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Update on Wylie

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    well I have good news and bad news

    the good news is Wylie has pancreatitis, totally treatable, no lasting effects and the treatment is brutial. it consists of iv fluids for a few days to 5 days depending a severity with no solid food. She was able to come home Sunday morning, and we have slowly been introducing msall amoutns of canned food. Pancreatitis is an emflimation of teh pancreas and instestine and it doens allow food to get by and digest.

    It is usually cuased by dogs gettin into trash and gorging themselves on lots of high fatty food or people feeding lots of high fat table scraps.

    this is unusual because when do do give wylie anything like left over chicken, etc,. it is in very small cut up amounts. and not very much. She has to alwasy smell, tasted and then eat, so the vet said this is an usual case. oops they say they almost sure this is what it is but wont no for certiain until the tests come back later this week.

    Now the bad news,
    they found something unrelated. looks like a tumor on her spleen, which is deadly if it bursts. they want her back in 3-4 weeks for another ultrasound to see if this thing has grown, they want to remove her spleen. so I will go back and then get a 2nd opnion, hopfully I can get copies for that.

    will keep you posted

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Poor Wylie and poor you! I hope she starts feeling better and maybe the tumor is a false alarm. And if not, maybe catching it early like this will make the difference. I believe most things happen for a reason, so perhaps the unusual pancreatitis happened so the tumor could be found early.

    My sister has a friend who had a regular cold or something and had routine bloodwork done that led to discovering he had a form of leukemia. They said it would have been months before it showed up on its own and by then it would have been too late. He underwent treatment and is now totally fine.
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jimiya, I told my husband yesterday, I do believe the pancreatitis is a blessing, because the vet said wiith spleen tumors, there are no symptoms, they are called the silent killer because of it and the dog ends up in ER with a ruptered spleen that kills them, So if it is a tumor we have advanced warning which rarely happens.

  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Poor Wylie! :cry: Oh I hope he feels better soon! Keep us posted Honeybears.
  5. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Poor pup is having a rough month. When my old Jake experienced Bloat they had to remove his spleen during surgery and it had absoutely no ill effect on him at all. I was not required to adjust his diet or provide any supplements.
    Good thing for you that they did identify thios problem in time to provide treatment.
  6. Rene

    Rene New Member

    honeybear i'm sorry for wylie i hope she feels better soon

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