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What's with the socks??!??!??

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Michelle Wachniak, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. Michelle Wachniak

    Michelle Wachniak New Member

    This is the strangest thing! Ruby Tuesday LOVES my clean rolled up socks! I was doing laundry last nite, and I rolled up all of my socks and had them in the laundry basket..........Ruby hopped in the basket, picked a yummy pair of socks, jumped out of the basket and nonchalantly walked over to one of her beds and placed them daintily in the corner. She then proceeds to do this 5 times!!! Each time alternating between her bed and her cat condo hidy-hole!!!! I watched her, laughing, I asked "What are you doing Poopy Bum??!!" She ignored me and kept to her task, methodically moving my socks into her domain.......??????

    Ruby Booby also likes the laundry basket.........she'll sit in the empty basket, peering out of the sides, her little paws poking out the holes......too cute!!

    If anyone can tell me about the sock hijacking, that would be great! Thanks!!
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    That's hilarious!
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    lol's :lol: I can picture it!

    Does she play with the socks as well, or does she just take them? Kyrre has a similiar thing with my scrunchies (?). If there's a whole bunch of them lying around, he takes one by one, hides it, and then come back for the next... :0010: If it's only one, he'll grab it and start playing with it. lol :) I don't know why, maybe he thinks the rubber smells attractive.. :p
  4. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    That is a really cute story. My kitties aren't interested in socks even though my Socks' name is Socks. Tee Hee
  5. Michelle Wachniak

    Michelle Wachniak New Member

    It is hilarious!!! She's so serious about her sock abduction!! No fartin' around...........she has a job to do!

    She doesn't play with them at all, just places them carefully in her bed, then she may move them around to suit her particular needs.

    I HAVE to get a digital camera.....I've got to capture this stuff!!!
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Yes, yes, yes! I want to see Ruby! She sounds like a real diva :D :love_y_t_much:
  7. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    this does sound awful adorable!

    i cant think why she'd be doing it other then just to do it.

    Razberry however likes to play in the laundry basket, full or not, he's in there lol
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    How funny! That's so cute. Pics and videos please! [-o<
  9. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    Be thankful its just socks..my Romeo..grabs all my undergarments..clean or dirty...he digs thru the laundry basket for my bra's and undewear...socks..and gloves(winter and evening lenghth) ...he plays with it all...

    I had a friend over for the Nascar races bk in Oct..we were on the couch..and she started cracking up..and said what is that...i looked over and Romeo had a pair of my thong :oops: underwear in his mouth and was dragging it all over the living room...it was soo embarraessing..
  10. Bente

    Bente New Member

    LOL :m39: Poor you rcrgal31! *giggles*

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