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  4. Live Spirulina

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New Budgie Please Help

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by drab911, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hello everyone, I just bought a new budgie yesterday... It is my only bird.. I have a big cage for it and i am thinkin that it is a baby because the eyes are all black, it is an all white budgie.. but since I have brought it home it has sat on the top pirtch and not moved an inch nor has it made ONE sound... it seems healthy when i woke up this morning she was sleeping. I have food on the ground on a peice of paper as well as in the dishes and water. I am affriad that maybe it cannot get down from the top but it was flying aronud when I first brought it home.. It will even let me put my hand in the cage all the way up to it.. is she just scared and getting used to the house or do you think there is something wrong.. shouldnt she have at least tweeted ONCE by now its been 12 hours....
    thanks for all the help
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    :eek: Welcome

    She's probably just getting used to her new surroundings.

    When I brought mine home they hardly even moved or made any noise.

    Even if she's scared to flutter own from the top she can always use the bars to climb down, that's what Kiwi does.
  3. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    thanks for the reply still more info would be appriciated

    I just put my hand in the cage and she didnt mind it.. but then i tried to bring a little peice of orange to her and she flew around and now she is sitting on the middle perch.. she looks healthy and happy but just hasnt made a noise or moved without being provocted so that is normal eh? I am about to go to work in a half an hour and I am going to leave the TV on and HOPEFULLY she will eat while there is no one home.. I bought the mixed seed with like sunflower seeds.. its in a proper bag so she should know to eat it right? I looked where she was being kept at the petstore and they were also feeding them seed..
  4. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    sorry a formal introduction is in order

    I am new to this page by the way, my name is brad im 22 years old and live in vancouver canada... my litttle sweety is named Marley nice to meet you all.
  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Oh a fellow Canadian!

    When I get budgie seed I usually buy the ones without sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are pretty high in fat and I find that my budgies will eat all the sunflower seeds first, so they only get them as a special treat now and then.

    If the pet store was feeding them seeds then I don't see a problem with her being able to eat what you bought. If my budgies find that they don't like a specific kind of seed in the mix they'll usully just eat the ones they like and leave the others.

    Whe I first brought mine home they would never eat infront of me so maybe while your gone she'll eat some. I also leave the radio on for them when there's no one home.
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi and welcome.

    A new bird usually sits in one spot or on one perch for upto 24-48hours after bringing it home this is the normal transition period of where he/she is getting used to its new home and the new sounds going on around it.

    I would not put my hand in the cage until about a week after getting the bird this gives it time to settle and relax.

    Feeding a budgie a normal budgie seed is fine a seed with sunflower seed mixed in is usually a cockatiel or parrot mix. Giving fresh fruit and vegtables is also good for him/her.

    When leaving the bird alone its best to leave a radio or tv on this keeps the bird company and helps them relax...

    Http://www.birdshelpline.bravehost.com has some informoation on there...


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