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my cats love these...

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    k i posted a while back about a remote control mouse i got my cats and i remeber i said i would post a pix of it well heres the same mouse sold at ABC for $7.95 when i bought it at $20... then theres a cat tent i just bought from ABC that my cats love..it looks so funny in my house having 4 of these things laying around and then seeing a head leg tail etc.. haging out the front of it...

    http://www.abcdistributing.com/store/07 ... 000000000&

    http://www.abcdistributing.com/store/07 ... 000000000&
  2. vene

    vene New Member

    What a neat toy and tent! My toddler would destroy the antenna and use the tent for himself although my kitties would love them. :shock: :p [/quote]
  3. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    I've seen those remote controlled mice in stores and have come really close to buying one. I think I'll pick one up next time, since your kitties gave it their seal of approval. Thanks!

    The tent looks fun too, I bet Luna would like one of those as well. She has a smaller soft igloo-type bed and really likes it, she has a thing for cozy spaces.
  4. Starry

    Starry New Member

    :eek: :lol: The little radio controlled mouse looks like great fun so I just went and bought one for my kitties - I'm sure they'll love it - thanks for mentioning it!!
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL! I just bought one of those remote control mice over the weekend! My cats were facinated with it but it was hard to use because Tiddy kept picking up the mouse by the tail and caring it off in his mouth. He looked so proud of his catch. :mrgreen:

    I also bought that exact same tent from LTD. Chieve liked it and used it the most...it did'nt last long. All the metal things ripped through and then it kept calapsing so I tossed it.
  6. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    u americans get all the best toys lol

    both things looked great, that remote mouse is an AWSOME idea!
  7. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    nern: i never thought about that w/ the tent deal... ohh well it only cost me $5 soooo.. well really $20 4 all 4 but... mine dont really play in it to much they just lay around in it and hide..

    and vene: my son whos 5 decided he was going to try and "play" in the tents when i first got them till simba came up and was clawing him though the outside trying to play and my son got all scratched up..lol soo he stays outta them now..lol
    and the remote control mouse the whole reason i got it was not only to entertain my cats but my son also he gets a kick outta making the cats chase it....and garfield has picked up a few times to and tried to run off with it but my son goes running after him telling him "no garfield no" and gar puts it down and starts chsing it again... its funny to watch the cats chase the mouse then my son chase the cats w/ the mouse...lol
  8. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    The mouse seems pretty cool, I bet my fur-baby would love it, but I have carpet and it probably wouldnt work that well unless its on hardwood floors.

    I bet most cats would love the tent, cats seem to enjoy being uderneath some kind of a shelter i.e. laying underneath coffee tables and chairs.

    Thanks for sharing neat findings!

  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Lol's about your son and kitties. Gotta post some pics of them playing together! :p

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