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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  4. Live Spirulina

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Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by merlin, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. merlin

    merlin New Member

    please anyone out there who reads this i am a big bird lover i have many birds but unfortunetly as my bird expertise does exist my knowledge of bird diesease is small to nill , i have recently aquired a beautiful blue budgie from someone along with it's mate and i keep them with my other budgies in a large cage, when i got her i noticed right away that her poop was a tad runny with neon greenish blue run in it i thought this was due to a poor diet but now it's progressed to her sitting oddly always low down to the perch or leaning to the side with one foot in the air , when ontop of her cage she often lays with her ass up and face down . i have also noticed infrequent head twitches , i'm very concearn but am also confused . i was told when i got her she was an odd one for laying eggs constantly but i havenever seen a budgie lay eggs before, please if anyone out there can help me write back promptly i would apreciate it as would my budgie with all her heart :cry:
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi firstly new birds should be caged away from other birds until any illnesses or sickness can be ruled out...

    What colour is the females cere as it sounds like she is suffering from egg binding this is potentially life threatening and should be dealt with ASAP...

    Check her oviduct for any swelling if there is any you can hold her gently over a bowl of steaming water careful that she does not fall into it..
    Put some godliver oil in her water and allow only her to drink it also rub a small amount of cod liver oil on her oviduct this should be enough to help her expel the egg...

    Calcium deficiency and bad diet is what causes egg binding.

    Does she have a nest box and plenty of cuttlefish bone and mineral blocks.
    If she has not expelled the egg within 8hours of doing this get her to an avian vet staright away as they egg will need to be broken down and remove if it is to save her life....

  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    P.s Is it possible for you to get a picture of her to send me you can message me on msn messenger boro_lad1976@hotmail.com i am always on so if you need anymore help please message me..


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