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Interesting Beetle vs cat behavior...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Cassie, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    About two weeks ago, hubby and I noticed ladybugs crawling in force on our ceiling and around light sources. Well, not like a plague but at any one moment I can count about 10 of them on the ceiling. This is our first year in this house/area so I researched...turns out, it's a normal thing in this area that lasts about 2 months and they do no harm, just a nuncence.

    Well, during my research I learned that the ladybug type beetles excrete something to make them taste REALLY bad as a protection agent from preditors.

    I've been watching Booger all week and she's watching and stalking but not touching the stray beetles hehehe...She must have gotten a taste of one so she won't even touch them now. But she hunts and follows them about and it's so funny to watch!.

    I'm glad the beetle season is almost over (need to empty the suckers out of my overhead light covers...it's gross).
  2. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    It is gross. I have them up here in MI too. I'm from Texas and we have more of a problem with ants so I guess it's not all THAT bad...but I can't stand bugs. Ick ... not even the so-called "pretty ones" like Butterflys.
  3. luna

    luna New Member

    we dont have a ladybug or ant problem at my house, we have spider problems and fly problems and bee problems. shadow and buster have no resevations about eating anything that moves. so far ive kept them away from the bees and most of the spiders. its not fun whatching them eat bugs.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    They like to hibernate in our garage every year. One ladybug made it to our bathroom and I made hubby release it. LOL's. :mrgreen:
  5. luna

    luna New Member

    good thing its bad luck to kill a ladybug
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    We live in a basement apartment, and we get alot of those long leged spiders (that's not really a part of the spider family or something..?).
    Yuck! I hate them!
    Befor we moved here i would get someone brave to release them, but now i'm a kick ass spider terminator :mrgreen:
    I still get chills down my spine everytime i take one, but i have to do it...
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Bente, don't kill the spiders. They are good luck for real. They catch flies and other bugs for you! Cup the spiders and slide a paper or cardboard underneath the cup, vase, or container, and release them. I'm afraid of spiders but it doesn't keep me from releasing them. :mrgreen:
  8. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    Lex is my exterminator... theres a bug around, show him.. he's the true man of the house and will take care of it for me lol
  9. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Booger was the house exterminator untill these killer ladybugs showed up LOL

    Booger even took down a lizard...now she will just watch/stalk and follow critters about the house and not so much as even touch them ROFL. I really think she got a 'taste' of the ladybug excretion.
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    LOL's Cassie. I remember you couldn't even watch Booger take down the lizard. :p Monty and Rene are the only kids in the house that will hunt down flies and devour them. :shock: Rene will kill spiders but won't eat them. :roll: Frankly I find any dead things in the house too gross for words. :shock:
  11. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I would like to release them, i'm the kind of person who feels bad just for killing a mosquito... :?
    But there are SO many of them, and in the fall they all come inside.
    Besides from these there are no other bugs around here, so thats not really a problem.
    And when i open my front door and see 20-30 spiders on the wall, i go: :0024:
    Now the weather is colder, so there are less of them now.
    But i probably got a "few" inside that will come out in the spring...
    Can't wait :m13:

  12. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    That's funny about Booger.

    My one daughter has had trouble with ladybugs. She said she gets out the vacuum hose and cleans them up that way. Yuck! Poor ladybugs. :-&
  13. lgm5309

    lgm5309 New Member

    i'm from MI...those bloody things are all over the place!!!!!!!!....kiefer only cares about them when they fly...he's not the most graceful kittie around but he's tries his hardest to balance on anything to get to the ceiling...i'm trying to kill those darn things b4 kief kills himself jumping off things... yesterday one landed on his nose...it was udder chaos...he was so confused he kept backing up to try and get away from it...then proceded to bat himself in the face. best slapstick comedy ever!
  14. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    ROFL lgm!! :m39:
  15. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    ROFLMAO!!! That's a wonderful mental picture!!
  16. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    i've never seen anything like this before (the ladybug invasion).Luckily they don't freak me out like spiders or crickets which we generally get here and it's about over for the season. At least we didn't suffer the Cacidia infestion. It was horrible this year for my SIL just a few miles away from us.
  17. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    Awwe...my cat loves to go after flies, he starts meowing if a fly is in the house and not close enough to the ground for him to attack. He got stung by a bee once after attacking it, and it stung him in the mouth when he tried to eat it. I think that has made himpretty weary of all bugs, he just smells them now, I havent seen him eat any.

  18. lgm5309

    lgm5309 New Member

    yeah i wish i had a video camera!

    i don't need to worry about crickets...kief plays with them until they ultimately die...leaves them on the floor until i've seen it then eats them...i know that's graphic but that's my good little helper lol i despise crickets!

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