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ohhh boy KITTENS!!!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    ok first off sorry i havent been on in a while... WORK WORK WORK :shock: but.... today i was sitting outside since it has finally gotten a lil cooler and it was raining this morning also. well as i am sitting there i kept hearing this cry over and over again, i didnt think much of it since there r so many different kinds of birds around here i figured it was a bird (sounds weird i know) but finally after bout 2 hours the dog next door got lose and went running to my shed after it jumped our fence.. so i get up and walk to the shed to see whats going on since the dogs knocking over everything (our shed is hanging by a thred since the hurricanes sooo) and the dog ran back next door.. and the cry is sounding like a kitten now i look down and heres a baby kitten on its back w/ a tire on top of him so i pushed off the tire and grabbed the baby.. with the cat trying to eat me alive i run inside w/ him and dry him off... he settles down a lil so i offered some food and man did he chow down, poor thing acted like he was starving.. well after eating he decided to start checking things out around the house.. as i was getting ready to take him 4 a walk down the street to find out if anyone had lost a kitten i look on the back porch where he was in a dog crate and was crying non stop and there is another cat standing at the cage sniffing him... well some of u might know about the cat on the other house next to me that has a female cat thats not spayed and always has litters and they always end up dying, well the cat stadning there was that cat.. so i took the kitten outta the cage and by then the female ran next door and was stading on the other side of the fence crying so i took the baby and let him in the grass and he ran to the fence and mom cat picked him up and took him home... ok well now i finally see where she is keeping these babies is in our shed at night 4 shelter and moves them in the day.. so i went out there toniight and put food out 4 mom cat and kitten food 4 the babies (since the ppl next door havent been home in a month and the mom has been eating outr garbage). well i finally got to look at all the babies and there r 3 one female medium hair black one and then 2 buff and white colored males... and moms calico.. i am gussing the babies r around 6 weeks or so just from not seeing the mom cat around for about that long...well anyways heres my plan... i am going to talk to the couple that own this cat tomarrow when i get off since i seen them com home bout an hour ago) and ask them if they dont mind if i find homes for these babies and the mom to.. hopefully they say its ok, if not im gonna end up yelling at the man just for the fact why have all these cats when they dont even take care of the mom cat. she has had 4 litters including this one that i have paid attention to and only one of those litters besides this one has survied and the only reason the other 1 litter did is because we found them and bottle fed them.. the last litter starved to death ( is what he told us) because they were outta town and no one was there to feed the mom cat or the 2 dogs on their back pourch i might add (but at least they r inside and dont run lose). and not only that if he wants to keep the mom cat hes gonna hear me out about getting her fixed and if he still will not let me find good homes then i hate to do it but i will have to call animal services on him, not b/c im mad at what hes doing b/c i feel so bad for that poor cat, shes so cute, she dont like other ppl besides the woman that lives there but im willing to try and work w/ her so she wont get put down and can have a chance at a happy life...but i just have a bad feeling that thats what he is going to do is tell me no.. i dunno why.. that man is just like that hes impossible about everything.. he likes to fight w/ ppl ill put it that way...

    sorry this is a lil long im just venting... but am i doing the right thing.. not about trying to find the babies homes but about if he says no what should i do? i really do not want to call animal services b/c i know they will put all the cats down the kittens and the mom (my sis in is a officer there and ive already talked w/ her about it) b.c the cats i guess you could say feral... but if i am able to find homes im gonna take the kittens in for at least a week to get them used to ppl unless whoever they go to wants to take the time.. i have had 6 ppl ask me about knowing where to find a cat sooo... just i hope if i can find homes i can find one for mom cat to so we wont have this problem again...or i wish if the ppl say ok on finding the kittens homes and not the mom cat then there was a way i could have her spayed for them for free but we dont have free spay and nueter here its low cost for $45 for females and $35 for males and $20 for males that r up to date on shots and $30 for females up to date and i know shes not.. i dont even think shes ever had shots....opinions plezz!!!
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Poor poor cat&kittens! :(

    I think you're definitely doing the right thing! But if you're sure that animal services will put the cats down, do your best to find homes for them first.
    Wich i know you will :wink: I know it's easier said than done, but i really think this guy and his wife (?) needs a lecture! Maybe you could get someone from animal services to give him a warning? That is if he won't listen to you when you talk to him...

