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Puppy Parvo Virus

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by JennersO7, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. JennersO7

    JennersO7 New Member

    My 10 month old Puppy has been diagnosed Parvo Virus. He's been in the vet since Thursday night receiving treatment. I am having a very difficult time dealing with the virus and the effects that it having on him, I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has had a puppy, or dog who has also suffered from Parvo and what the outcome was of your pet. It's not looking good for us right now, We're hoping and praying that he turns around and comes out of this, but at this point No one can say for sure and now we just have to wait, it's all up to him. I have spent hours sitting with him in his kennel at the vet, hoping that he knows I'm not just leaving him alone at the vet, but I am having trouble taking time off from work to go see him... Any feed back would be helpful. Please.
    Thank you
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear that. Parvo is very deadly but if caught early enough they can be treated. I've head several of my rescue puppies die of parvo. But many of them survive as well.

    One thing is to keep him hydrated. I got a tube of Vita-Cal from Dr Foster and Smiths and it helped alot. Its a paste, so its easy for them to eat. When they wouldn't eat. i woul put some on the end of my finger and rub it on the roof of their mouth. They would lick it of course to get it off and then swallow....

    Its VERY important to keep him hydrated as I said before and every time you touch him, wash your hands in a bleach solution. You need to wash and treat everything he's touched, and everywhere he's been including you yard with bleach..

    I take one gallon of full strength bleach to five gallons of water. Then with a pump up sprayer I spray the whole yard.

    It may brown the ends of the grass a little but wont' kill it. But it will kill the parvo.

    You also need to scrub the inside of your house as well. EVERYTHING> Parvo can live up to 5 years on things.so if you get anotehr puppy or one visits. They can and most likely will get it.

    Good luck and I'm sending prayers your way.

    Do you ahve photos of this little guy?
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Punkin is a parvo survivor. Parvo is so awful I remember thinking each day that she was not going to make it because she was just so sick. But she did she pulled through and is now 55lbs of joy and energy! If you look above there is a sticky at the start of the message board with lots of great info on Parvo. Best wishes!
  4. JennersO7

    JennersO7 New Member

    Picture of Kopi, My Puppy

    I do have a picture of My Puppy, his name is Kopi. He's 10 months old, and he weighed 66lbs when i dropped him off at the vet thursday night. He's pure bread black lab, so georgous. The only picture I have online though is from the day that I got him... If you'd like to see it you can email me at JenniferT@qstaff.com, and I can send it to you that way as I don't know how to post it on here
  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Jenners i'm so sorry about your pup i had a rottie that had parvo and lived. there is a "sticky" at the top of this board about parvo please read it and do the cleaning instructions. I hope your baby pulls thru. My vet said one of the reasons my rottie made it was because she was a good weight and she could handle loosing the weight. I will be thinking of you and your family

    best of luck and please let us know how it goes
  6. 2BlackCats

    2BlackCats New Member

    Im sorry to hear about your pups illness. We just lost our 7 mo old GSD to Parvo in September. She was upto date on her shots, and when she started to get diarhea (sp) we were concerned, but not enough to take her to the vet for. She had a sensitive stomach, and if she got a hold of anything other than her dog food, she would get the runs. Apparently she had been sick the day before also, but did not have the runs. Looking back, we see that she was a little less enthusiastic, and more sleepy the day before she started to really show us signs. This was on a Saturday, and hubby and I decided to see how she felt the next day.....since she was UTD on her shots, parvo was not even a consideration for us. That next day/night she was really bad, and we knew that something serious was wrong with her. We took her first thing Mon. morning to the vet, but the virus was so far developed, we had no choice but to put her down. Our vet told us that he had seen 3-4 dogs over the summer infected with the virus, and they were also UTD on the shots. Most were younger dogs, but he did see an older dog get sick from Parvo.

    So, Im not wanting to be a downer for you, I just thought that I would say good luck, and it sounds like you have caught the virus early enough to stand a fighting chance. I hope your dog is able to pull through, and Im sure that he knows you are there with him, and have not abandoned him. Im keeping my fingers crossed for you and your pup! Hang in there!! :)
  7. JennersO7

    JennersO7 New Member

    Thank you to everyone who has replied to my post. I just got a call from the vet. When I went in to visit him this morning he was so lethargic he wouldn't move, he wouldn't even pick his head up when I came in, When I snapped my fingers in front of his face, or called his name he wouldn't even open his eyes, unless i was bouncing his tennis ball, he loves to play fetch... but i just talked to the vet, and when they went back and called his name he rolled up on to his belly and sat up to look at the doctor... so i'm feeling a little better about everything. I'm going to see him in about an hour.
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats good. You can try getting a CLEAN shirt or something that you've recently washed in bleach, and take it up thre for him. THe familiar smells of you will be on it and it might make him feel a bit better knowing your around, or having somthing of you around.

    if he's improving even slightly thats a good sign. Just remember,dont' give your hopes up. He can go up and down for the next few days. I had a rescue puppy who I though was over the parvo but ended up suddenly dying from it a few days later. Thats a mistake I'll never forget.
  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    My dog Sheba had parvo when she was a pup. It was 15 yrs ago when parvo was just beginning to be seen a lot. I got her in early enough and she made a full recovery in about 7 days.

    Hope everything works out for your little guy, also.
  10. stravieso

    stravieso New Member

    I had a puppy of 12 weeks die of Parvo and it was devastating. I wish you the best of luck with your puppy and I will pray for him.

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