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lost and not knowing

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by weloveanimals, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. weloveanimals

    weloveanimals New Member

    I have 2 paraketts, Sweetie & Silly. I woke up yesterday(Wednesday) morning to find one of them dead. On Sunday both of the birds were "fluffed up" and acting very well, they were chirpping and singing and hopping around they seemed to be fine. Monday they were fine, then on Tuesday (the one that died) was in the lil house that we put in there for them, it would go in and out .....coming out to eat and drink.....this went on most of the day on Tuesday then by night time (around 10:00 - 10:45 or so) it stayed in the house making lil "sweet" sounds we thought "she" might be laying eggs. "She" came out twice the first time to eat then the last time it came out of the house it "wabbled" and "fell down" got up went back in the house and .... well that was the last time. We are at such a lose as to what was wrong. I cook with Teflan but the other bird (Sweetie) is fine. Can anyone please tell us what happened to our bird? Even any ideas or just anything that anyone can give us... we would be so GREATFUL. Thank You, Lost With No Answers
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Sorry about the loss of your baby. I lost my baby Chick a few weeks back :cry: .

    If you thought she was going to lay eggs she could have been egg bound.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i am sorry about your loss..

    Teflon is highly toxic to birds and its best if not used..
    Are you sure the bird you have lost was female if so sounds like she was suffering from egg binding which is when the egg becomes stuck in the oviduct and the female can not pass it this is caused by a calcium deficiency which cause soft eggs which can not be passed very easily if this is what has happend sounds like she has been trying to pass this egg for a few days....

    Egg binding in birds is fatal if not treated straight away.

    I have had a bird that was suffering from egg binding but again aslong as its noticed and dealt with things usually turn out fine..

    Again i am so sorry for your loss..
  4. zarate

    zarate New Member

    Sorry to hear about your loss. It's so hard to lose pets. So, does anyone know what to do in case of egg binding, if you are able to catch it? I know it is difficult to detect things from birds, especially parakeets. I myself have female birds, and my doves lay eggs aaaaallllll the time, and would like to know what I could do if they become egg bound. Any response would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    When a female bird is laying eggs a close eye needs to be kept on them the first sign of egg binding is that a finch will lay 1 egg everyday. A budgie(parakeet ) will lay 1 egg every other day same with cockatiels.

    If there is a delay in eggs arriving after they have started laying you will notice she will sit with her feathers fluffed up and look rather ill.

    Things you can do if she is suffering from egg binding....

    If she is hand tame hold her vent area over a dish of steaming water carful that she does not fall in.

    Or the method i have used is cod liver oil or vegtable oil something like that place some on your finger and rub it around the oviduct you will be able to see where the egg is coming from be very gentle as the egg can break inside causing poisoning..

    Give her a small amount of her food and put a few drops of oil in that aswell as a couple of drops in a small amount of water this will then get into the body and help lubricate her and allow the egg to pass...

    Aslong as there is never a drop in temprature and the female has plenty of cuttlefish bone and mineral block and has a varied diet there should not be a problem with egg binding..

    You birds very old birds and birds suffering from calcium deprivation are all suceptable to egg binding...

    Birds should not be bred from till atleast 12months of age 18months is better.....

    Finch's can be bred from 6months old but again 8-12months is better..

    Hope this has helped..


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