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Any advice or consolation?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by stroker_ace, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. stroker_ace

    stroker_ace New Member

    Hi! My name is Laura, and I am brand new to everything about dogs. Almost a month ago, my husband and I took into our care a beautiful 3 month old brindle male boxer. He had a slight cough from the pet store we got him from, and on his first vet visit, was deemed as either kennel cough, or a mild bronchitis. Almost exactly a week later, Stroker became very lathargic, and not eating, with a lot of heavy breathing. We took him to an emergency vet on Sunday, and x-rays confirmed pnemonia. The vet gave us a not so good percentage of him making it through this, which of course crushed us. He is on anti-biotics. I would just like to know of anyone out there that has had to come into contact with this with their pup. He gave us a 48 hour window to where there needed to be a great improvment......and if things weren't improving, it'd be best to say he is not going to pull through. Any response or offered help in answering some questions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I don't have any words of advice other than to not give up and maybe seek another opinion from a different vet.

    Oh I wish pet stores would stop selling puppies. This pup was most likely the product of a puppy miller being born under horrible conditions.

    I hope your pup improves and I would seriously seek out another opinion
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry Laura. I can't give you advice but I can give you a suggestion. I've seen nurses in the ICU care for people with pneumonia by giving them daily doses of patting their backs. They say it breaks up or loosens the plaques and help them cough up the gunk. Also are you syringe feeding your baby? I wouldn't know how to do it myself cause I'd worry about food aspirations. Would a stomach tube help? He definitely need to be hydrated.
  4. stroker_ace

    stroker_ace New Member

    Thank you!

    Thank you vene, and mary nh for responding to me. I posted this this morning, and Stroker wasn't doing too well, I hope I am not jinxing anything, but he has begun to eat and drink again! The vet did mention about patting him, and putting him in the bathroom with steam going from the shower to help break loose the flem, and he has begun to cough today. We are with in the next 24 hours taking him to the family vet to get checked up, I pray it is going away, he actually wanted to play a little this afternoon when I got home from work! I appreciate all feedback, and I hope too that I can become a source of some help in anything needed here. Thank you again!
  5. gwen13

    gwen13 New Member

    oh my goodness..that is horrible. i am crossing my fingers for your pup to get better as soon as possible.
    have you contacted the pet store??? if i were you i would have the vet confirm that his condition was pre-existing and take legal action against the pet store.
    pet stores really need to be stopped, there are thousands of them selling sick puppies and getting away with it yet they always stay in business making ridiculous profits :(
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I am so glad to hear he is doing better. I too would go back to the pet store if you havnet to get reimbursed for your vet bills.

    warm thoughts for you little guy


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