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I have a mean & nasty cat!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by halaroo, Nov 24, 2004.

  1. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    So, I (almost) broke down today. I went to the pet store to buy more cat food this morning. They are an SPCA adoption location. Right now they have two adorable little kitten. I instantly fell in love.

    So I went home and packed Moe into the car for a little meet and greet. I figured, they're babies, she'll be nice.

    I had her on her harness when we went into the store. The kittens were out of their cage so they came running over to her. They both purred and rubbed all over her and under her. What did she do? Hissed and growled continuously at them. The poor babies looked heartbroken! They followed her all around and she was just so nasty to them. You really had to see the looks on their little faces everytime she growled.

    I'm just ashamed of her behaviour! [-X Now I don't know what to do. Maybe I should take that as a sign that this is not the time to make an addition to the family.
  2. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Sounds like a delima. I would keep in mind that Moe may have been stressed by not being at home. My cats would be mean if I took them to a pet store no matter what. But, I don't know what Moe is like going outside the house.

    If you really wanted to add a kitten to your household, you can try to introduce the kitties in a slow and hopefully successful manner. Supposedly introducing a kitten male to an adult female would be the easiest (in your situation).

    You can read up plenty on introducing a kitten to an adult cat. There are tons of things to try.

    I recently introduced a kitten to four cats. My one adult cat Zoe was not happy at all about this. It took her a couple weeks to stop hissing and growling. Zoe still does not like the kitten at all - but she tolerates her most the time. Zoe will give a quick swat when she's annoyed at the kitten, but she doesn't hurt her and the kitten doesn't seem to care.

    So, even if Moe isn't happy, you can probably get it to the point where she can live peacefully with another cat (with a possible occasional scuffle).

    I wouldn't dismiss getting a new addition to the family over your cat's behavior in the store. It would take time and patience (and a little research).

    Good luck with whatever you decide. :D
  3. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    If you don't usually take Moe out of the house and around lots of commotion, its very possible that he was just irritated by too much going on. New people, smells, baby cats, etc. I'm always telling you guys how sweet and incredibly tolerant Vianne is. But there have been a few occassions when she's been flat out nasty, hissing, growling and all that. The first time when when i had taken her back to the animal shelter for her shots and i was talking to some of the techs i know there. I was with her in the crowded, noisy lobby for too long and she got very upset. Finally i took her into the exam room and had to scruff her and cover her eyes and hold her down so she could get her shots cuz she wouldn't calm down and she's never been like that with the vet or techs before. I would just hold her in my arms and she'd bury her face in my arm while she got her shots without complaint, but then i'd never really hung around in the lobby before, so she was never waiting out in all that noise. The other time was when my step kids were over for the weekend and they were making a racket in her room playing video games. I had gone in to pick her up and noticed her claws had gotten rather long and needed clipping. Soon as i started messing with her feet, she freaked and started growling and even hissed a couple times after i took her to the bathroom where it was quieter. I've clipped her nails since then with no issue now or before that one time. So i've come to the conclusion that she just doesn't like too much noise and unfamiliar things going on that make her uncomfortable and it makes it worse if somebody wants to mess with her while she's feeling insecure.....kinda like those kittens rubbing on Moe at the Pet store. Don't be upset with your kitty, he probably just didn't feel like being bothered right then.
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe is used to travelling places with me. I take her to work and to my sister's house quite often. SO the being in a new place is not her problem. She's just always hissy around other cats. I had hoped it would be different with a kitten though. I'm not at all upset at her: she's my sweetie pie.

    I am seriously thinking about adopted the male kitten though. I'll sleep on it tonight and let you all know my decision tomorrow. :)
  5. Ashimmerystar

    Ashimmerystar New Member

    Yeah I dont think that cats really care one way or another that another cat is a kitten...I just think that the cats are cats and look at eachother as equal opportunity to take over thier space.

    But thats exactly what i love about thier personalities!

  6. Nano

    Nano New Member

    I have a mean and nasty cat !

    Hi! I can remember when I had my first cat, Farren and I brought home a female kitten,Boo, Farren was not to happy. Acouple of years after that, I got my siamese kitty Tiffany. She never really warmed up to either one. She just tolerated them. She was fine unless they started to pester her. Then,she hissed or growled to remind them who's boss. Tiffany and Boo are inseparateable,they even clean each other from time to time. I guess it just goes to show you how different each cat can be. Farren was 5 yrs. older than Boo, and probably felt she was there first and she was the dominant cat. But, all in all, they really did fine together. Good luck to you! Nanogt.

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