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Luna and the Lifesavers, complete with pics

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lunaguy, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    So we picked up some of those big individually-wrapped Pep-O-Mint Lifesavers (round candies with holes in center) for the first time ever, and put them in the candy dish on the coffee table in the living room. A few minutes later, Luna jumped up on the arm of the couch, near the coffee table, and started sniffing and looking around. She zeroed in on the candy dish, and proceeded to step onto the coffee table and start sniffing the wrapped Lifesavers like crazy. She then became "possessed" and started burying her face in the Lifesavers, spilling candy out onto the table and the floor, rubbing her face on the candy and the dish. It was just like she was having a catnip reaction!

    Meanwhile I'm standing there laughing and gently saying "hey, don't do that, come on, get down Luna, don't stand on the table" (it has a fragile glass top, it's a late 1960s antique from my childhood). I could tell that she was really getting into this, and I was reluctant to spoil her fun, but I didn't want her doing it on the table so I picked up the dish, gathered all the candy up, and then put it back in the dish, and set the dish on the floor for Luna to inspect further. And then I got the camera. :mrgreen: Here's what happened next:










    It's so funny what interests her. I buy loads of toys and things for her, and it's always something like this that ends up capturing her interest. I think she liked the sound the plastic wrappers made, how they felt against her face, and how they smelled. Is catnip related to mint, by any chance? Have any of you ever seen your cat react to peppermint like that?

    By the way, she had no interest in eating them, which I was concerned about at first.
  2. Bente

    Bente New Member

    lmao :m39: Hilarious pictures!
    I have no idea if catnip and peppermint is related in any way. All I know is that catnip is a plant, and that Kyrre doesn't react to it at all...
    Maybe I should try some mint candy too? lol!
  3. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    That is so funny! One of my cats (Bones) has the same reaction to minty products, he loves anything that is minty, after I brush my teeth he always comes right up to my mouth and sniffs around and he especially loves extra strong mints, he once actually managed to get one out of the packet and i caught him licking it, and those mints are hot! I don't think they are good for cats so hes not aloud them, but i'm sure he'd eat a whole pack if I left him to it!

    I think catnip (the plant) is related to mint, but my other cats who do react to catnip don't seem interested in mint at all, strange isn't it?
    Until now I thought I had the only cat who was obsessed with mints
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    That's too funny! :eek: :eek: :eek: I love the last pic where Luna looks so content. :mrgreen: Rene loves anything in wrappers. She'll knock it onto the floor and bat it around. Her favorite is fortune cookies. :p
  5. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    ollie likes jus wrappers not wiv ne thin in them!! although a sweet manged to get on the floor(in a wrapper) he was playin wiv it 4 ages b4 i notice wot it was! cats r funny thins ollie has now stared wiv my socks he gets the off the radator and hids them! :0023:
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    That's really funny. All cats I've ever known hate the smell of mint. Although the other day I read that some cats have the same reaction to the smell of menthol as catnip.

    Hmmmmm, I think Artemis is going to look very similar to Luna when he grows up! :eek:
  7. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Too funny. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Luna seems to be having a ball. :)
  8. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    hysterical pictures...totally funny, lunaguy. and that last pic is the best...she looks a little "dazed and confused"...like "la la la...la la la..." lols lols... :D
  9. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    heres what i found...ginger was right....

  10. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    That's very funny. I've never had my cats around mint so I don't know how they'd react.

    Last week one of my cats got ahold of a straw and starting carrying it around and gnawing on it. I assume that it wasn't too good when he actually started eating through the straw!

    I like your sequence of pictures. It looks like you had one happy cat!
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    Too funny! :mrgreen:
  12. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Thanks for the nice replies everyone! I appreciate the info on the catnip/mint connection, that is so interesting that they're related. I guess that's why she was attracted to the smell then, she's also a big catnip lover, and maybe mint contains nepetalactone (my word for the day, thanks lynnhaz!) as well.

    Bente wrote:
    Heheh! I read that a certain percentage of cats don't react to catnip at all, so maybe Kyrre is among them. I absolutely love those pics of Kyrre in the snow, btw! He is one beautiful cat, and for some reason he looks really at home in the snow.

    Ginger: that is so funny about Bones sniffing your mouth after you brush your teeth, and wanting the mints! I'm going to pay closer attention to how Luna reacts when I get near her after brushing my teeth.

    vene: I'll have to remember to bring an extra fortune cookie home for Luna to play with (supervised, of course) next time. I bet she'll like the crinkly sound too.

    i_love_my_ollie wrote:
    I think that may solve the mystery of "what happened to that other sock??" that we all experience from time to time. Cats are the culprits, I tell you! ;)

    halaroo wrote:
    Artemis is so cute! Yes he does look similar to Luna, and I'm still trying to figure out how to correctly describe those characteristic markings they share... something like a "torbie" (tabby & tortoiseshell mixed) with the white facial mask and chest, and white "mitted" paws. Is there a name for that? I love that look.

    lynnhaz wrote:
    Hehehe, yeah she was quite content when she was finished, similar to how she is after she plays with her catnip toys. By the way, her eyes are closed in that last picture because she has become an expert at knowing when to blink to avoid the camera flash! The only pics I can get of her with her eyes open anymore have to be taken without the flash, she's such a smartie. Thanks for the catnip info!

    Thanks for letting me share, everyone. I feel like a proud parent who can't wait to show off the latest pictures of his kid, and while most other people are somewhat bored by them, this is a place where I don't have to worry about that because you're all proud parents too. :D
  13. vene

    vene New Member

    Hear, hear. Yeah! :mrgreen:

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