    You are a great person for helping these kitties! :0018:
  3. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    i cant believe anyone would put a cat through all that they dont really want pets as they aint even responsible to look after them y ppl do it i dont know! i hope u get to re home them so sum 1 can b as kind as u n love them sum ppl jus dont care n it makes me so angry that sum can be like like to another living animal :x
  4. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    i agree!

    good luck tho hun!
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    That is so sad...I'm glad that your going to try to help.
    This is what I would do in your situation -
    I would first talk to the owner and see if he will give up the cats including the mother. If the owner says no then I would sneak the mother cat off to be spayed during one of these times that the owner is not home for a month and then return her. At least this way she won't continue to reproduce and tiny kittens won't have to suffer anymore. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
  6. vene

    vene New Member

    See if you can get the feral cat focus involved. Pretend she's feral. They do the catch and release program where they neuter/spay, treat fleas, mites, and give vaccinations then release them. If Nern's wonderful idea doesn't work out, you can always try the Feral CAt Focus group. I don't know if there's one in Fl. though.
  7. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    thanks everyone 4 the advise.. i agree i hate the way these ppl do this to animals it makes me sick.. i mean how could u? if i even look at a kitten i want to grab it and run!!! :roll: and i know the woman that lives there has to have some sort of love 4 the cat maybe not th love she should have as a owner but i do see her every now and then come out and talk to the mom and pet her, but then when she goes inside i will see the cat crying at the back door begging to come in and the woman will just throw a can of cat food out to her, she dont even put it in a dish or on a plate just opens the top and throws it to the cat (literally throws it at her) so then i again i wonder about the love deal... the poor cat will run straight to the food and hog it down.. her poor tongue has to be all cut up from eating outta that can.. could u imagine licking food outta a can.. that might hurt....but even when i do see them throw food out there which is very rare then thats all the cat gets one can of cat food no dry nothing.. she drinks from puddles of water from rain or outta my pool etc.. so i know thats not good 4 her and she gets into trash also.. as a matter of fact i seen her run from our trash cans tonight when it got dark and i went and put 4 dishes out there one w/ dry food the other w/ wet food then another w/ wet kitten food (for the babies) and a bowl of water.. i went out there an hour later and she was sitting at the bowls w/ all 3 babies and ran off when she seen me but had no food. they ate all the food.. but when she ran off she left her babies and they ran under my garage door and i managed to get to play w/ them 4 a lil while till mom cat was crying and they went running to her....

    as far as talking to the man and woman i seen the guy today outside working on his bass boat and went walking towards the house and he looked at me and walked inside.. i waited good 10 min and he never came out so i went back home and sat and watched him he came back out so i went over again this time he didnt walk off and as soon as i said "excuse me but i was wondering if you and your wife wouldnt mind me fiding homes" he spoke up and said i dont have time to talk right now come by tomarrow.. so i just went home...soooo tomarrow i will try again if he still dont talk to me i will have my mom ask him since he is always chatting w/ her and see what he says but i will be standing there to see what his answer is and if its no!!!! :x hes gonna hear it... and i mentioned it to my sis in law and she agreed that if he does say no.. this weekend when her and my bro and kids come out she will have a talk w/ him to try and convince him... but hopefully he will just say yes and we wont have togo thiough all that i just think he will try an be difficult though.. just one of those feelings :?

    i wish i could keep all the babies and mom cat she is so pretty and has the cutest face... but.... w/ working and having 4 cats 1 dog 3 birds and 2 guinea pigs i wouldnt have the time to raise 3 kittens i would rather them have good homes w/ someone that can spend the time w/ them that they need....but on the other hand the lil black female kitten looks just like my teddy bear (also one of that mom cats babies from 2 litters b4 this one) and teddy passed away not to long ago so its hard to let her go back to mom cat when she calls her babies it makes me wanna cry... and when i was trying to find homes 4 my 3 kittens (garfield sassy and teddy) b4 we got attched to them no one wanted the black one (teddy) they wanted gar and sassy b/c they were not "plain".... so maybe i will have a hard time finding this black one a home and that will be my excuse to keep it..lol :wink: cause shes just like teddy same two white marking on belly and throat and then all black just a lil fluffier then teddy bear was.. and did i mention looks just like a lil black teddy bear...lol :lol:
  8. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    This story is so sad, good luck with talking to the owners of these cats, I hope they are resposible enough to let you try and find them the homes they deserve.
    If it were me in your sitiuation I would have taken them all in under my roof I'm not saying this is what you should do at all, if you feel you dont have the time they need. A few years ago I ended up having 9 cats living with me (7 of my own and 2 new rescues) it was too much and the rescues had to be rehomed , having said that I don't regret taking on those rescue cats because they were removed from the bad situation they were in and now live in a loving home.

