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Sudden Agression. Help!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok so for the past few days Smokey had gotten really edgy, and has snapped and Growled. Today He got out of his kennel and ran into the road. Granvel caught him inthe street and yelled at him. WEll Smokey growled and snapped then layed down and decided he wasn't moving. SO granvel took his foot and put it under his butt to push him and he leapt up, grabbed Granvels hand and went into FULL attack mode.

    I can understand why he did this if Granvel would have hit him or kicked him but he didn't.
    He bit Granvel here about a week ago as well during play.

    What do I do now? Granvels hand is all chewed up, he's got at least a half a dozen puncture wounds and its all swollen. He's on his way to the dr.

    What do I do? I have no idea why he's doing this! He even growled at me!!!!
    He's never been like this.

    I'm going to find a obediance class and get him signed up again. Maybe another class will help? He's got a vet apt to find out if there's anything healthwise wrong with him. But as far as I can tell, theirs not.
    After he didd it he was his happy self again. Running and wanting to be petted and played with.....
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    What kind is he again???

    Rage syndrom works something like this...but it's hard to say... It could possibly be a physical problem... But it really sounds like it's a behavioral problem with Smoky rather than anything else... I would find a behaviorist or trainer that works specifically with the breed etc... I would have the trainer come out to the house and see also if you can't figure out what may be triggering this... I remember he's an ACD??? Hmmm... Really hard to say...

    BTW did you see my post in response to your pics of "real" QH's on the horse board??? wasn't sure if you had or not...LOL
  3. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    I agree with Sara that you should consult with a Behavior Specialist. I just checked the yellow pages and saw one add that has listed "Agression Specialist". Check woith your Vet for possible references also.
    With that sudden of a change I too think it could be a sign of some health related problem., possibly neurological. A behavior specialist should be able to determine the cause.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yes. He's a registered Australian Cattle Dog, aka Blue heeler.

    I honestly can't tell you the reason he's doing this. I've called the vet and he asked if there were any changes in his routines...Yeah. I brought home another dog and she ran away after 3 days!!!

    He said that he could be showing agression due to his lonliness....I don't know how much of that I belive..
    I'm checking out a specialist. WE'll see what they say I guess...

    Sara, no not yet.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I think it could very well be frustration at losing his buddy... Is he only doing this when you guys stop him from leaving etc... This last time he was in the road right? Perhaps he's going to look for her and he's mad that you won't allow it??? He's dominating becuase of his frustration at not being able to do his 'duties?"... You know??? it could very well be an acting out becuase of the loss of the other one... And if you guys are also more stressed at some times than others about him being lost too...he could be picking up on it as well...

    Hard to say though... I've always wanted an ACD...I will one of these days...
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Maybe there's a bitch in heat some where. The scent travels quite a ways. Maybe Lacy is still close by and in heat.

    I know when a bitch is in heat, a male becomes pocessed. There's nothing he won't try to get to his honey.

    Take him out if you can. Maybe he might lead you to Lacy. Wouldn't that be great?
  7. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    I've experienced a similar problem recently with my Boxer, a five year old female. She has always been the sweetest, most loving dog. Suddenly, she has growled, snarled and acted as if she would bite me on a couple of occasions. Shocked the heck out of me, to say the least! Never has she shown the slightest aggression toward any of her family in the five years we've had ber (since she was eight weeks old). Always, in these situations our other dogs would be in the general vicinity. (within 10 feet away). She has not done it if the other dogs weren't around. I don't want to imply that dogs have human emotions, but jealousy may play a part. Its totally atypical of her, and really concerns me. All I can say is do you see a pattern with your dog? Does he show aggressiveness only in certain situations? Do certain things seem to set him off? I am going to have my Boxer checked by the vet, and since cancer is so common in Boxers, I am worried about a possible brain disorder. I have had many dogs of several different breeds for their entire lives, but never has a normally stable one suddenly exhibited aggressiveness like this. A very humbling experience. . .
  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I don't know. He's never really minded anyone but me. I know Heelers are a very ONE person dog type of breed. Granvel and him play. The other night he walked right up to Granvel and growled. and imediately took on the "posture". I quickly clapped my hands and told him no. Called him to me and made him sit. But Granvel wasn't doing anything other than watching TV, and had been since he got home and Smokey had been in the house with him the whole time.

