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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by mdman126, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member

    Hi guys, i really dont know what to do ? it has been 2 months that my 11 months old pomeranian is sheding lots of hair, there is hair all over, in our food, on the blanket and bed, all over our clothes, in our mouth, on the carpet.................... and everywhere. it is a huge problem and i need your help.
    please tell me all the possible reasons and solutions. thanks a lot
  2. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member

    anyone out here?

    anyone has any suggestions? please tell me what to do. thanks
  3. casper

    casper New Member

    If your dog is sickeningly shedding - where he looks like he's unhealthy - then I suggest you go to the vet. My dog had a skin problem, was losing hair around his face, and we put him on antibiotics until his immune system kicked in properly.

    However, if its moderate shedding (as it sounds to me) there's really nothing you can. Didn't you know pomeranians were shedding dogs???
  4. mdman126

    mdman126 New Member


    thanks for the reply casper, i knew that they shed. i was told they shed twice a year. but this guy keeps on sheding now for 2 months. is it going to get better or it will always be like this? thanks
  5. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    What kind of a climate do you live in?
    The pomeranian is a spitz, a form of a Northern arctic dogs. I have a Siberian Husky and read that they would shed just twice a year, but my breeder told me that realistically, this is not true unless you live in very severe climates where you experience both weather extremes of hot and cold, mostly cold. In So.Cal our seasons aren't very evident so my husky blows her coat evenly year round. A northern dog just isn't a good investment if you can't stand carrying around a lint roller with you :wink:
  6. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    With artic dogs that live indoors they dont blow their coat like once or twice a year, they shed constantly. I have a husky and poms they all do this. If they were strictly outside they probly would. Some who live indoors still do blow their coat all at once but not mine. Does it look like his hair is too thin?
  7. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    I have a pom-a-poo. Unfortunately she favors the pom more than the poodle. And we live in a dry desert climate (Las Vegas) and we find little piles of Maya hair everywhere all year long. I would take your pom to the vet just to make sure its not an allergy or anything like that. My pup was loosing hair and we discovered that she was allergic to her dog food and was manifesting itself as skin and coat problem. Changed her food and she has a beautiful coat. Its all best to err on the side of caution. :)

    Later Gator,
  8. casper

    casper New Member

    i've never tried it, but i saw this serum at hte vet's office to prevent shedding. one spoonful per meal.

    i personally wouldn't do it, but if you're that upset about it...
  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Casper my grandfather uses that for his rottie and it helps with the shedding but she still sheds alot.

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