    Got a soft spot for the little black one huh? sounds just like me! Thats how I've ended up with 5 cats lol and one more cat won't make that much difference will it?! :wink:
  9. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well the ppl were not home at all today soo....as far as taking them in under my roof another whole reason why i didnt is b/c i dont thin the mom cat has ever had shots since she isnt spayed.. but i could be wrong but i know she cant be up to date and i dont want to take the chance of my cats cathching anything from her or the kittens if they do have something... cause i dont get the full shot deal on my brats i just get the rabies shot....and as far as taking the black one i probably would have already claimed all 3 kittens but me my son and all my animals are still living w/ my parents until we can find a place. soooo...my mom only has sassy and the other 3 cats r mine.. well chyanne is mine and my dads cause she loves him since the whole dogs attacking her deal.. its like she knew that he was trying to save her also cause b4 she never would go near him...but when i first found that 1 kitten in my shed b4 we found out there were 2 more my mom was planning on keeping it if it didnt belong to anyone... sooo there might be a chance... my mom has that womans cell phone # from a long time ago when it was just her living there by herself b4 she got married to this man. she gave it to my mom incase something ever happened to the house while she was away.. so mom said she was just gonna try callin the woman tomarrow while im working.. and of she dont have any luck when i get off at noon im gonna go over there if they r home...but im getting to the point where im just gonna catch the babies regardless if i talk to the ppl or not and "tame" them a lil bit and then find them homes and if the guy asked where they went ill tell them i took them to the shelter where they found new homes... cause i cant get in trouble then...either way i guess i couldnt b/c if the cats r in my yard then... thats how it works here....
  10. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well some good news and some kinda bad!! good news is the lil black kitten is in my lap right now as i type... shes so cute and man is she fluffy!!!when i came home today i seen somthing black walk across the road so when i got in my driceway i got out went to the side of the road and heres the baby black kitten... so i was like ok either i leave this kitten out here and it gets hit by a car or take it in... sooo of course i take it in the house .. she was a total lil brat when i picked her up she was fussing like crazy and i picked her up and man did she attack!!! ive had her inside my house since bout 2pm today and all day untill maybe 8 tinight she has been soo terrified now shes playing and eating etc...shes so sweet!!!! as far as the other 2 boy kittens they r still next door at the house and when i was planing on sneeking over there to get them theman came home so i went and asked him about finding thm homes he was like "oh yea go ahead i dont want them but i will have to ask my wife first and ill let u know tomarrow" i said ok thats fine and told him i had the black one at my house he said man how any kittens is there i knew there were kittens but we never tried to find out hw many i was like theres 3 he said ohhh i didnt know that... i said do u mind if i try and find the mom cat a home he said i doubt my wife will go 4 that one i was like ok then why dont u guys consider having her fixed then he waiting 4ever and finally was like well we have thought about it but.. and didnt say anything else... i dunno tomarrow im gonna get all the babies and take them in the house the mom cat is off wondering around and has 3 males following her wherever she goes sooo it seem like she wants her babies to fend 4 themselfves now...
  11. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Thats great FMgurl :eek: You truly are a good samaritan!
  12. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    He didn't even know how many kittens his own cat had? Thats unbeleivable! I don't think I'll ever understand these people who take on pets and let them breed without even caring :0011:
    Good luck with the kittens and the mom cat hopefully they will at least get the poor cat fixed. :D
  13. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Glad to hear that he doesn't mind you helping out the kittens :D That was such a frustrating story tho! What does your sister in animal services say about them leaving their animals for long periods without food tho?? Do the dogs starve also? I'm in Florida also and i don't know what county you're in, but in mine, that's considered animal abuse too, and several times while working at the shelter, we had animals on special hold for reasons just like that. The owners left their animals alone for long periods to starve and the animals were taken away from them. It's crazy and so evil and irresponsible! Please keep updating.
    Also there are organizations in florida that trap feral cats to spay/neuter and release them. I guess thats a big thing in Hollywood where there are a bunch of feral cats roaming around. Sometimes they would get picked up at animal control and you could tell them because they clip off the tip of one ear to identify them.
  14. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    faeriedust1127: im located in fort myers not to far from u... and at animal services where my sis in law works they say they cant do anything about them leaving the animals for long peroids of time because they do have one of there relitives come and feed them while they r away...but there is ore about that subject and ill get to that in a min..lol

