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Thinking about getting a small dog

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Aqza, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Aqza

    Aqza New Member

    I hope you guys don't mine me posting.. just joined the boards, but was browsing them for a while.. everyone is so friendly!

    Anyways.. here's my question.

    I'm thinking about getting myself a dog... I used to have a shih tzu, but didn't like all the grooming that was involved. I also live in an apartment style condo, so need to have a dog that is under 20 pounds. I also don't want a dog that needs to be walked for hours, as when its -40 C here in the winter, you don't want to be going too far!

    Do you guys have any suggestions as to what kind of dog I should look into? I've been doing a bunch of research on the net, but haven't been able to narrow it down. I'm going to be calling my local animal shelter tomorrow to see what they have for small dogs as well.

  2. CaneCorso

    CaneCorso New Member

    I have many small breeds in my mind, but... I prefer you to check it out at pound or humane society. If you haven't found what you like, please check it out at www.petfinder.com

    They have plenty of small dogs that need a good home. Since you are not a big fan of talking the small dogs to the groomer, don't get long/medium hair dogs.

    It is worth to save a life so please consider adopting a small dog from humane society or pound.
  3. Aqza

    Aqza New Member

    Like I said, I will be checking with our SPCA tomorrow.. they do have their dogs on Petfinder.com now, and are only showing one small dog (a shih tzu)... but they said the ones on there have been in the shelter the longest, so I'll call tomorrow and see what they have. I would prefer to save a life as well.

  4. aceNsummer

    aceNsummer New Member

    I live in an apartment, too, and in Chicago...so our winters get pretty cold! I have a chihuahua and a pug mix. They are both under 20 lbs. My chi weighs 9lbs (the standard is 2-6, though, Ace is just big I guess hehe) and Summer (the pug mix) weighs about 18lbs right now (at 6 months). Ace does not bark very much, I know chis are known to be yappy. But with proper training, you can teach them to stop when you say so. Summer, my pug mix, doesn't bark at all...she tries sometimes, but her lips are too big, so it sounds like HMPH! when she "barks". I think a regular pug would be good in an apartment, they're pretty easy going and do not require tons of exercise. Good Luck!
  5. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Hi Aqza,

    I agree with acensummer, a pug seems to me to fit yoru lifestyle well.

    There are a few PUG rescues, you can check out by typing PUG RESCUE into your search engine. I am sure something will come up.

    please keep us updated on your search.
  6. Aqza

    Aqza New Member

    I called the SPCA... the only little dog they had was a shih tzu, and he was adopted today. They said they should have about 50 ready for adoption on the 24th, all little dogs, different breeds.. but she expects probably 500 applicants for them. I asked if they tend to stick around, and she said no (which I knew, from when I had looked at adopting a small dog from the SPCA in the past).

    Just found a Canada Pug Rescue, with an email address.. so am sending something out to them. The biggest problem I see is that I am in a relatively small centre (220,000 people).. and the next big city is 3 hours away.

  7. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    You could ask the SPCA is they have a waiting list for small dos. When my moms friend's dog died she was put on a waiting list at the Humane Society and after a few month they called her and she ended up getting a Pom whose owner gave her up.
  8. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    Because you live in an apartment and little dogs really don't like the cold weather you should also give litter box training a consideration. I litter trained my maltipoo and she done fine with it. Good luck in your search!!
  9. Aqza

    Aqza New Member

    I was thinking about doing the litter box training.. how hard is it to teach them that? Do they then get confused when you take them out?

    Still doing some searching about dogs and such.

  10. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    You train them the same way as going outside. When your puppy wakes up, take them to the litter box and say go potty and the same after meals and play time. My Winnie is just over 4 months old and she does great with it. We have had a few accidents but that was my fault I moved the box (you need to do that inch by inch). She is still a puppy and plays with the litter so until she is a little older we have been using puppy pads in the box.
  11. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    I forgot ----- she has no problem going outside.
  12. Aqza

    Aqza New Member

    Hmm.. that is very interesting on the litter training.. :) I would prefer an adult dog I think, but I also am thinking that is going to be a difficult thing to find. Need to call the local SPCA again.


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