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New Family members!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I got two new kittens Saturday afternoon. So say hi to "Puss n Boots''!

    Puss is a fluffy orange maincoon kitten (female) and Boots is her brother, but somehow he came out with less fur. He's solid charcoal grey with the most tantalizing green eyes! (their mixed breed cats. Daddy was a full blood main coon, momma was a tortus (spell?) shell domestic short hair)
    Puss is alot more standoffish and wants to hide, but Boots on the other hand loves to attack things, and isn't too afraid of us.

    They weren't handled much other than a little girl playing with them. So they liked her, but no one else.

    Any how, just had to share!! I'll get pics up soon! You'll fall in LOVE with them! I know we did!!!

    Granve got them for "Barn Cats" yet it was his idea to keep them inside because their babies and its cold outside...he he he...men, sooo predictable!

    OH and they both have 6 toes!!! my cats have 24 toes a peice!!! its weird. Anyone ever hear of this before?
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    sam, congrats on your baby barn cats! where did you get them?

  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    A friend of mine had a stray (the momma) show up at their house. (they live way in the woods) and it just kinda "hung out" so they fed her and took her to the vet for check up and shots, but they didn't spay her right away. Well their neighbor has a main coon cat and they let him wonder around. WEll, next thing ya know theres baby kittens....11 of them!!!! So she called Granvel and he told me he had a suprise for me. So I went and picked them out. Cute little buggars. "Sky" her nickname is her daughter and she was toting them around in a doll wagon...cutest thing in the world!!!

    SO we chose Boots because he was the only short haired grey one and was the most playful one, and Puss because she was the biggest and laziest of them. ( I like the playful ones, Granvel likes the lazy ones) So I brought them home. The momma has since been spayed and they contacted the neighbors about it and the litter to see if they wanted one. And they said yes, and they were having him "Max" neutered too. SO thats a good thing.
  4. Rene

    Rene New Member

    congrats sams boots sounds like my butters and fonzi they are growing up to be beautiful kittys. I have heard of cats having 6 toes kinda weird looking.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    yes it is....creepy. Its like they hav a fully functional thumb!
  6. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Great names Sam!
  7. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    :eek: Congrats on your new babies!
  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    They sound adorable! I can't wait to see pictures!
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    Congrats on your new kittens! I bet they are beautiful. :D
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I want to see pics!!
    Here is some quick facts about polydactyls
    Cat With The Most Toes
    A five-year-old rescue cat named Jake has clawed his way into the Guinness World Record book as the moggy with most toes. Jake, an orange tabby from Bonfield, Ontario, Canada, has seven toes – complete with claws and pads – on each paw, and beats the previous record holder, Mickey the tabby cat from Deep River, New York, USA, who has 27 toes.

    Jake is owned by Michelle and Paul Contant and their two children Renee and Kyle. "We got him from the North Bay and District Humane Society," said Michelle. "He's just a great cat. We knew he was special, so we had him examined." Local vet Dr T. D. Bachelder, DVM, performed the check up and confirmed that Jake has "complete and distinct toes with normal nails, foot pads and bone structure."


    Cats typically have five toes on the front paws and four on the back paws, although this freakish feline condition – known as polydacty, meaning "many toes" – is surprisingly common. Polydact cats are also known as mitten kittens or Hemingway cats, named after the author Ernest Hemingway, whose pet cat Princess Six Toes was polydactyl.

    A person who loves cats is called an ailurophile; cat haters are known as ailurophobes.
    a whole bunch of other info on polys and cats in general: http://www.messybeast.com/poly-cats.html Now I have to go read what a twisty cat is!!!
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    yup thats what my kitties feet look like...kinda freekish but cute!!

    Last night Puss wanted to be the loving one, and Boots wanted to run and hide!! So I broke out the inevitable ribbon....that got them goin!! It was cute...

    I got a big grocery paper sack and cut little holes in it....Puss got inside and Boots just HAD to check it out. And when he'd get near Puss would reach out through the holes to grab him!! I laughed soooo hard I thought I was going to wet myself. They ran and played and at dinner time fought over who had the best can of food. It was funny.....