    ginger: i know i was shocked that he didnt know how many kittens there were.. i wonder if he even knows how many dogs he has on his back pourch? :cry:

    bente: :m31:

    ok now.....when i woke up this morning to go to work (at a pet store imagine that..lol) the black kittens was in the dog crate crying.. i left the cage in the dining room where the other cats sleep that way she didnt feel alone..anyways i was running late as it was already and here this baby is crying her heart out.. i couldt resist :oops: sooo i went and opened the cage and she ran to the back corner and then she went running to the front and crawled on my lap and was being all lovey dovy and it was the first time i heard her purr... it was sooo cute.. i hated having to leave her...well i came home from work and i got a call on my cell from a # up north (new hampshier i think she said) the woman asked if i had kittens i was like yes i do she said ohh cause my mom works at a store that u left a # for another girl about kittens and i live up here but my dad is always comming to visit every month since hes a truck driver and then she went on asking if i had a orange and white tiger stipped baby and i told her no i dont but she asked if her mom (the woman that worked at the store) can come by this weekend and look at the kittens i told her i didnt care just have her call well then the woamn went on asking if the kittens had fleas etc..and i told her the whole story about the kittens and the mom and that i havent gotten the orange and white ones yet just the black girl and that yes they have fleas and she made such a big deal asking me to get rid of the fleas 4 her if she decides to get one tec..i told her that since the babies were so ateup w/ fleas to begine w/ their lil gums were almost white so i was trying to do everything i could... then she had asked if she could put flea drops on the baby when she got them and i started to think twice about letting her have one cauise first shes up north what if these ppl decide they want their kittens back? i would tell them no.... but still. second she was wanting to put flea drops on their backs and she didnt even know what the flea drosp were called....i dunno anyway to get on w/ my story... i went to check the mail after that and when i was walking back inside a guy was like "hey girl" i turn and look and its the old man that owns these babies he called me over there and said he didnt mind if i got rid of all them he had talked to his wife and they do not want the cats and to take the mom to so i got all excited and went to walk home and i heard him say "but" i was like ohh great what now? he said get rid of allthe kittens and the mom but.... my wife wants one of the boy kittens.. i was like ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm oooookkkk ](*,) he said "me and my wife r going away for a while until maybe turesday or so and what i want u to do is either get the babies now or when we r gone and hold the lil boy kittens 4 us till we get back then bring him to us" and i kinda sat there 4 a min in total shock like ohhh my gosh i cant believe these ppl soooo :0013: i kinda gave him a lil peice of my mind i was like "not to be rude but why do yall want a baby kitten when u dont care about teh cat you have? u let her run lose, shes not allowd inside, u throw her food, u dont spend any time w/ her and most of all you wont even get her fixed to solve this problem" and he was like "well we just want a boy cat no more girls" and laughed :m3: :m36: man i was so mad!!!!! and then thats not it yet!!!! he went on to say "if u dont want us to have any cats thats why u r doing this we wont let u find them homes, and if u want to get animal control on us go ahead but they will get u instead" by then i was HOT!!!!!! :m26: i said ok no problem i will get the mom a home and the kittens except 4 a male and ill give it to u but i want to take the kittens now... but i cant take the mom till i can find her a home b/c she is just to mean and i cant deal w/ her and the kittens right now.." so we went looking 4 the kittens and they were no where to be found we seen the mom cat and he kept saying "oh she will come right up to u shes not mean" im thinking ok whos this man think he is?but i didnt wanna be to mean to him and then him not let me find homes 4 the babies and let the mom keep having kids so i was nice....well we never found the kittens and i came home and told my mom what he had said and she even said what