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question on food??

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by i_love_my_ollie, Nov 27, 2004.

  1. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    i never know how long to leave food out at the mo ollie seems to have gone off the dry food te vet said to put himon so iv added a small amount of wet kitten food and he eats it but still leaves quite alot im worried he isnt eating enuf and also how ol should he be before i feed him twice a day?thanks
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    mine go through spells where they decide the food they've eaten is no longer worthy of their attention :roll: I just keep feeding them the same stuff

    I free feed dry food and offer then canned in the morning, evening and before I go to bed. None of mine are fat and they are all inside only
  3. wtpooh

    wtpooh New Member

    Ditto to what Mary does...

    I leave dry food out all the time, and feed wet in the morning and evening. I have done this with all the cats and kittens I've had.
  4. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I just keep her dry food dish full. I quit giving her wet food because she'd only lick the juice off it and leave the meaty chuncks. When I'd toss the chunks out, it would get rancid in my garbage can so I stopped giving it to her. I may try a more mushie brand in the future because I prefer her to have the variety.
  5. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe gets wet food in the morning only, and I keep her dish of dry food full all the time.

    Artemis is getting wet food 2 or 3 times a day and dry food left out.
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i used to feed the mm's dry...throughout the day...i then began to measure how much they were eating...it was close to 3/4 cup each or a little more. but...both are putting on some weight...and gettin to be little porkers. so, i give them about a 1/2 cup each of dry a day. its chicken soup so its very rich...and still the kitten formula witch has more calories. im switching to adult formula now.

    btw...when switching to adult formula of the same food, do you still have to go slowly so they dont get stomack upset? or because its the same food, it doesnt matter....???

    christopher eats over a cup of food a day. and he is still on the lean side. all the bags i have say 1/3 to 1/2 cup per day...1/3 cup doesnt seem to be enough food, does it?? all of my cats weigh about 10-11 pounds.
  7. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    yea i might try that and see if he will eat a bit more
    i was worried wiv free feedin if he would get over weight, and ill mayb give wet food in small amounts at sertain times of the day he is still quite skinny at the mo i think the ppl that had him wen wiv he cat mum didnt feed him well thats wot the vet thought to. ill try it and see thanks everyone for the advise
  8. vene

    vene New Member

    Why don't you do the 50/50 for awhile/ I did the cold turkey thing and the kitties did just fine. :eek:

    Like Mary and others, my cats don't get overweight from free dry feedings. They love the wet foods once in the morning and in the evenening. Now a couple of them have outright refused the can foods. :shock: Maybe it's just a phase?
  9. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Mine is about 6 lbs at one year old. I have always free fed her the dry food and 3-4 times a week i offer about 1oz of canned food. I have to add a little water to it and warm it up for her to eat it or she will just lick off the little bit of juice and leave the rest. Whatever she doesn't eat I feed to my rats and they just love it so nothing gets wasted. My kitty is nowhere near overweight and she's a grazer so i'm never worried about her gorging herself on the dry food i leave out.

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