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Anyone else like to play Ball with Kitty?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by faeriedust1127, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Hey Everyone! I just came out of Vianne's bathroom and we were having a hilarious time playing ball in the bathtub. It's been quite awhile since we played this game and we had such a good time. I wish i brought my camera in there, she had some absolutely hysterical moments! I was just wondering if anyone else does this? The first day i brought her home from the shelter, i put a plastic toy cat ball, the kind with a bell inside, in the empty bathtub for her to bat around and keep busy while i set up her litter box. She was in there for hours and would start crying whenever her ball fell out. It was so cute. Then she figured out to pick it up and drop it in there herself, so i had to start hiding her toy ball at night so she wouldn't wake me up. Now she plays a little different. She likes to sit behind me all sly and wait for me to throw the ball against the wall so if rolls back in the tub, then she attacks it until it stops rolling and waits for me to throw again. We had a lot of fun There's one older pic of her playing this on my picture site from another post :eek: Anyone else do this or have any other fun interactive games they like to play with their cat?
  2. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    Wow thats really cool, I never even thought about that. Cats love the chase and excitement of a toy that "fights" back since they are natural predators. So with the ball rolling all around and the kitty has to chase it it would be like chasing some prey that luckily never dies or suffers.

    So i can see how that would be addicting in a sense for the cat that they would want to do it all the time.

    I think thats an excellent suggestion for additions in the family!

    :eek: :qm4:
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I'm definitely gonna have to try this with Booger. She's a tail chaser (I mean to the point that I think she's retarded sometimes, especially when she falls off a chair or couch doing it) and she loves to bat balls about the house.
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    That sounds like fun :eek:

    I have a game with kyrre too, where he chases me around the appartment (spelling?). It's really funny, sometimes he'll change direction and run the other way. I never notices before we crash into eachother :lol:
    He'll even stop sometimes to let me get ahed, then i'll hide behind a door or something, and he will hunt me down :mrgreen:
  5. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Well Booger might have fun with this then! You'll have to let me know how it goes and maybe get some pics :D When i first put Vianne in the tub with the ball, she didn't know what to do. She lightly batted the ball and then each time she'd hit it a little harder and as soon as she hit it hard enough to get it flying up the sides of the tub, she was hooked!
  6. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    :cry: such adorable little stories!

    i'd love to try the tub thing with Raz... but i doubt he'd knwo what was going on...

    but i think this is a good time to tell u all about his cute act last night.. heh
    i was flaying fetch with Lex, and seen Raz looked alittle left out, so i picked up a toy i had made (4 pop bottle caps strung together with string, happy noise) and threw it for him.

    It went out into the kitchen and rolled under the counter ledge thing...

    course, he couldnt SEE it plainly there, and the smell was pretty weak.. but u could see him trying to find it.. i wanted to see what he'd do- so i resisted going to get it for him - coz i felt so bad.

    but that kitten, bless his little heart, stayed out there, searching the general area he knew it was (from the sound of it hitting) for a solid 5minutes until he finally found it and gave it a triumphant whack. i was so proud hehe that alittle kitten such as he would have that much determination was touching.
  7. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Aww! Raz is a sweetheart :m13: :kiss_heart:
  8. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Why wouldn't he know? Sorry, is he a special kitty? i haven't been around that long, so i don't know everybody's stories.

    Sounds like a really determined little guy you have there :) Nothing's going to outsmart him! Cute story :eek:
    So how about everybody else? I wanna hear more kitty playtime stories!! :eek: :eek:
  9. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I tried it with Booger and even tried tossing the tinfoil ball hard to make it roll about the tub. She would just sit till it settled, pick it up in her teeth and jump out of the tup with it and drop it at my feet wanting me to toss it for her to chase and fetch LOL

    I guess she's just too used to the fetch game.
  10. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Lol :lol: Maybe she was a dog in her previous life? :mrgreen:
  11. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    LOL Bente. Hubby and I often say that she thinks she's a dog. She fetches and meow's when there is a knock at the door or the phone rings. She often sleeps at my feet on the floor. And often sleeps anywhere she happens to find herself sleepy. She chases her tail like it's a foreign critter too...often.

    I think it has to do with her having been taken from her momma too early. She doesn't know how to act like a cat so she just...ummm...acts LOL
  12. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Might also have something to do with the type of ball that you use. When i originally started her doing this, i used a plastic ball with a bell inside. I really think she just loves all the racket that it makes because when i tried giving her a foam ball so that it wasn't so noisy, she didn't stay interested as long.
  13. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I've never thought of that. Mittens has her little balls that she likes to paw around and play with but they always seem to go under the couch or under the stove or under the chair or behind the tv set or someplace else where she can't get it.

    Maybe I'll try the tub thing so she can hopefully keep her ball in play a little longer.
  14. Michelle Wachniak

    Michelle Wachniak New Member

    Wow Bente, this is the second time I can totally relate my Ruby with your baby, Kyrre!!! Ruby and I LOVE to chase eachother around the house!!! Usually she chases me, I try to hide, but my house isn't very big, so I'm out of hiding spots, Ruby usually finds me pretty fast !! Then I chase her and she loves it! She kind of does a little headshake and a "reow" and a skip......man alive she's funny! We also play lots of games in the bathtub. She loves to slide around on her back or her side while I push her on her bum around the curves. We play "which hand is gonna get ya??!" with Ruby in the tub and me on the outside and both of my hands shaped like claws coming up slowly over the edge about a foot apart.........she looks back and forth from one hand to the other, with her pupils big and black and her ears back......then she attacks!!!!! But she never hurts me, she pretends to bite, but just gently (remember, she doesn't have her top fangs), and she wraps her front and back legs around my arm and then kicks with her back legs. Thank goodness she never uses her claws 'cause my arms would be shredded. Ruby also LOVES to play with a ping pong ball in the tub, and she loves the fuzzy ball with the bell inside, even a empty toilet paper roll has her slippin' and sliddin'! I think the tub is her favorite place to play!
  15. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe and I play tag all the time too. I'm usually tired out long before she is though!

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