without a co-op, you sometimes have to search around a lot. Good places to try are butchers, especially ones that butcher meat for the hunters. A lot of what people don't want is great for dogs and therefore cheaper. BUT, you also have to be careful because you want to make sure the bones you are getting are MEATY bones - about 75% meat and 25% bone. Too much bone is just as harmful as too little. Whole carcasses are even better. Buying in bulk helps with those.

    I haven't had time to get to real butchers yet, so I do my shopping at grocery stores still. I try to stay under $1/pound and since my dogs eat about a pound per day (each), it comes out to $1/day = $30/month per dog. Of course, that price varies depending on what I can find.

    Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market sells chicken leg quarters for $0.37/pound. They come in 10-pound bags which means the whole bag costs $3.70. It feeds one dog for about 10 days. The trick is finding a VARIETY of meats, which are usually more expensive - so the cheaper leg quarters balance out some of the meats I buy that cost $2-3/pound. See?

  18. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i do a part raw diet and for a months worth its half the price id pay for a 7.5 kg bag of eukanuba. saves me alot of money. i just cook her pet chicken mince and rice and give her raw chicken necks and sometimes giblets. i also add supplements. beats boring dry kibble. jamiya chicken over there is so cheap!!! 'Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market sells chicken leg quarters for $0.37/pound' over here something like that would cost about $4 AUD/kg.
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That is by far the cheapest price. You can buy chicken leg quarters at other places for $1.19/pound or more. Hopefully the Wal-Mart ones are not inferior. :)

    I also look for whole roasters, with giblets and not soaked in their little broth solution. I can usually find them for under $1/pound. I buy a four pound one and hack it into quarters (literally) and there's 2 days worth of dinners! Not to mention nifty organ meats for one dog. Too bad they don't make chickens with two sets of organs. :shock:


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