    Granvel called and said his Brother Bobby went down there and he walked up to the kennel to check on his water, and Smokey was growling at him.

    I don't know what the deal is. Granvel doesn't want to get rid of him. But he wants to put a shock collar on him so when he even attempts soemthing like that or growls he can repremend him.

    Smokey will bite and snap if he raises his hand or voice. But not to me. ALl I have to do is hallar, "NO, Bad dog". and he lays down and quits. But Granvel can't raise his voice, or move his arms with out him wanting to "snap". Its wierd and has been happening for the past few days....

    A trainer I talked to said that Granvel isn't alpha and thats the way Smokey see's him. (But try relating that to Granvel....)
    He said that we need to enroll him in anther obediance class and Granvel MUST attend and be the MAIN part of it. He stressed this big time.

    He's not taking him seriously and thats the problem. He see's Granvel as being part of his Pack and not his Master.

    I'm thinking about calling Mans Best Freind. Does anyonehave any experiance with them, or heard anything about them?
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I would get his thyroid levels checked first...one of the symptons of hypoactive thyroidism is sudden aggression. If any thyroid problems are ruled out definitely see a behaviorist.
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  11. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Does Granvel do ANY of the feeding and caring for him??? IF not...he should start... Is Smokey Crate trained??? THIS sounds like rank aggression directed at Granvel and you are in the middle... Smokey feels you are HIS territory and he seems to be acting out in a manner to express his feelings that he should be alpha male in the house... Granvel needs to feed him and be the only one to do so...he needs to perhaps require that Smokey sits before receiving his meal and even down if you can manage... Granvel needs to be the one to reprimand Smokey for growling at him rather than you and Smokey needs to, if not already, be crate trained and NOT sleep in bed with the two of you (doubt it but had to throw it in for good measure...) Keeping him off the couch is good as well... and off of Granvel's chair if he has one... Granvel needs to assert his dominance and let smokey know he's the boss... a Shock collar is not necessary at this juncture... OB classes where Granvel is the handler is a good idea...letting instructor know of the specific problem... Muzzling for this OB is likely going to be necessary... Smokey FIRST needs to be checked physically before all of this other stuff takes place to make sure it's a rank dominance thing... NOT a physical ailment causing a problem...

    Keep us updated!
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    We disgussed alot of that last night. He's going to be the person to water and feed him.
    He generally doesn't come in the house. Occassionally he'll get to come in due to bad weather or something. He NEVER gets on the bed or furniture. He knows better.

    As far as Me being in the middle, I guess thats true now that I think about it.

    He's kennel trained. I've never had to use a crate on him before. When we aren't home, he's in his outside kennel.

    He's got a vet apointment for Saturday, and I'm registering him for obediance classes. My only problem with that is Granvel works out of town so much. He's not home during the day, and making it to the classes is going to be tough. I'm guessing at home training is going to be his thing.

    He did growl at me last night. I don't know what his deal was. I'm assuming he is still upset over the comotion that went on, but I quickly scoled him and kenneld him to show him he's in trouble.

    As far as him looking for Lacy, We've tried that. I've put him on a long leash and gone walking on foot. He'd rather pee on ever shrub, tree and blade of grass....he's very simple minded....
  14. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I think once the physical problems are ruled out the best way to proceed is in the manner that he's got a Rank dominance deal and go in that direction... A trainer will help with that and reading materials my cousins have a Rott that's like that (well was) and they did a plethura of things to combat it and finally beat it out (not literally)... The ACD and being a one owner type dog is also a sign of a dominance issue... I've never met a timid or non-dominant ACD when it comes to this sort of thing...not sure why but it seems to be the way of things...

