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Anyone got bit by a dog?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by CaneCorso, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. CaneCorso

    CaneCorso New Member

    If so, how did that happen?
  2. Krystina

    Krystina New Member

    I was once bitten by a rotti-boxer mix ... we were bathing her outside during the summer (her owner and I) and i knew the dog very well ... she was a little skittish and didn't like baths, so I was careful to hold her firmly, yet without hurting her ... she must've gotten scared when my friend turned the water on because she jumped and bit my arm that was holding her collar with no warning. It bled, but i didn't need stitches or anything ... I managed to catch her (after a lengthy run around the backyard) and we did finish the bath after she calmed down again ... I knew it was just her way of showing that she was scared, and I probably should have recognized her discomfort earlier ... needless to say, i was a little nervous for the remainder of that bath.
  3. CockatielCrazy87

    CockatielCrazy87 New Member

    When i was 13 i was with my parents at a friends house. They were having us come look at this black lab the guys brother did'nt want anymore. He was actually a very friendly dog and i was just sitting there petting him lightly and massaging his ears lightly mind you ( I now think he may of had ear mites). Next thing I know this huge dog knocks me off my chair and has me pinned to the grounf go at my neck just going crazy! I was able to hold me back enough for someone to come and get him off me. Needless to say we did'nt take him.

    And then when I was four we were at my uncles house. Well he had a large male Rottweiler named Tobias. My uncle kept him in a pen in the back of his ranch when company was over ( he was an active breeding dog and was very territorial and mean when it came to strangers. I remember I was back his pen with one of my uncles females Honey ( he had two females) and her 4 pups playing when this huge 200 pound dog lept his cage door and full on attack me bitting me in the face and then grabbing me the the arm and shaking me like a rag doll. Luckily my uncle, cousint, and father were right by there and got Tobias off me before he killed me. I have to get 12 stiches in my head and 50 something in my arm which he also broke. I still have a 4 inch scar on my forhead and a small one under my eye and then one that goes from the outside of my shoulder to the inside of my elbow. Tobias was obviousely in his mind proctecting his girl and his pups but it could'nt be forgiven. That dog had never attacked anyone like that before but was always testy no one knew he could jump the 9 foot fence no way. My father told my uncle it was ok if he did'nt put Tobias down it was just animal nature and no ones fault but theirs for leaving me unattended but he put him down two days after the attack and stopped breeding rottweilers but kepted his two girls. We had our own rotties and have had three in my lifetime their stil one of my favorite breeds
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Once I sat in the park reading the newspaper under a tree. My dog, Sentry, 1/2 Black lab, 1/4 Chow and 1/4 Pit Bull was tied to the tree. When suddenly a dog came running up on us and started to attack my dog, which I knew my dog is very strong and this dog wasn't. So I tried to kick my dog off (because I had seen my roommate do that before when she and his dog got too rough with each other, and I was still laying on the ground) so as a kick her she bit and instantly realized what she did and cowered away and let the other dog jumo on her until the owner came and took her away. I didn't get stitches because I had never been to the hospital before. I went to a friends near by Tattoo shop and the put bandages on it. It was right above my knee on the backside of my leg and bled for 3 days. I think I was in shock when it happened.
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    It will be 2 yrs. ago this coming July that I was badly bitten by a Chow that I had rescued. She was so badly beat and tortured that she was pretty much completely blind. People were trying to make her mean. I should have put her down because she was so fearful and aggressive. But she was so beautiful and had such a horrible life that I wanted to give a chance at some happiness. After 6 months she finally came to trust me and love only me.

    She had to be totally separated from the other dogs. Even though she was blind, she would try to attack them. One day a door was left open accidently by my Husband. I saw what was about to happen so I ran to slam the door before her and another dog was about to meet. As I was trying to slam the door and separate them, the chow thought she was attacking the other dog. Well, it was the back of my leg. All I could do was hold the door and scream for help. She proceeded to tear off the whole calf of my leg. The Hospital said it was one of the worse dog bite wounds they have ever saw.

    After surgery to remove most of the tissue and muscle from my leg and months of physical therapy, I'm horribly scarred and still walk with a limp. But even to this day I cry for the pretty little Chow that had a horrible life and the only relief she could find was in death.

    I no longer take in rescues, but assist with different programs and rescues. My scar I show to educate people in the importance of spay and neuter and responsibility of pet ownership.

    It's a gross picture, but I show it to remind people what can happen when irresponsible.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    2x both when I was a kid

    first my aunt had a nasty little chi. I was sitting at her dining room table minding my own 3 year old self and that little dog went under the chair and bit my ankle. I hated that dog (probably why I don't trust small dogs). The dog continued to bite innocents and they gave the dog away - I wouldn't go in their house until I knew the dog was gone.

    Next time: I had a paper route as a kid and one of my customers had a small mixed breed dog. He used to hide under their car and wait for me to leave the paper in the door then he'd come out and bite me. HE bit me 2x. Finally my father told them I wouldn't be delivering their paper anymore (he could do that - he was my boss) if the dog was outside.
  7. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I've never been seriously injured by a dog, but my aunt adopted a JRT frrom the humane society a few years ago and one day while I was petting her she snapped at my hand and drew a little blood. I don't really think it was her fault though, she was abused as a puppy and I think the way I was petting her probably triggered a memory and she reacted.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have never been bitten, but my son was bitten once a few years ago. He was at a friend's house and they have a small dog that is protective of his family. My son and his friend were rough housing in the friend's room and they forgot to close the door, so the dog came in and bit my son on the back of his leg. It bled a little, but it wasn't serious at all.
  9. someday

    someday New Member

    I've only been bitten once, and it wasn't serious...I drove out to my friend's house in the country and her sisiter has a dog that's very protective of the house, but is fine if the family is around. Well, I got out of my car, and the dog growled at me, so thinking I could reassure her, since I knew her I just appraoched slowly and talked to her, she kept backing into the garage, where i was going to knock on the door..well, I knocked, and she started threatening a little more, so i just tried to open the door, but it was locked, and I guess that was a step to far because she nailed me in the knee...just left two small punctures and bruised a bit...soI jumped on to my friends car and had to wait till she got to the door...so..as soon as she was out there the dog let me get down and come in the house..hehe..i'm sure it was quite a site..

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