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Is it normal for a puppy to vomit occasionally?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by colleen2610, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. colleen2610

    colleen2610 New Member

    I have a 5 month old Dachshund. Twice now in the time we have had her, she has woken in the morning and then had a drink and then it seems she makes herself vomit.

    This morning she did it for the second time and once again on spittle comes up, and then she had a drink and started her usual puppy antics :wink: She doesnt lose her appetite or anything and this is the second time it has happened.

    Is this normal for a dog? I seem to remember my childhood pet doing the same thing but cant remember if it was a bad thing?
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Sometimes they vomit yellowish foamy stuff when their tummies are empty. It's bile. It's usually no big deal. Are you feeding her multiple times per day? At 5 months, she should be fed a couple of times. If she acts funny in any other way or it happens more often, you can call your vet and run it by them to see if she needs to be seen.
  3. colleen2610

    colleen2610 New Member

    Heart Worm coincidence

    Thanks for your response. Today when I got home she was full of beans without a care in the world!

    I did remember something though. I gave here a heart worm tablet the evening before. And I checked my calendar and am 99% sure that she did the same thing last month with the heart tablet.

    Do many dogs get 'out of sorts' after a heart worm tablet?
  4. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    Did you give the medication with the meal? For humans, pills are more digestable when we take them with meal. I assume it's the same for dogs.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Or she could be allergic to it. What brand are you using? You should probably mention it to your vet and see if they recommend a different kind.
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Smokey does this after his heartworm pills....If he continues to do it. Consult your vet. Otherwise feed him before you give him the med. THat usually helps. Pills on an empty stomache might be irritating his little tummy.
  7. colleen2610

    colleen2610 New Member

    Will try with food this month

    Thank you for your advice. I will try giving her some food this month before we give her the tablet and then monitor how she goes. I might also try giving it to her first thing in the morning as well.

    I am afraid my vet will think I am a hyperchondriac when it comes to puppy!!!....aghhh does anyone have an instruction book :shock:

    Thank you all for your kind responses :lol:

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