    Lack of contact with Granvel is likely the culprit behind the actual biting him etc... Rank Dominance is likely the problem all together or an ailment of some kind...depression, Thyroid, or rage syndrom (the latter seems less likely all the time) or pain of some type... He may be mourning the loss of his friend and need some time to cool off...seems far fetched but always a possibility... Good luck and let us all know!
  15. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thanks. One thing we disgussed last night is him getting out again or it getting worse and him biting soemone other than us. Then we'll have a lawsuit! And we don't want nor need that. Granvel said soemthing about not wanting to get rid of him. and I told him I would not be getting rid of him unless its something that we can't hanldle and can't be fixed... Rehoming him is NOT in the picture at all. I don't care what I have to do to fix this problem, but I'll do anything. He's my baby....
  16. Sara

    Sara New Member

    At this point keeping him secure is the only option. I have Three Boerboels who ARE a liability and they are housed in FT. Knox... They view our neighbor's house and their territory and will easly scale or jump the fence to "protect" it...no doubt... we are constantly checking to make sure the fence is secure enough and beyond my better judgement they are all three together to curtail any social desire to escape... Rather an accident happen between them rather than between dog and neighbor... No escapes... Just have to be vigilant and it should be fine... EVEN IF his aggression to strangers can't be fixed...he can be crated during the day if necessary to keep him safe... APBT and other "dangerous" dog rescue and breeding teaches us what we can handle for a dog... Dog aggression is something I can tolerate with my own dogs etc... I've had to LEARN that when my beloved came up with it...etc... but Granvel will soon understand and learn that YOU are the one taking on the responsibility to keep the dog out of harm's way and you out of the court room...it's not life or death if you are inginuitive enough...and I'm sure that you are!
  17. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yeah. poor guy thinks he's in prison now. He's secured as it can get. We took cinderblocks and stacked them all the way around the bottom of the kennel. He's also got a pad lock on his kennel door to keep him from opening it or someone else.

    You'd think with all the rawhide, bones, treats, toys and stuff in his pen he'd be happy, but he just looks at you and whines. Of course when I get home I let him out, but getting him back in is another task...He avoids it at all costs. Usually ends with me frustrated, and him mad.

    Like yesterday I had to leash him and litterally DRAG him in there and use my foot to keep him from coming out the gate as I closed it.

    I don't know what his problem is.
  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    He's lonely, Sams. That's not the reason for the aggression (I doubt) but that's why he doesn't want to go back in his kennel. His kennel isn't near any of the rescues, right? Did Char share his kennel or was she close by? How about Lacy?

    They're pack animals - you know that. Is there a compatible, healthy rescue you can move closer to him? Can you bring him in the house more when you are home?
  19. Sara

    Sara New Member

    If none of those are an option then crating him in the house would be best...he would feel safe in there as it's like a den and you could put in some of your stuff to help with any separation problems... My female APBT would be a complete disaster if she didn't stay crated all day...she's big time got separation problems and the crate is her life saver...literally. Think about it if it's an option...

    His lonliness MIGHT contribute to the aggression if it's coming out at times when he thinks or IS going back to his kennel.
  20. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    You know. that could be. No I keep him WAY away from the rescues for health and safety reasons. Char shared his kennel when they were locked up when no one was home. She had separation axiety and he helped calm it. I let Lacy with him too for socialization.

    I can't put any of the current rescues with him. Daisy Mae is still in quarentine for Distemper, Hanky has come down with a misterious hair loss (I'm suspecting possible allergies) and the others are males and neutered or not Smokey will NOT tolarate another male whatso ever.

    Ok. So we figured out one thing. Now how to fix it? Should I just find another female? We were thinking about it since Lacy is gone and obviously not coming back. And even if she did we thought about another anyhow for the shows and possilbe (BIG MAYBE) breeding program.

    Whats your take on this?

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