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Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lynnhaz, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    okay you guys...finally some pics!!! they sure look like they get along, huh?? except for the "episodes" of aggression, chris seems to have toward mikey. they are all boys...but i think chris is a little enamored with max...and of course max is mikey's closest friend. so...here ya go!! :eek:




    and i am posting others under "cat swap" to show one of monis gifts and how much the kitties loved it.... :D
  2. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    They're all adorable. I love the second picture - how beautiful! Thanks for sharing. It sounds like all in all that they're getting along pretty well!
  3. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    heres one more...look at the picture right below them....lols....(wasnt intended...just noticed it!! :p )

  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Great pics Lynn! :D I love that second one, it's so cute!
  5. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i have an even better one of max and chris on the fridge...but im saving it in case i use it in a photo contest.... :D its the best one of the bunch!!! btw...would the second and last photos qualify for lounging??? lols...i thinkin maybe they dont! :(
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    Lynn, they are so cute together! :eek: :eek: :eek: Yes, the second and last definitely qualify for the contest! :y_the_best:
  7. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    aww how sweet...beautiful kitties
  8. nern

    nern New Member

    Great pictures lynn! Looks like they're getting along pretty well.
    I take it there have'nt been anymore spraying episodes?
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :? no spraying...but chris is aggressive toward mikey. :roll: 95% of the time they get along...then all of a sudden chris attacks mikey...jumps on top of him, then starts to bite his neck...and pin him down. :m3: :m36: its a fight....ive had to keep chris in the back room on and off. max got aggressive toward mikey a couple of times...and that is so unlike max. [-X but he is doing exactly what he sees chris do. poor mikey. all he wants to do is groom him. and chris will let him...mikey just goes to it. then chris attacks.

    but overall chris is a sweetie. :kiss_heart: i think he would do better with one kitty vs. two...or maybe females. two other males...i think it becomes territorial. but i am fostering him until he is adopted...whenever that will be. his "ibd" is fine. im not even sure if he really has it. it may be either food or stress related. he was turned into the humane society for "chronic diarrhea" and the humane society diagnosed him in the two weeks he was there. then he was rescued by RESCUE where i volunteer. but...he lived with a family that had two small children and two kittens. so...he may have just lived in a house that was slightly chaotic...

    :m19: on a more postive note.....MAX HAS HAD NORMAL STOOLS LATELY!!!! :eek: :D

    he has been off his metronidazole for five and a half days!!!! im changing his diet over...and i think that is helping. i started it two weeks ago....its called "lifes abundance" and it is all organic. no preservatives or chemicals. i tried to take max off his meds about a month ago...he was still on 100% chicken soup, and he had diarrhea after four days off. so...im thinking the food is helping. his fecals have been clean for about a month and a half. :D

    im totally excited about this...totally. after everything we have gone through. :m26:

    so...thanks for listening, whoever is out there :qm1:

  10. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    Wow your cats are really pretty, they have such silky looking fur!
  11. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    :D thanks shimmery star...bengals have more of a "pelt" than regular cat fur. they hardly shed...and most breeders will tell you not to "brush" them...because their skin is more delicate than a regular cat.

    both max and christopher also have whats called the "glitter" gene...both of them have "high glitter", where in the sun...the gold shimmers...and max...has it all over...even the white glitters in the sun. its beautiful...like gold leaf.
  12. Starry

    Starry New Member

    That's great news Lynn!! :eek: After only a few days on metronidazole Pudcat has started hiding from me, he hates taking them so much, so I don't know how you have coped with months and months of meds! I really hope Max is off them for good now - keeping my fingers crossed for you


    PS GREAT photos, looks like Max has a crush :lol:
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    :0020: :0008: :m10:

    Starry, poor Pudcat. Is he taking liquid or pill form? Do you have to use the "plunger"?
  14. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    jenny...max was great on meds. i would take the quartered pill...and put it in a capsule, then coat it with butter. he thought it was a treat!!!

    :D but he was great on all of the meds...liquid, he would just lap it up, even barium...which is chalky...he lapped up. the amoxil...which is pink liquid, he would paw to get at. and always when i shook the bottle, he would come running. i have been VERY lucky. it is stuff like that, that just endears him to me. he has been a real trooper. :kiss_heart:

    today, they are a little softer. but i think its gonna be okay. :|
  15. Starry

    Starry New Member

    He was on pill form and I have no idea where I would have got a capsule or anything for him, so I tried lots of different ways to disguise the taste, butter, powdered sugar, tuna, salmon paste. He finished the latest course yesterday morning and I'm really hoping he will be free of the giardia then because I don't really want give him those pills anymore - it got so he was foaming at the mouth and I had to try three times just to get one pill in him, and that is in spite of the attempt to disguise the taste. :( And I am such a wimp about saliva, I rather clean up anything but saliva :oops:

    The vet didn't give me the option of liquid and I couldn't get the plunger in his mouth he was moving his head about so much and I was afraid of scratching the inside of his mouth. All in all it has been a horrible few weeks for us. I am just grateful that Fudgie has managed to stay completely clear :D

    Max does sound like a real trooper! He must know that you're only trying to make him better! Pudcat thinks I'm trying to poison him I'm sure :roll:

  16. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member


    yes...we went through that too for a couple of days. to give a little history. max was on all kinds of different meds :roll: ...to get rid of the giardia and clostridium. initially, when he went from amoxil to metronidazole, it was liquid form. they have to order it special and phone it in to an apothecary that does special mixes. it was expensive. 35.00 a week plus his b-12 which was 25.00. so, three months ago i asked my vet if he could take the pill form which is alot cheaper. he quartered the pills for me, and i gave it to max.....foam city....he hated it. (he also did that with the liquid towards the end of giving him liquid form, when they had to increase the dose because of his weight. i think the stronger the dose, its hard to mask the taste. ) and then of course...that experience is imprinted. so...a couple days later...i thought of taking the quartered pill and putting it into an empty capsule...which works great. no taste, no foam. my vet gave me the capsules, and didnt even charge me. they are minimal cost anyway. and if your vet doesnt have them...he can call it into a pharmacy.

    just a tip in case you ever need to pill again. also...you can get a pill crusher if the pill is bigger than the capsule, and wont fit in there. i think its by far a better way to go.

    butter or tuna oil....works well!! :wink:
  17. Starry

    Starry New Member

    :qm1: Thanks for the advice Lynnhaz, I'll definitely be asking the vet for capsules if he has to take any more!
  18. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    My Vianne has gone through several series of medications in her young life and fortunately she was a real trooper through each one. Anytime she saw me with a syringe she would come running up to me and meowing all excited. The last thing she had was the 1/4 pills of metronidazole and if i didn't give it to her right, she'd always spit it out and fight me. I never had to use a plunger on her tho. I'd just sit her in my lap grab the top of her head with my left hand and pry open her mouth then drop the pill straight down center to the very back of her throat and she'd swallow it and never taste it. It was when i missed and she tasted it that she got uncooperative, haha. She would start foaming then too.
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    whenever i read your posts fairiedust...i relate. that was what happened when i gave max the pill form. one time he caught the taste...then he fussed when i tried to give it again. thats why i went to the capsule!!

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