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New here, and getting my first dog!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Shedevil677, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member

    Hi everyone, i thought i might introduce myself since i've been reading these forums for a while. My name is Joanne and we are soon to get our first dog since buying our first home. She will be a Maltese cross Shih Tzu and we will be paying $400. They are a friends pups. Is this price ok for a Cross?

    I'm soo excited they are due around the 20th December.
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Congrats on your new puppy.

    I'm not sure about the price in Australia, but when we bought Rocky we paid about $750 Canadian. In the pet stores here you can look to pay about $2,500 for any small toy (cross or not) now, so I'd say its good.
  3. Auspetian

    Auspetian Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Shedevil677,

    Welcome to Auspet =P~

    AU$400 sounds right. It is about the price we paid for our Max (Male Maltese cross Shih Tzu ) 4 years ago.

    Adorable dogs & really great with kids. Make sure that the pup has it's first vaccinations, and a vet certificate of health.

    And get ready to fall in LOVE, they are real little angles !

  4. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member


    Thankyou for your replies, i'm soo ready to fall in love! lol. I can't explain how excited i am, and i just hope that i can raise her well and happy.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I think it is a very fair price. Its seems on the low side to me. My mini poodle cost me the very first day, close to $300 in shelter fees and vet fees to get her healthy. And she was not even a puppy.
  6. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    I think it is a good price. Welcome to AUspet. I cant wait to see pics! Does she have a name yet?
  7. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member


    Hi guys, thanks for you replies. I haven't actually got her yet the pups are due around the 20th December.

    But I'm thinking of naming her Issabell (haven't decided on spelling yet)

    I've asked my friend (father owner) if i can take photo's from the first moment as such, so i'm going to have heaps of photos of all the pups.

    I'm just tooo excited!

    Take Care
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Thats great, Issabell is nice, maybe izzy for short. I was able to get pictures of my pup from 10 days, 4 weeks. 6 weeks, 10 weeks, and I think 12. Its best for only the breeder to handle the pups minimally when under 6 weeks too. Can't wait to see your baby.
  9. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member


    thanks puttin510, i'll be sure to put them on here.

    Now i have read many posts from people asking questions such as what to feed and how to house train. but i don't really want to bother you guys with ALL my questions. lol

    So i was wondering if anyone knows of a really helpfull website explaining all the little things that is good to know when looking after a puppy or adult small dog?

    Have a great day
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh lord, I've just been reading the few books I have and listening to all the people with pups going thru these things. The thing is, if you really want to train it to go outside, pee pads shouldn't be bought. But most pups are started on them or news paper. So I bought some, but I have been taking Lilly out often. She has only been her 5 days. She has used the pee pads mostly the first two days. Had a couple of accidents. But I kept bringing her outside where I wanted her to go. It helped I think that I have two older dogs. But one thing is when you see her starting to walk around with her nose to the ground sniffing, its a good chance she needs to go. You tell her something like,do you need to go outside, or whatever phrase you want to use. And take her to the spot you want for her to use. It takes a few days for the pup to get used to being at your home. But just keep taking her outside. If you want to pee pad train, keep bringing her to them if and when she has an accident. I'm just starting this route, but Lilly is doing pretty good. You can ask anything you want about raising pups. Thats what the forums are for.
  11. Auspetian

    Auspetian Administrator Staff Member

  12. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    I think that price is really good...I paid $750 for Molly.....she is a cross, but she is what I wanted..including health guarantees.
    We never used potty pads, just took her outside every hour until she got it. We hung a bell on the door and she would ring it when she had to go.
    Last week we put in a doggy door system, and she has figured it out already. Housetraining went fast for us, as she isn't even 6 months old yet.
    Be consistent, or you'll confuse the pup. Stick to what you're going to do, and don't change it.

    Good luck!
  13. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member

    Thanks MollysMum and Puttin. Molly looks real cute!

    In that case i do have a couple of things i'm still worried about one is what to feed her, my friends say that their Shih-Tzu's are real fussy and they feed them what ever they are having for dinner! (i don't really like that idea) and dry food in morning.

    What are your suggestions, what i would really like is simply to get into an unchanged feeding routine, not different meals each night, but maybe that's what they need?

  14. MollysMom

    MollysMom New Member

    Molly is half Shih Tzu, and she really isn't what I would consider picky (at least yet). She will even snatch pieces of our Lab's kibble, when we're not looking. She has also liked every type of treats we have bought her.

    I just feed her what the breeder recommended, which was to mix about 1/3 cup dry food, (Nutro Puppy), with about 1 tablespoon wet food. (again, Nutro). But, she wil also eat just the dry by itself.
    I also started mixing in some Chicken Soup for the Puppy Lover's Soul in with the dry Nutro, because I heard it was such a good food. I may change over to that completely.
    I feed three times a day...breakfast, lunch and dinner....unless I am gone for the day, then dry is left out for her.
    I have heard that if you start feeding them people food, then they will get picky, and may not want to eat dog food.
    Molly gets occasional, tiny tastes, but that's it.
  15. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I've never met a picky Shih Tzu. My uncle has had two and both of them would eat anything and everything!

    His second Shih Tzu actually eats too much (he'll go as far as jumping onto the chairs in the kitchen to steal food off the table) and is overweight (he kind of looks like a pig to me).
  16. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Its best to stick with one food. If you find that you want to change the food the breeder was feeding her, then change it gradually mix about one cup of new with equal parts of the old. Then feed her that till finished. Then begin with all new. Innova, Chicken soup for Pup(dogs), Wellness, natural Balance, are some great dog foods. There are many. The thing with food is if you have the lesser quality its got bi-products(the woh knows what part of meat that is) possible beaks, feet things like that instead of choice meat. Also cancer causing preservatives. Go for the human grade ingrediants. A dog can be allergic to anything in food. So if that happens you try to find the problem ingrediant and get a food without it. My pup came to me eating a mix of Eulanuba and Chicken soup for pups. I am switching her only to the CSFP.
  17. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member

    thanks for your replies Aqueous, MollysMom, and Puttin,

    The other question i had was caring for the Hair around face. My friend said that if you teach them to lay on your lap bellyup from the begining, you can clip their hair around eyes and wipe eyes and they don't squirm.

    What sort of Daily/Weekly/Monthly things do you do with your Hairy pups to ensure their eyes stay clean and such?

  18. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I have an 8 year old poodle that I am always wiping her face after her meals. With the maltese-shihtzu blend, you will more than likely be keeping her face at least an inch or longer around the mouth. If you fed dry kibble it will be easier to keep its mouth clean. The hair around the eyes will need to be clipped maybe every few weeks. Daily brushing will need to be done, especially if you want a long flowing coat. With my poodles, I usually do their whole face shave at least every three weeks. It helps not to have so much eye moisture to keep the eyes hair free. We bathe the poos about twice a month. You will need to have the sanitary trim done one the bum and vulva area clipped,(the sanitary trim) is what its called. So now my toy poodle pup is getting all the same treatment my 8 year old gets. She squirms while getting her face done, but in time she will be good about it. Keep the ears clean, I like to use Thornit ear powder and swear by it. Hmm let me know if you need anything else.
  19. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member


    Thanks again Puttin
  20. Shedevil677

    Shedevil677 New Member

    new info

    I just found out that a friend of a friend breed Shih Tzu/Maltese, and sells them for only $300. Now i have to think of a way to ask my friend to bring the price down.

    Also does any one know of a site where i can find breeders of ShihPoos in Queensland?

    Thanks in advance


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