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help! I have babies in my tank but its not possible

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by keepondraggin, Nov 6, 2004.

  1. keepondraggin

    keepondraggin New Member

    I have a platty (not sure what kind but it is red with a black tail) and a fan tail multi colored goldfish (not really gold at all, mostly black and white splotches). I have had them in the tank for about 4 or 5 months and two days ago i was sitting there and noticed about 15 little babies who all look like the platty. How did this happen? Are they are a cross breed? none of them look like the goldfish! what do i do with them? Do platties lay eggs? if they give live birth how long are they pregnant! I am still very new to this someone please help! I dont even know what to feed them!
  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    i think that, like guppys, platties can store sprem for months. they are livebearers
  3. Blau_the_cow

    Blau_the_cow New Member

    I agree with grnlemonade, the platty probably stored sperm and decided that now would be a good time to use it. As for feeding the babies, there are some liquid drops that you can buy, they should be found at any LFS. I don't use those drops though, I just crush up some flakes into VERY tiny pieces and feed about 3 times per day...just watch you dont feed too much, or they won't eat it and it will start to grow fungus. Good Luck :y_the_best:
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Platy's give live birth and they can store sperm.

    Once I bought 4 female Platys and about 3-4 months later one of them had babies.

    Take Blau_the_cow's suggestion of crushed up flakes, it's what I use for my fry when they're young.
  5. keepondraggin

    keepondraggin New Member


    I saw some posts saying to remove the babies so i did, i put them in a seperate tank and they are eating very well, its wierd becasue some of them are tiny but then there are some bigger ones. The problem now is that mom isnt looking to good, she suddenly looks really fat like she is going to blow up. She cant still be pregnant can she?
  6. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    i am not sure, but that can be a possibility.
  7. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    red with a black tail? thats a micky mouse platy.

    again, they can store sperm and if you baguht her from a LFS where the sexes are in together, she must have been breeding i the LFS, the stress of the drive home would make her drop soon. My dad baught me 2 mollies, one sailfin, i woke the next day to a tank of fry!

    its alot more difficult to see if molies and platies, especially are pregnant.

    compared to guppies.
  8. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    It could also be a red wag platy.

    This is a reg wag

    This is a Mickey Mouse
  9. keepondraggin

    keepondraggin New Member

    thats it

    It is the red wag tail definately i took a picture of her to show aht her belly looks like, She is so fat now and almost looks like she is losing her color under her belly

  10. gravity

    gravity New Member

    You said that the mother isn't looking well...is she eating? Does it look like she's having trouble swimming? Does she look sick or have anything besides her swollen belly that makes you think something's wrong? I don't *think* she would get pregnant again this quickly, mine never did, but I would not tell you that for sure.

    As long as she's eating and swimming ok, and doesn't have white spots all over her, I wouldn't be too concerned. Check to see if maybe she hurt herself somehow (like a cut), and maybe add some Melafix or other slime coat stuff.

    Good luck.
  11. keepondraggin

    keepondraggin New Member

    She eats fine and is swimming fine. I dont thinks its possible for her to be pregnant again since there isnt a male in the tank only a fan tail goldfish. I guess she is just fat, but she was very red about a week or so ago and now she just looks like she is lightning up around her belly. She actually looked as red as the picture above but as you can see in my picture she isnt very red at all. I know its a fuzzy picture but you can still see she isnt very vibrant looking. There isnt any way she maybe didnt have them all and maybe she is just STILL pregnant and will eventually drop them all? I know that sounds retarded but I just cant figure this out. I never even knew she was pregnant at aall until one day there was fry and now she is a lot bigger than she was before she had them. I guess im just going to keep an eye on her and see what happens maybe get her some vitamins.
  12. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I hate to say it, but that looks a bit like dropsy. If you shine a strong light on her, is her stomach a bit transparent?

    Just to be on the safe side, I recommend getting her in a hospital tank and keep a really close eye on her (especially look for pineconed scales).

  13. gravity

    gravity New Member

    Wow, yeah, my platies have never looked like that, even when they were pregnant. This is over my head. I've never seen a pic of dropsy, but that certainly looks like all the descriptions of it.

    Good luck.
  14. keepondraggin

    keepondraggin New Member

    ok I took her out and put in a 2 gallon fish bowl, I purchased this package called fungus clear that states it is for dropsy, mouth rot , fungus, and clamped fins, has anyone heard of it and should i put it in both the bowl and my tank just in case the rest of the tank is infected. I also have a turtle in there it doesnt say it is harmful for reptiles.
  15. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Does the bowl have a filter?

    Dropsy is most often caused by a bacteria, not fungus. You'll need something like Maracyn-two.


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