    I let them have free feeding of Purina Kitten chow and then at night and in the morning give them a tablespoon each of (can't remember the name at the moment.....) canned food. I got the soft blend because I didn't know how they would eat it....

    Is that enough? Also they are about 7-8 weeks old. They are out of the same litter yet Puss is WAY bigger than Boots... I'll snap photos of them tonight and download them here...

    Whens the best time to worm them? I don't know much about kittens but I'm assuming their a little more delicate than puppies.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    One kitten is cute enough. Two at the same time would be entertainment for hours!! Someday....
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I got really nervous last night though.

    About 8:30 I heard the back door open then close. So I figured Granvel was home. Smokey came running in the living room. I thought...hmmm.....Granvel must have let him in because it was cold orsoemtheing. SO I waited..no Gravel... Then it dawned on me to go check the kennel...he broke the chain link again!!! The little buggar can also open and close doors... He's also kin to ALF. Put two and two together...

    So the kitties have to stay locked up in the bath room while no one is home jsut incase he can get in the house.

    Granvel didn't come home until after 10 so he didn'thave time to fix the kennel.
    Guess its off to buy a new one that he Cant get out of!!! little houdini!

    He eats cats, so I have to be VERY careful.

    Hey Jami, She still has 9 left! They are the cutest little orange and grey furballs you'll ever see!!! I'll box one up and send it to ya!
  14. Rene

    Rene New Member

    LOL that is why i got 2 kittens also to much fun to watch them and now they play with yorkies it's to fun to watch. better watch out my kittens know how to open doors lol
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    oh great! Wel these guys aren't jumping around or crawling up on things much. But I know its coming....

    I got some KMR milk for them as a treat. I figured if I sat down with a small amount in a saucer they would come to me and associate me with "good". They seem to like themselves much better than human attention.
  16. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Sams butters and fonzi were the same way they were born in a garage and didnt get much human contact. give them some time man oh man my house is now like a race track my mom always laughs and says geez we need to put up speed limit signs around here. Every morning butters races' me down the hall to the dinning room where he jumps on the back of the chair and "talks" to me if i ignor him or just walk by he slaps me (no claws of course) so i stop talk back to him and pet him and go on my way.

    Kittens are to cute and fun i love having them it's cheap entertainment lol

    every since the puppies have left jasmine has taken up playing with the kittens to funny the other day she grabed fonzi by the tail and pulled him across the floor fonzi looked at him like how did that happen jumped up on his hind legs and tackeled her it was so funny
  17. 2BlackCats

    2BlackCats New Member

    Hi all, Im new around here, and formally introduced myself on the cat thread since we just adopted two kittens last week. (Im a major dog lover too, and cant resist checking out the dog threads. We hope to get a pup sometime during the spring next year..) They are @10-11 weeks old, and sound a lot like your kittens (as far as personality) They were given to me by a man with a major cat population issue, and they did not have any human contact. We are working with them everyday, to help them feel more confident, and trust us. Slowly they are begining to show signs that they are coming around. Im sure that your kitties will start to warm up soon too!!!!

    Anyhoo, Congrats on the two new kitties, and I read somewhere that polydactyl cats are lucky!!! So I guess you can consider yourself with "double the luck"!! They sound like they are gorgeous cats!
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    oh no!!! If their luck, then its bad luck!!! Great, now i've got double the bad luck! and yall all know I don't need it!!! LOL! :roll:
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL! More kitties for Nala to torment. She'll be so happy! :shock:
  20. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    he he he.... these fight back!!
    After all calmed down last night we let them out of their "Kitty Inclosure" Boots ran and ran and ran until I thought he was going to have a heart attack...."Garfield" (his new name, coem to find out its a boy and Puss wasn't such a good name) is addicted to shoe laces. He kept running around my feet and grabbing the laces and untying them.... Granvel even laughed.

    They pounced on each other, and tackled, then stalked each other..Their so darn funny. No need to turn on the TV whe youhave hours of "kitty" entertainment!!

    I got them a big shoebox and turned it upside down with a hole in one side so they had a "cave" to play in....Boots was hiding inside and Garfield was on top,,, they'd try to get to each other with their paws...it was tooo funny.

    I've got to get the digital and snap some photos....if only they'd sit still for one second....

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