i was thinking to just say all the kittens were girls when they came back asking 4 a baby.... :0025: soooo i seen his truck leave so i figured they had already left 4 their trip and i had to take my son to the circus tonight so i wanted to hurry and find these kittens b4 i left cause it would be dark when we got home, so i went back over there looking 4 them and the woman walked out the door she was walking w/ me looking and then said "ohh well they will be out tomarrow im sure, then u can come and try again.. and did my husband tell u which one i wanted? i want the lil boy that has the most orange" :m13: i was like great now i cant say that they were all girks cause she already knows...sooo its just a big mess!!!when i got home tonighht they were gone (FINALLY) so i went w/ my flashlight and went looking 4 these babies....still no luck.. so i was thinking ok what if these ppl know that i really dont wanna give them a kitten back so they took them inside or something so i took the light and looked on the back pourch and ohhhhh man, u wouldnt believe!!! the dogs r back there and i never see them get walked or let out nothing soooo i had to be noisy.. sorry i just couldnt help it... and theres one dog in there that the woman has had 4ever even b4 she moved in which was 6 years ago, she used to walk it everything then she married this man 3 years ago and i thought the dog had died cause i never seen her walk it but i knew they had a dog but i didnt think it was that one well i looked in there and there were rats, YES RATS!!! and roaches running all over the place and there was dog pee and poop everywhere and old dog food that was left uneatin.. it stunk so bad :0024: well there was that one old dog that could barley get up to come bark at me and then another lil dog... it was gross i tried to get the door open and i was gonan let them out and take them to the shelter right then and there but.. it was locked :0025: at that point i didnt care if they had me arrested or not... thats just wrong that place has not been cleaned out in i dunno how long...but... i kept searching 4 the kittens it turned into a 2 hour search i looked like a cop looking all around that place... but ended up not finding the 2 kittens.. the mom cat is running around crying her head off and i dunno if shes looking 4 her babies or calling the male cat thats following her everywhere.... probably both...so im so upset wondering what happened to these kittens...we have a creek behind out house that is nasty as can be w/ woods behind that .. well i noticed about a week ago a litter of baby gators back there that eventually when aniaml control has the time will remove since one baby was to our fence line when i found it but... the mom cat is 4ever moving her kittens and i just hope the babies didnt become dinner... but the mom cat is standing at the property line by the breek when she crys so i dunno i just have a feelin!!!!and i pray thats not what happend.... i will feel so bad that i have waited so long to catch these kittens if i cannot find them... but im so glad i grabbed the back one when i did and didnt atke her back to her mom or i probably wouldnt find her either....but i will look again tomarrow when i get home and i hope i will find them.. and im gonna look into traping the mom and taking her to a no kill shelter....but not animal services cause she will be put down then sooo.. most of the no kill shelters u have to pay a fee when u drop them off around here but there is 2 new ones sooo... even if tere is a fee i will pay it i dont care im not gonna let her live like that... and the dogs i will pass on that info to animal services!!!and if the man tries to "get me" i dunno how he can cause my brats up up to date on rabies.. and r all fixed and inside!!!!and very well taking care of and ohh did i mention SPOILED!!! even the baby is spoiled now... shes running around playing like she owns thsi house and simba and chyanne play w/ her but garfield and sassy dont want anything to do w/ her and she will follow garfield everywhere and get his tail and he gets soo mad!!! :wink: its cute he will hiss at her and she arches up and fluffs out and hisses back and he runs...but i have named her princess.. since shes like my teddy bear and teddys name was princess teddy bear..i wanted to name her princess and my mom wanted to name her teddy bear so ijust put it together but thats another story.. but she is a lil princess and boy does she know she owns me...lol

