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Off Topic: Scars

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by winnie, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Hey guys, I have a small problem. When i got my kitten 6 months ago I was cleaning his ears with my friend that is a vet tech cause he had ear mites. She had me restrain him while she cleaned the ears. Well he sctrached my hands up really bad. Most of the scars went away but they are still really noticable and people comment on my hands all the time. Now that I am working at Jamba Juice agian I get even more cuts on my hands. Anyone know a way to make the scars go away or at least fade. I'm so embarrased by my hands. And any advice on how to treat a bad cut so it wont scar bad. My hands are constantly in water b/c of my job so its hard to keep them bandage, I try putting lotion on them all the time and today I bought Bag Balm, I heard it works really well, anyone else hear of Bag Balm? Thanks a lot!
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Once I had something happen and I had no skin on my hands or feet and I had to get them cleaned by the dr. every few days for 6 weeks and they were always wrapped up and this old lady told me to use this stuff called porters linament (I think) she said it works really well and after the bandages came off I used it almost everyday and within no time I had no scars. I use it any time I get a cut or scrape and simce then I have had no scars. Downsides: It stinks horribly, if I walk in a room with it on people sop and stare. And the lady who told me about it said because it is an "old timers" medicne I can only fine it at an "old timer" pharmacy. I walked into the place and it was like someone forgot to tell the people 1950 is over. So it is extremely difficult to find, unless you live near the town where I grew up and I can tell you the name of the store, if they are still open. But this stuff works miracles!
    You need to figure out a way to keep your hands dry, when they stay wet all the time they will never heal. Maybe don't use the lotion, instead try something like Vitamin E. Good Luck
  3. Krystina

    Krystina New Member

    There's a gel/cream called Mederma that's supposed to be really good for scars ... their website is here if you want to read up on it : http://www.mederma.com/ ... other than that, I'd suggest that maybe you wear some gloves so that you can keep your cuts dry and clean ... it could be a big reason why they're not healing as quickly or nicely as they could otherwise ... not much more I can tell ya other than a good moisturizer loaded with vitamin E like lil96 said ... hope it helps
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Whenever I wax my eyebrows I get really bad cuts (like a whole layer of skin gets ripped off.). I was told by a pharmacist the Mederma was good for old scars but not new cuts.

    He told me to take Vitamin E caplets, break them and use the Vitamin E inside on my new cuts. I've done that everytime I wax my eyebrows (when I can't find someone that does threading) and so far no scars.

    As far as bag balm I've heard it's a good moisturizer, but I've never used it on cuts or scaars.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I personally have many scars. The worst ones are ont he tops of my thighs from my own stupidity. I take a really hot shower and soak them, then take a vitamin E tablet, break it and rub the gel into my skin over the scars. They have visably reduced by 75%. Neosporine also carries a new product called a scar patch. Suposively you place it over the scar and within 7 days the scar is 90% gone....I haven't used it yet but I plan on it.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    For new cuts, something as simple as putting neosporin on it really helps it to heal faster and reduce scarring. If you get new cuts, put neosporin on it and cover with a bandage while you sleep, since you can't keep bandages on during the day.
  7. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Vitamin E is great for scars. My friend had a roller blading accident 2 summers ago. Her face was one big scab, plus it knocked out her 2 front teeth. Anyways, she put vitamin E on her face 2x everyday and now there is only the smallest scar above her lip.

    I swear by it!!

    Good luck with those darn kitties!!
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    another thing that "popped" in to my head. theres a lotion called
    "Udderly soft" diary farmers use it on the cows teets to keep them soft and helps with the wounds and stuff....
    Granvel uses it on his hands and it works wonders for his cuts and burns (as a welder he gets them everyday...)
  9. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    I use bag balm for prevention of diarer rash on my son. He has really sensitive skin. It works wonders for him. As far a scars the trick is to keep them soft. Something that really helps is corn huskers lotion. It isn't as greasy as regular lotion. I use it all the time. Not to stear of the subject but I also have a good cure for warts. Caster oil. Just rub it onto the wart a couple times a day and after a couple weeks they will be gone. I guarantee this.
  10. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I used vitamin E on my forehead when i ran into a soccer goal post at school one day and split my head open. i also used neosporin every day on my appendix scar on my belly button and there is only the faintest scar left.

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