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I don't know what to do

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by tuo, Apr 4, 2004.

  1. tuo

    tuo New Member

    Cyber, my 3 year old cat, was throwing up all day yesterday until the evening. He hasn't thrown up since, but he is listless and has barely moved from the same spot. He seems alert, yet he refuses to eat or drink (I am trying to force him to drink water, I'm having a little luck). He will let me pick him up and stroke him so he doesn't seem to be in any physical pain. Additionally his bathroom habits are somewhat normal, considering he hasn't ate, and has drunk very little in the past day. He had a bit of a fever last night, but it is gone now.
    Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I called the vet last night and he told me to bring him in if he starts to throw up again, which he hasn't. Could it be something he ate? A stomache bug? I'm so worried....any advice at all?
  2. winnie

    winnie New Member

    I dont know what it is but if it were me i would take him to the vet...i think better safe then sorry...i hope your kitty feels better soon
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    animals don't show their discomfort like we do...a cat can be in pain and still purr. Please take your cat to the vet anyway - better safe than sorry...and you'll feel better too
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I agree. Take your kitty to the vet. In the meantime if your kitty is not eating or drinking you can continue to use a clean dropper to place water in his mouth. Also you can place a small amount of soft food on the inside roof of his mouth or on his paw (he should lick it off). I wish your kitty all the best. Please keep us posted.
  5. Alkaline

    Alkaline New Member

    It might have been something he ate, because my cat threw up after he ate food.. but he never refused to eat or drink...
    you should take your kitty to the vet.. just in case they might find something.

    Do you have any plants in your house? He might have eaten some of a plant if you have one. Here's what i found on a website about plants and cats eating them.

    The list of plants potentially dangerous to cats is long. Some of the more common plants that can be poisonous to cats are:

    Dieffenbachia, philodendron and caladium cause throat irritation and will burn the throat just as much coming up as going down. Do not induce vomiting and seek veterinary treatment.

    English ivy, iris, amaryllis, daffodil and tulip (especially the bulbs) cause gastric irritation and sometimes central nervous system excitement followed by coma and, in severe cases, death. Induce vomiting and seek veterinary treatment.

    Foxglove, lily of the valley, oleander, monkshood and larkspur can be life threatening because the cardiovascular system is affected.

    Another danger for cats is a new class of rodenticides, which cause organ failure, and eats through soft tissue calcification. The kidneys, heart and lungs are vulnerable to calcification. Signs of this kind of poisoning vary with the organs most affect. They include twitching, nausea, and vomiting blood.
    The best protection against rodenticide poisoning is to use safety baits in a rodent control program. If tracking powders are used, keep all pets and children away from the area.

    The different species of yew are also toxic because they affect the nervous system. If any of these are ingested, get the cat to a veterinarian immediately. Remember – you are dealing with a life-threatening emergency.
  6. tuo

    tuo New Member

    Thank you all for your advice. After I posted this, my little boy began to vomit bile so I immediately took him to a vet. Thank god I live in a city and there is after hours emergency. It turns out that he had a massive hairball that was tying up his stomache and stuck partially in his intestines. Not only was this causing extreme discomfort but it was causing an infection. He was given immediate surgury and now he is home and very nearly back to his old self again. :D
  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I am so glad you didn't wait...I see hairball remedy in this kitty's future LOL

    glad all worked out well for him
  8. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Great news! Give him a hug from me (when he's feeling up to it).
  9. Alkaline

    Alkaline New Member

    That's good to know. Hope your kitty feels better soon.
  10. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm glad to hear that he is okay. :eek:
  11. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I'm really glad your cat is doing well. You did the right thing by taking him to the vet. Since he seems to have a problem with hairballs, get a nice cat brush and brush him every single day. My cat used to have hairballs too, but brushing him has been a huge success. When you brush them daily it removes all of the loose hairs (fur). Which means that by removing the loose fur it prevents cats from licking them off and ingesting them. Also most cats just love to be brushed (except Kyles101 cat Pepe Lol. Sorry Kyles had to use Pepepoohead as an example).
  12. mazyku

    mazyku New Member


    :eek: I am so very happy to hear you kitty is doing well. Quick thinking on getting him to the vet.
  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    lol use him as an example as much as youd like! hes the perfect example of a cat who hates brushing and gets revenge on the nail clippers! we had to take him to the vet again today. his eyes were pretty mucky this morn. we have to give him some cortisone eye drops. the vet thinks its an allergy to something and that he should grow out of it.

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