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Kyrre's first meeting with snow!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Bente, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Bente

    Bente New Member

    It snowed here tonight, so of course i had to take kyrre outside for a photo session... But he didn't seem to enjoy this new white stuff :mrgreen:

    What is this??

    Sniff sniff...

    I don't know if i like this...


    Common' mom, let's go inside again, please!
  2. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Arwwww...the poor baby. He looks a little frightened/confused, yet curious LOL
  3. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i LOVED the first picture LOL too cute! :eek:

    we got snow last night too.. alot... power went out.. cold, freezing rain ice pellets... *pouts* i hate winter. i dont blame Kyyre lol
  4. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    oh that first pic is precious...
  5. vene

    vene New Member

    Poor baby, but very cute! :mrgreen:
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Thats cute. I wonder what my cats would do in the snow? LOL.
  7. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    those pix r to cute!!! i dont know what my babies would do in snow since it dont snow in florida...i dont know what i would do either.. lol i get to cold here in the winter anyways...even though i would love to see snow (not just in pix) im not sure that i would be able to enjoy it...
  8. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    OMG those pics are so cute, thanks for sharing!
  9. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    Those pictures are great! Kyttyn had her first experience in snow the other day as well. We got about as much as you did. She was so funny. I let her out the door and she went flying out as usual...then came to a halting stop, looked around, and slowly walked through. She then started lifting her paws and shaking them...like ewwww...what is this stuff.....it was cute. I should've thought ahead like you to take pictures....next time!
  10. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    The pictures are so cute.

    My kitties hate the cold and don't like the snow.

    A kitty I once had when I was a kid loved the snow for about 5 minutes. He would go out and run and pounce in it but then got cold and wanted inside.
  11. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Great pictures! Moe loves the snow. Her favourite thing to do is chase snowballs.
  12. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    what a very pretty kitty :eek:
  13. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    So cute! Your cat's coat looks nice and full - ready for the snow!
  14. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    I don't know if Molly likes snow but she's from here in Michigan so it's a possibility.

    Aoisha on the other hand is from Texas via Arizona...when it snowed up here my stupid ex-roommate/ex-bf opened the window and threw him into a pile of it just to see what he would do! Of course my poor baby came running inside all wet and huddled up against his mama...
  15. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    Vey Cute!

    Its funny the way the cats are so freaked out by the things like snow and even rain at first and then they warm up to it and get enough nerve to check it out!

    I need a digital camera so i can take pictures and post them like that.

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