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Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by mikehosscorp, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. mikehosscorp

    mikehosscorp New Member

    how do i know when my parakeet is readyfor a chic does she act diff and how do i know if she is pregnet when do i put a nest in
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Dont mean to sound blunt but have you mated her with another bird?
    How old are they?
    Do you know anything about this type of bird?
    Do you know anything about breeding?
    Why are you wanting to breed?
    What makes you sure you can handle it?
    Can you hand feed a chick if anything was to happen to the parents or they abandoned the eggs?
    Could you tell if the chicks are healthy?
    Do you know the background of the birds your mating?
    Where did you buy these birds?
    Is the cage large enough to accomadate the pair plus there chicks which can be upto 8?

    Birds do not get pregnant Birds lay eggs which they have to incubate and be fertile before they will hatch.
    Incubation period is 19days first egg should be in the nest around 3weeks after mating.

    Before atempting to breed research the breed of bird find out all you can about health care, Housing, feeding requirements during breeding season how often to mate these birds how many clutches of eggs to allow them to have before taking out the nest and allowing the to rest and rebuild there resources.

    Do you have everything in the cage the female needs?
    Do you know if she is actually in breeding condition?
    What colour is her cere ( fleshy part above the beak?

    Males will have a purplish pink or blue coloured cere.
    Females will have white, tan or dark brown ceres.

    If you can answer all of those questions then you will manage ok and i will give you all the advice and help you need...


    I have years of experience breeding Budgies(parrakeets) Zebra finch's, Cockatiels and dogs.
    I dont mean to come across pushy because i worked for animal welfare and have worked in a veterinary surgery my concern is the animals..
    I am not saying your a bad owner or anything like that but i do ask the same questions to everyone and so far everyone has succesfully bred there birds...

  3. mikehosscorp

    mikehosscorp New Member

    my parakeet is about 1 yr old and she is with a male to i wantt them to breed because i think it would be fun to raise one from scratch.im a beginer with parakeets yes i can tell if a bird is heathy i know that parakeets come from austrailia. i dont know anything about hand feeding a chic if parents abandon them i do know the personality of my parakeets they r ere very activ and love to climb things i bought the birds at a pet store.i have aa cage that fits 2 parrakeets but i made a cage in my room that is really big it could probably fit abot 10 parrakeets but if tey have chics i will probably sell some of them no i dont know if she is in breeding condition the female cer has tan color male has bluish color
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Ok first of all, "i think it would be fun to raise one from scratch" is not the best reason in the world to be breeding birds. If you're not prepared and committed to it it can be stressful on both you and your birds.

    I'd suggest reading up on breeding budgies a lot more before you start.

    About handfeeding, if the parents abandon the chicks are you willing feed up to eight chicks every few hours, including throughout the night , for weeks? If you have school or work (sorry don't know how old you are) then do you have someone who will feed them while you are away? Chicks can't go for 8 hours without eating.

    That's about the same personality of every budgie I've ever met.

    A male and female parakeet can live quite comfortably in a cage without breeding. Buster and Chick did.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I agree breeding just because you think it would be fun is NOT a reason to breed.
    Anything can go wrong and when things go wrong in birds it usually ends up being fatal.
    As i say to all people that are wanting to breed research research and research.
    Get in contact with local breeders ask them if you can see how they have there birds and nests and things set up ask him/her hundreds of questions...


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