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250 cats found in a home

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by vene, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. vene

    vene New Member

  2. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    that is a very sad and disgusting story. not just for the poor cats, but how can people stand to live like that?? when i worked at animal control, that happened where a woman had more that 20 cats in her tiny apartment and she had left them without food and water while she went away for the week. All of the cats had Feline Leukemia and eventually had to be put to sleep. It was very sad, and some of them were really sweet and beautiful. But 250??? that is just unfathomable to me!! Crazy!
  3. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member


    those poor animals... *sniffles* i hope they find those owners and charge them!!! :x
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    How sad. :cry:
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    That's sick and sad :cry:

    We had a similar story here in Norway not long ago,
    but that woman "only" had around 40 cats... They were all killed too,
    not because they were ill, but because they didn't have anywhere to leave them :cry:
  6. luna

    luna New Member

    the poor babies. some people are just so stupid especialy if they can do that to helpless and innocent animals. i hope they catch those people and give them life in prison. its amazing how some people can have so many pets but not care for them.
  7. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    That is a sad story. We here stories like that on our local news occassionally. Seems to be a common thing. Very sad for the animals and the people who keep them must need help of some kind. :(
  8. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    That's awful. Those poor cats had to live a horrid life. I hope that since they had to be put down (and out of utter misery) that they are in a better place playing with all the catnip mice they could dream of.

    It's one thing to have a multi - animal household with the pets being well cared for, fixed, and treated with the love, respect, and necessities they deserve. (And I'm not talking 250 cats, or even 40 - that's too many.)

    It's something totallydifferent to have more animals than you can handle and allow them to live in conditions that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

    Poor things :(
  9. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    this story makes me so sad how can people do this??
    on to another store

    emily's mother lives with like 46 other cats they moved in when the lady who owns emily's mom let her boy friend move in well he says cats are his life well most of the cats go out with out having regular check up at the vet because it is to costily ( than why have so many cats!!!)
    well the other day they noticed that some of the cats were sick & took them to the vets only to find out that they caught Feline Leukemia so now they execpt to loose all but 2 & the 2 might die as well this is just sad news
  10. luna

    luna New Member

    poor baby
  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I am so silly, I have read that article before when I read this post, but today, i thought oh a new post, 250 cats found a home, wow that rescue organization is doing good. then I clicked on the link and started reading and thinking this sounds so much the same as the other day, that is really awesome they decided not to PTS all those cats and the all found homes wow. and I continued to read, no it was the same story, sometimes I skim to many words!
  12. lgm5309

    lgm5309 New Member

    that just makes me furious!!!

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