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What Have I Done? Two Siamese Toms Too Much? Help!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by CatDogMom, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. CatDogMom

    CatDogMom New Member

    I admit to having limited experience with cats--three years--and LOTS of experience with dogs (50), but I may have bitten off more than I can chew :oops: :oops: :-({|= :m35: :m35:

    Oscar came to me in September after my beloved Bart died :cry: It was quite an adjustment because Bart was a DSH and Oscar is a Siamese mix: specifically a Lynx-cross. He is beautiful and took to my dogs right away, but the rescue that I got him from had billed him as very sociable with Humans and quite a lover--which he is NOT :roll: (why do rescues do this?) Of course I love him and of course I am very happy that he and my Standard Poodle love each other so much, but I want kitty lap time!

    I thought that two cats and two dogs would be a good mix, each would have the other to play with, cuddle with and I would get a kitty who loved snuggling as much as I do. So...

    After numerous :!: :!: e-mails and pix sent from Kansas City Siamese Rescue (a truly STERLING organization everyone :0019: :0019: ) I chose a second Lynx-mix boy and brought him home yesterday. His name is Noodle Canoodle.

    I know that you're supposed to isolate and all that, but try doing that with a Siamese tom. Yelling, scratching at the door and piteous weeping ensue! :roll: FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE DOOR

    Then when I went into the isolation ward with water/food/litter, Noodle ran out and I gave up.

    Well, you all are now laughing at me because I did not expect what I got, which was spitting, hissing and lots of death threats between two POSSESSIVE BOYS. :oops: :oops:

    What have I done!!! How can I fix it? Do I just leave them alone? They are doing SLIGHTLY better this am. Also, to make matters worse, I CAN HARDLY TELL THEM APART. It doesn't help when I call Noodle Oscar and Oscar Noodle.

  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    It sounds like you got quite a mess here, but it also sounds like you're a real animal lover, so i'm sure everything will work out just fine eventually :)

    I've read one thing several times on this forum, and that is to put a drop of vanilla essence on both cats if they don't get along... That way they share the same smell, wich makes them tolerate eachother better. Be sure you put it somewhere they can't lick it off right away...

    Are your boys neutered? If not, that might be the source of your problems... Male cats are very protective when it comes to their territory.

    I'm sure you'll get tons of advice, so good luck :y_the_best:

    And btw, if you have pictures of your kittens, please share :m7:
  3. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I don't really have any great advice for you since i have limited cat experience myself, but from what i've picked up over the last couple years, it's pretty normal for them to have a hissing match when they first meet and trying to establish who's boss. When i first introduced my Vianne to another foster kitten, she wanted nothing to do with her. For about a week anytime she saw her, she'd start hissing and batting at the baby through her crate bars. ( i didn't leave them loose together for awhile)....after the first week, i slowly started my introductions while always holding them gently scruffed just in case i had to quickly separate them. Within a few days, Vianne and Kodak became best buddies and were constantly playing together, sleeping next to each other. Vianne litter box trained the baby for me and showed her around like a big sister. It was very cute. By the time i introduced another foster, she had no issues with it and considered it her duty to watch over the newbies and show em the ropes :D I only foster girl kittens right now until Vianne gets spayed, which should be pretty soon here, so i'm not sure about the behavior difference with the boys and territory and all that, but just thought i'd share. Good luck! Maybe someone else will have more suggestions for you :)
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    go to www.meezer.com
    Kansas rescue is now gone since the person who ran it had a complicated pregnancy. Colorado basically took over their aspect of it.
    I do urge you to go to the message board affiliated with the rescue groups.
    Post there and you'll get TONS of help
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I also wanted to add I'm surprised they'd adopt out an unneutered male cat....very surprised. Did the 2nd one come from them also?

    There are several things you can do
    Add Bach's Rescue Remedy to their water until they settle down
    Try isolation over again and don't give in to their demands (meezers are really good at training people)
    Do use the resources at meezer.com
    Also the person who interviewed you can be of great help if you have any questions
    If this tom was not neutered do so pronto
  6. CatDogMom

    CatDogMom New Member

    What Have I Done? Two Siamese Toms Too Much? Help!

    I may have used the wrong word to describe my "boy" cats--is the word Tom only for an intact male? Both boys have been neutered. I don't believe in keeping intact animals unless one is a professional breeder. In fact, the only intact animal living in this house is the sole Human.

    They seem much better today. I just got home from my 4 pm to 12 midnight (Central Standard Time, U.S.) shift and all is quiet. I was greeted (separately) by the two cats. There is evidence of food consumption and elimination, so that seems ok.

    Thank you for all of your kind advice. I'm trying the vanilla thing and going to the meezer website. I'll keep you posted.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    you'll find a wealth of info at meezer.com and some wonderful people. I found their website 7 years ago when I got my first Siamese and it's a great place if you want people companionship from meezer people LOL

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