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Cat Dental Question

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by JohnBurns, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. JohnBurns

    JohnBurns New Member

    Audrey is an 18 year old Siamese-mix cat who until last July has been the "perfect" pet. She really had no illness until then - when she refused to eat - after a kidney infection. We got through both of those problems - her most recent blood work (last week) was fine. She is on Tapazole, (epidermal application in ear twice daily), and PetTinic once daily - and seemed to be doing very well for her age.

    Once she was back to "normal", the vet suggested, that her teeth needed attention (as they probably did, since she has never had any dental work done). So, yesterday, after giving her ClavaMox orally for three days, the vet cleaned her teeth - and removed three. Everything seemed to go fine - and I brought her home several hours later. The vet sent home Torbutrol (1mg tabs) for pain relief, to be given every 6 to 8 hours.

    I am getting to the point (promise you this isn't a "shaggy-cat" story). My concern now is whether she really needs the Torbutrol - and interpretation of her actions since coming home.

    Per the vet's advice, I gave Audrey one Torbutrol at 7pm last night and she soon began acting rather "out of it" - wandering around the house and not really staying anywhere. She would not eat or drink (which really concerned me) - so I went to bed and got up at 2am (the time for the next Torbutrol - she had seemed to be a little more relaxed and even ate and drank small amounts of food and water. So, I went back to bed - when I got up at 6am today, she followed me to her feeding spot, but would not eat. After deliberation, I gave her another Torbutrol - thinking maybe the pain was keeping her from eating. Again, the same reaction after a short while - she became rather disoriented and wandered aroung the house - avoiding me like she did before. Now, almost 6 hours later, she has settled down again - and seems more relaxed, but has not eaten again since 2am. My concern is whether she is having problems from side effects of the Tobotrol which may worse than any pain she may have. Has anyone had any experience with cats and Torbutrol? Any comments or information regarding this will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I would skip a dosage of the painkiller and see how she does. Also Clavamox can upset kitty tummies - so it could also be the Clavamox. She should keep on the antibiotics so I would start with eliminating the painkiller first. At her age it probably knocks her on her butt.
  3. JohnBurns

    JohnBurns New Member

    Thanks for reply - I think you are correct - I will try it without the painkiller and see how it goes. I don't want her to hurt, but I also don't want her in a state of confusion and discontent, so maybe holding up the painkiller will solve that. Guess I just wanted reassurance. Thanks!
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    :m23: and welcome. Pics, pics, pics! :mrgreen: Monty acted the same way with his painkillers after he came home from dental extractions. We stopped giving him pain meds and he recovered nicely and went back to eating. Pumpkin had more work done on her teeth so we gave her lots of painkillers and she ate fine but pooped 2x in a bedroom. :shock:
  5. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    When I worked at the animal shelter, Torb was used quite frequently as a painkiller for things like "hit by car" and it always made the animals rather groggy and uninterested in anything including food, so i think your cats behavior after the Torb sounds pretty normal. Did the vet not mention that to you? I agree with Mary_NH about the antibiotics possibly upsetting her tummy, sometimes can even give them diarrhea. Could be a combination of all that stuff.
  6. JohnBurns

    JohnBurns New Member

    Thanks for responses mary, vene, and faeriedust. I took your advice and quit the painkiller yesterday morning - she seems to be resting MUCH better and has eaten a small amout of food and has been drinking much better, so that must have been the problem - at least I HOPE it was. She is purring and much more affectionate since then. I will post pic later this morning, vene. Thanks to all of you.
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Welcome to the forums, John! I'm glad to hear she's doing better.
  8. JohnBurns

    JohnBurns New Member


    Here's Audrey - thanks, halaroo!
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    What a cutey! I love her brilliant blue eyes. Are they truly this deep blue? :eek: :eek: :eek:
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    you got a snowshoe siamese there :eek: ain't no mix
  11. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    She's beautiful!
  12. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    here's my current foster, Cleo...she's a snowshoe
  13. JohnBurns

    JohnBurns New Member

    vene - yes her eyes are really that blue - she is a very small cat and was always very playful and active until last July. Gradually she is regaining her strength back. I just get alarmed when she doesn't eat - I went through a few weeks of assisted feeding with a syringe and it wasn't fun for either of us. She seems to be getting more "normal" now that I have stopped the Torbutrol (pain reliever) and doesn't seem to be in pain, so you folks were apparently correct in your advice. Thanks!
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    Cleo is such a cutie pie! :eek: :eek: :eek: So that's what a Snowshoe looks like. Remember that thread about what cat we are? Well, I'm a Snowshoe! :mrgreen: Thanks for the wonderful pics John & Mary! :p And John, I'm thrilled she's getting better! :D :y_the_best:
  15. JohnBurns

    JohnBurns New Member

    Mary, thanks for the pic of Cleo - very pretty cat. Really great of you to foster a cat. Appreciate finding out Audrey is a SnowShoe. She came to me as a stray about 17 1/2 years ago, so I didn't know any history on her. She has been a great pet all these years. Thanks.
  16. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Great pictures of Cleo and Audrey :eek:
  17. JohnBurns

    JohnBurns New Member

    Thanks, Bente
  18. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    John....I foster for Siamese Rescue.

    Was very nice of you to take your girl in all those years ago. Sounds like she knew exactly where she wanted to be :D

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