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Royal Canin???

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by KarleySimon, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. KarleySimon

    KarleySimon New Member

    Has any of you tried Royal Canin cat food? What did you think about it? What do you think about Nutro?

  2. Fblack

    Fblack New Member

    My new Maine Coon Kitten ( 12 weeks old) only eats Royal Canin Kitten 34. She loves it. I also give her a bit of wet food each night. I will switch to Royal Canin for Maine Coon cats after one year. Petco sells it and you can get a free bag if you look on their web site.
  3. savannah

    savannah New Member

    HI Ive been reading for awhile but never posted.I have 2 maine coon kittens will be 12 wks on the 12th. same litter ,couldnt take just one! I like the idea of royal canin for adults but I wasnt sure about the kitten one{I never even saw one for kittens} anyway I know with large breed dog food
    they say it slows down fast growth and I really dont want to do that because they grow the most in the 1styear and a half .They were on iams kitten and Im slowly mixing in wellness kitten and I give them wellness wet 2 times a day. Ive been looking for some sort of main coon board but
    I found one thats really dead and one on yahoo that just breeders seem to post on so its nice to hear from someone else with maine coons >We also have a part maine coon that will be 15 we had him since my son was 9 .he is 23 now! also my son {same one}brought home a 6wk old red tabby ,about a year and ahalf ago he found outside in the woods. Guess who does all the vet stuff? savannah
  4. Fblack

    Fblack New Member

    You may want to try the Royal Canin Kitten 34. As I said you can get a free bag I believe. Check their web site. The Royal Canin Maine Coon food has bigger kibble.

    I have heard good things about Wellness wet food. What kind are you using? I am using Natural Balance Ultra (wet) now. She gets it early evening and seems to like it. She is very picky and shuns most treats. I do give her about 5 or 6 pieces of Dental Diet for her teeth each day. She loves it.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    Royal Canin and Nutro are pretty good brands, IMO. I tried a bag of the Royal Canin Slim and my cats loved it. They did'nt care for Nutro though...I could'nt really get them to eat it but they do like the canned Nutro formulas.
  6. moose

    moose New Member

    savannah, i'm not sure that i'm understanding your post correctly, but you said that you didn't like the large breed formula because it slows down growth. from my understanding, that is exactly what you want in a large breed puppy food -- too much stress can be put on the dog as its bones grow very quickly, and this can especially be a problem for large dogs that are more prone to hip and joint problems. ignore this if this has nothing to do with what you were saying in your post. :)
  7. KarleySimon

    KarleySimon New Member

    Nern, My kitties did not care for the Nutro either. I went and bought the Siamese formula(royal Canin) yesterday and the really like it. I just want to make sure I am giving them the best food I can.

  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i bought some nutro heart treats the other week. the lady at the shop said my cats would love em. got em home and none of them would touch it. gave em to the dog and she wouldnt touch them either! when i first got pepe we were given royal canin but he woudlnt eat it. he preffered the dogs food. switched to whiskas top and he stopped doing it.
  9. savannah

    savannah New Member

    HI, I know what your saying about slowing down the growth,its probably just a crazy idea I have ,but I want them to grow as large as their genetics allow them to,as maine coons are usually large.I dont mean fat by the way. I feed them wellness kitten.Thats what it says on the can,just kitten,no particular flavor altho under the ingredients it tells you its deboned chicken,chicken livers etc.The dry is also kitten and I will give them that till they reach 1 yr old.I leave the dry down all the time with water next to it and they eat about 2 teaspoons each morning and nite of the canned. savannah
  10. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i wouldnt worry about the growth thing savannah unless hes eating to the point where he is going to explode.
  11. savannah

    savannah New Member

    I didnt mean Im afraid of them eating too much,Theyre only kittens.Someone else above was asking me why I didnt want to give them royal canin, you can check that out above.Im not afraid of them getting fat ,I meant Im not trying to make them fat by not giving them royal canin. I meant I dont want to slow them down in growth ,I want them to attain their size their genetically supposed to be and they grow most in their first year and a half,thats all. I have a large breed dog and I
    know the lg breed food slows down growth,again its probably crazy on my part to think that it would make my cats smaller,but I just do.I just want their whole frame to grow when its supposed to. Thats all.
    ps its so hard to say things when your not talking ,you know what I mean?
    It gets confusing what people mean sometimes.
  12. Fblack

    Fblack New Member

    Here's what Royal Canin says about Maine Coon adult food. I plan to use when my kitten is 1 year old.

    King Size Kibble
    Maine Coon cats eat an average of 11 meals per day with a very high rate in ingestion--20% higher than the average of other cats.

    The unique shape and large size of the Maine Coon 31 kibble help to stimulate chewing and slow down the rate of ingestion, resulting in enhanced digestion and better oral hygiene.

    Mobility Control
    The Maine Coon is the largest of the purebred cats, weighing up to 22 pounds for a male adult.

    Maine Coon 31 contains supplemental glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate to help minimize the risk of joint sensitivity and salmon oil, a source of omega 3 fatty acids, acts as an anti-inflammatory.
  13. savannah

    savannah New Member

    yes, I am definetely going to look into that when theyre older. I do like the idea of the food especially for maine coons. I talked to a breeder this past weekend at a cat show and asked what she recommends and she said she uses all the top brands,but sometimes mixes them up,some of each in a bowl.what color is your kitten? did you name him or her yet?
  14. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    hi KarleySimon i just wanted to say ur baby is beautiful... :D
  15. KarleySimon

    KarleySimon New Member

    Thank you...she thinks so too. she is sooo spoiled!!!
  16. Fblack

    Fblack New Member


    I have a friend who mixes the Maine Coon food too. Partly since its costly. She uses a third Royal Canin adult cat with it. My kitten is now 15 weeks old and has just gotten her last set of shots. I will have her spayed in May. Her name is Kaylee and she is brown mackeral. Really cute. As are all kttens:) I would post a small avitar photo but do not know how. Anyone have advise on posting a small photo.
  17. savannah

    savannah New Member

    Hi,I dont know how to do the pictures either,I wish I did. mine are both males,no names yet and its been 2 1/2 wks! one is classic brown tabby,he has some white on his chest and some on his feet.The other is blue tabby.They are both polydactyl.They are so cute! where did you get yours?
  18. Fblack

    Fblack New Member

    I got her from a small Maine Coon cattery in Southern California.
  19. savannah

    savannah New Member

    I got mine in maine.I wasnt looking for a show kitten,I wanted a polydactyl maine coon ,which is how they originally used to be .at least most of them.I knew they couldnt be shown except in household pets,but quite a few breeders are trying to change that and are breeding polydactyls.They are beautiful enough to be shown, both have a full fluffy coat already.It was the personality I was looking for in a maine coon as we have a part maine coon red tabby that my son had since he was 9 and this cat has been so patient and sweet with all the kids we had around.{I do foster care}They could carry him around like a doll and he would always climb in bed with them.
  20. Fblack

    Fblack New Member

    There are not that many Maine Coon cats in Southern California. Mine is not polydactyl. I could have gotten a "California Coon" cheap, but down here they are black with a big white stripe running down their back:)

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