    sorry i didnt relize how long this was.. and spelling etc.. might be bad but i am just toooooo tired and got a lil carried away....long day!!!! 8-[ :0010: :shock:
  15. Bente

    Bente New Member

    OH MY GOSH! :shock: These people should be locked up! :m3: :m3:
    Man! This makes me so angry! They should be forced to get a tatoo on their forheads saying: "This person is NOT suitable to own a pet, or to have the responsibility of any living creature!" :m36:

    You're doing a great job FMgurl, keep up the good work :y_the_best:
    I really hope nothing bad has happened to the kittens, and that you find them soon... If i were you i think i would tell the neighbors i never found them, even if i did... Or get somelaw enforcement authorities/animal services to state a jugment that these people are forbidden to ever get a new pet (if something like that is possible)
  16. nern

    nern New Member

    Good for you FMgurl :y_the_best:. I really hope you find the kittens. I can't believe they want to keep one!? And the conditions their dogs live in sounds horrible. :x
    Keep us posted.
  17. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well the search has went on since bout 1 today when i got off.. i looked till 5pm 4 these babies and no luck... i look whereever i see the mom cat going which she is going across the street to that house alot lately so i figured she hid them there so i wwent and looked and no kittens just a un nuetered male cat!!!!the only other place i can think of is another neighboors shed.. she goes there alot but the ppl havent been home and i dont wanna just go snooping in their shed w/o asking and telling them why soo ill ask tomarrow....and hopefully thats where they r at...u should see the lil black kitten (princess) shes so sweet now... shes a huge ball of fur... i dont think shes gonna be a short hair or a long hair more like medium hair baby... shes sitting on my shoulder now as i type staring at my birds.. shes just watching them trying to figure out what these weird things r.. she will get real close to the cage and put her paw on it and my lovebird tweety will come down and sit next to her and start yelling and she runs back down my arm....now i just started petting her and shes purring away... soooooooo cute.... my digital is broke so i cant take pix until i get it fixed.. i cant wait to take a pix of her.....ive gotten so attached to this lil one already and i dont want to cause im afraid i wont be able to keep her....lol now shes asleep on my shoulder which is right next to the birds cages and tweey and keyera (lovebirds) r sitting there staring at her like "hey ummmm mom what is that thing? its to lil to be one of those cat things u have.. i wonder if it taste good" and then they take a peice of her fur and she turns around to them and they run....lol its soo cute... my other cats r like "ok those birds r no longer interesting to me anymore so lets go check out these guinea pigs"
  18. Bente

    Bente New Member

    awww, she sounds so sweet! I wish i had room for so many pets... Maybe one day, we can't live in this apartment forever :p

    Good luck on the kitten search tomorrow :m37:
  19. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well... this morning my mom starts yelling that she hears some kittens crying so we go out and start looking and my mom goes to the owners house and i go to the other neighboors house.. my mom comes back and says there only one kittens left i was like WHAT? where is he? she said that the owners were home and that they told her they went all the way to the other coast this weekend and when they got to where they were going they heard something like a kitten cry comming from under the truck.. so the woman starting looking and one of the babies was up under the bed of the truck and the other one was dead.... so i looked next door and here this kitten is sitting outside once again w/ the mom cat... i was like well why the heck didnt u get him anyways she said the woman refused to give her the cat that she is keeping him and his name is lucky since hes a mirical...i said ok if the woman really gave a lick about this baby he wouldnt be outside right now so something else can happen to him...but personally i dont think thats what happened how would a kitten hold on for a 3 or 4 hour ride to the other coast.. i dunno... just seems like somthig more.. like maybe they hid that one kitten inside and took the other one off i dunno.... cause its just weird that the day i ask the man if i can find homes that afternoon i didnt see them anymore and that was wednesday i think and they didnt leave till thursday afternoon..i dunno.... its a mess.. so i guess im lucky i grabbed the lil black baby when i did or she might be dead to....poor thing....the one that they said died is the frist one i ever found b4 i knew there were 3 babies and he was the sweetet one out of all of them....and the one that they have now was the meanest one the lil runt and looks so sick and skinny... i put ALOT off food out tonight behind my fence by their yard so the mom and baby could eat cause once again they only "THREW" out one can of cat food 4 the mom and its not even kitten food....so i always put food out for mom cat but to9night i went and bought extra kitten food and gave that to the baby... even this baby i have princess she still dont wanna really touch kitten food she will try and get my cats adult food or dog food.. and she will rather try and have human food over anything.. she still trys to get in the house garbage can when she has food sitting in front of her...but i want her to get the kitten food so she can get all her vitimans...so if she gets hungry enough she will hog it down but she prefers other food... i also give her and put out kitten milk "just in case" sooo mom and baby cat next door get dry adult,wet adult, dry kitten, wet kitten, water and kitten milk...

    and bente: i know what u mean me and my son live w/ mom and dad still till i can find a place and when i do ohhh boy... my landlord better like animals... i will have all kinds of strays and unwanted animals
    this lil black kitten now reminds me so much of ur lil baby on how fluffy they r...lol
  20. nern

    nern New Member

    Thats sad that one kitten died. I wish they were'nt keeping the other one...I'm sure you could find it a much better home. Poor kitties. Best of luck with the little black girl and the mamma cat.

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