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im back and getting 2 guinea pigs

Discussion in 'All other pets' started by FMgurl43, Oct 29, 2004.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    hi to everyone. its been awhile since ive been on here (working to much :shock: lol) but just wanted to tell everyone bout the new addition to the family i will be getting tomarrow... right now i have 2 lovebirds 1 teil, 4 cats, 1 dog and 3 fish tanks and to add on i will be getting 2 guinea pigs tomarrow from a girl that i work with. both guinea pigs are 4months old and very very sweet. the girl is working 3 jobs right now and does not have the time to spend w/ them so i have offered to take them in.. i will post pix as soon as i get them tomarrow...
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    :eek: Congrats on your new piggies! Hope everything work out well! Can't wait to see the pics.
  3. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well i got them today.. finally i waited all day.... anyways they r to cute!!!! i didnt get a chance to take pix b/c when i got home it was dark and i have one of those cheap cameras that will only work outside in bright light. but ill try and post some tomarrow...but some other news that came along w/ them when i picked them up that they might not be two males afterall it might be female and a male ad the girl migt be pregnate!!! :shock: but i havent handled them to much since i got them since i know the long car ride has probably upset them enough. i handled them long enough to change their huge cage (i could fit probably 10 cats in the thing its BIG) and put food in etc...
  4. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member


    That site will show you what a male and female should look like. Thats kinda umb that they did'nt know the sex the guinea pigs yet you can tell right when their born what sex they are. BTW if your thinking your gonna get tons of babies it very unlikely considering if the female is a female at only four months luckily it is safe for her to have babies she will only have a litter ranging from 1-4 babies. My female only had two. Sorry if this came out a bit harsh and im just trying to help definatly check out that site though.
  5. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    sorry i havent been on in a while... so im a little late.. my 2 piggys r both males!!! :eek: ... but i was grooming them today brushing etc.. for the first time since i got them and they have LICE!!! :shock: i called the vet today and he just told me to pick up this shampoo 4 guinea pigs that have lice (i have the brand name wrote down in my car) and do wash them when i get it and then again in 2 weeks and to be on the safe side to keep washing them w/ it 2 more times every two weeks...then that should take care of it if not them to bring them in and get them the shot.... to change the bedding to paper towels 4 now etc.. soooi guess i will try that....im so upset i dunno how long these poor babies have had this they have to be so uncomfortable...

    but... we r still trying to think of names 4 them my son calls one shaggy and the other chewy but.... then there is pookie, odie, and a few others (we like the movie garfield can u tell?lol) but i will post some pix when i can find a good uploading site....since there is no more photo island
  6. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Oh no not lice. Oh well atleast the treatment is simple enough.

    Personally I like Chewy, my old neighbors have a little black rabbit names Chewy.

    Can't wait for the pics
  7. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well here are some pix they r a lil blurry but... shaggy is the black white and orange one and chewy is the browish orange w/ 2 orange spots one (his color dont show up that well)ill take better ones when i can get off early enough...



  8. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    OMG I love Shaggy's face! His marking are so pretty (or should I say handsome).
  9. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    thank you.. i think thats what we r gonna name them... shaggy and chewy.. shaggy cause he has only a few long hairs around his ears and butt and the other one chewy cause he will chewy on anything he can sink his teeth into...

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