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Got animals?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by CaneCorso, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. CaneCorso

    CaneCorso New Member

    I am new and wonder what kind of animals does everyone have. I have three dogs, corso, border collie mix, and american eskimo
  2. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I have an AES too,and sorry I live in germany he is a spitz here, not just an American Eskimo Dog! just kidding. which do you say spitz or dog? I know people who are adimant about both. Anyway his name is Luther and he is 3.
    I also have a cat, she is a Lucky cat, her name is Dale and she is 3 also!
    I walk other peoples dogs to fill up my day, bc I am a stay at home wife right now. So I feel like I have a golden retriever, a lab, a whiteGSD, a JRT and what they call here a Dackel (dacshund) and a few others occasionally.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I have three Boerboels (South African Mastiff--you with the corso better have known that already....LOL)Riot, Askari and Precious and Two APBT's Monty and Honijade... I also have a rat Fontine....a Appaloosa Gelding Rodeo Blackjack (Jack for short) and an Arabian gelding Kkinnetic (Kenny for short)...and a Boyfriend.

    You can see my dogs at http://www.bantamkennels.com
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Right now I have a yorkie, named Rocky, 2 budgies and a bunch of fish (bettas, platy's, tetras).
  5. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    I personally own 1 dog (lab Aspin), 1 horse(QH Drifter), 1 chicken, 15 quail, and 1 betta. my family owns another dog(lab Ginger) and 2 cats.(gilmore and snowball) in the summer i take care of about 13 or so many other horses.
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Welcome to the forum! :D

    I have 2 dogs...a toy poodle and an australian shepherd/redbone coonhound x, 7 cats, a guinea pig and a 30gal tank of goldfish.
  7. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    I own a Siberian Husky, a Longhair-Chihuahua, and in 4 more weeks, a Maltese :D
  8. CaneCorso

    CaneCorso New Member

    Awesome. I know a breeder who lives in Phoenix area who has a nice looking boerboel. Do you do pull weight with your three boerboels? If not, you should consider this! :)

    I like Tosa Inu and Fila, but these breeds demand stronger and wiser owners. I don't mind Tosa, but I don't think I can handle the dog aggression in Tosa or people aggressive in Fila.
  9. CaneCorso

    CaneCorso New Member

    Cool, I am aware that there are various kinds of spitz such as american eskimo, toy/standard, etc. What kind of spitz do you have?
    My dog, Duffy, is nutty about doing agility and he has so much engery to go waste.. :)
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

  11. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I am doing some weight Pull with my puppy, my female adult doesn't like it one bit and my adult male had an injury so we'll start him a bit later and see what comes of it and if his injury is healed and his knee is strong enough to handle the rigors of a good bit of competition! You can see my dogs at www.bantamkennels.com I will be also testing and possibly training my dogs in Personal Protection sports...probably PSA as it is the only one that fits the breed well enough.

    What's your Cane Corso's like? Who is the breeder you know of? I'm always curious about this stuff...LOL
  12. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok, here we go!

    14 horses, Smokey, 2 new kittens, 5 rescue dogs, 4-55 head of cows w/ calves, 1 bull, a cocatiel, gold fish, and two alge eaters, Chewbecca (wild squirl thats taken up residence in the dog house) and my ol man! lol...
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Two dogs, both mixes (could be border collie X and blue heeler X), two cats, 5 mice (down from 15) and one short-tailed opossum.
  14. ashlee

    ashlee New Member

    I have a full house too. My Yorkie, Rylee, german shepard named Sable, one cat, 2 cockatiels, 4 aquariums, 2 ferrets, 2 bearded dragons oh and my two hermit crabs lol. Thats it right now, but I am waiting to get a toy american eskimo when my boyfriend and I get our own place.
  15. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Well let's see last count i have 2 yorkies, 3 Pugs 3 chihuahua's, 2 maltese, and 2 mini schnauzers, 3 grandkids and a mother and all the dogs listen better than the four of them and dear hubsand.. oh yea nate has 2 hamsters.
  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    lol....we all have Zoo's!
  17. Rene

    Rene New Member

    I have 2 yorkies and 4 cats geez i really thought i had lots of pets but i guess not lol
  18. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    I used to think i had alot of pets too when I had 5 haha boy was I wrong

    Trixie - shihpoo
    Spunky - lopped eared bunny
    Dolly and Ollie - African clawed frogs
  19. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I have an AmStaff Terrier and 2 veiled chameleons

    I absoulutely LOVE Corso's!
  20. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I have a Pit Bull, Shianne.
    My dad has a Border Collie, Peppers (Peppas) and a pot belly pig (Wilbur).

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