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do you

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    stick your head into your clothes dryer and call out your cat(s)' names before closing the door and turning on the dryer?

    I do :oops: and I always keep the dryer door shut. I've even gone around the house and done kitty head counts before hitting that on button
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I always keep the door shut. Whenever I do laundry, Moe is not usually in the room, so I've never had to worry about that. Plus I leave either machine open and unattended.
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I always keep it shut too, but my hubby is horrible for not only leaving it open, but for leaving clothes in there as well. That's like an ingraved invitation for a cat LOL Every time I find it open, I take the clothes out and make sure it's empty before I close it.

    I suppose I can't complain to hubby about it though. At least he's a doll when it comes to doing laundry when I'm under the weather :)
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    The dryer is in the basement here and my cats don't have access to the basement so I've never had to worry about that.
  5. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    No, because the only dryer in our lives right now is the one at the laundromat. :lol:

    If we had one, though, I'm sure I would be extra careful about making sure that Luna didn't get into it.
  6. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Yay! A good excuse to post the latest Kyrre picture :D
    We always keep it closed, but one day I opened it before i went to get the dirty clothes.
    This is the sight that met me when I got back, three seconds later... :mrgreen:

  7. vene

    vene New Member

    That's too funny Bente! I always stick my arm into the washer and dryer to make sure there are no kitties or toddlers in there. 8)
  8. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    ROFL! Great pic, Bente!

    I don't know what amazes me more... how incredibly sweet Kyrre looks sitting in there, or that incredible high-tech dryer you have! Can you surf the net with that thing too? :lol:
  9. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Yes I check everytime I put on the washing machine! Even if its been closed just in case somebody opened it and a cat climbed in there, I have also been known to to a head count before it goes on - better safe than sorry !
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I keep mine closed too but I fear someone sneaking into the dryer while I'm taking clothes out of the washer and putting into the dryer :roll: so I stick my head in there and look around
  11. fridaylove

    fridaylove New Member

    Before I turn on the dryer I make sure I know where both of the kitties are. Hunter follows me to the basement to do the laundry, so I always make sure I have seen him before I hit start.
  12. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I keep the door shut, too and also check when I put things in the dryer because my kitties have gone in there when I'm getting ready to put stuff in it.

    Cute picture, Bente. :D
  13. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    I guess I'm lucky i never really worry about that. I only have one kitty and we don't ever leave her with the dog unsupervised so i'm always very aware of where she is especially when the dog is home. But she does like to sit and watch me switching the machines :D The only thing she ever tried to get into was the fridge. I was cleaning it out and she jumped inside on the bottom shelf. I shut the door for about 3 seconds and when i opened the door, out bolted a cold kitty and she's never tried it since :lol:
  14. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Not only do I double-check the dryer, but I check the washer (eventhough there is really no way for a cat to get in there), I check outside when I leave the house, I check everywhere! Heck, I think I checked in the fridge once.

    I guess it's better to be paranoid than to not check and have one hurt cat!
  15. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    LOLOL too funny!!! i agree!!

    but about my dryer... it's an apartment sized one, and stackable.. so it's up too high yet for Raz to find it. Lex.. lex dont care lol
  16. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    lol mine too..one of these days i am gonna break down and buy one..but then my boys wil have to find somewhere else to eat..bc my little laundry room houses kitty dishes and litter boxes...lol
  17. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Well, today I took the towels out of the dryer and remembered something I had to get in the next room. I went out real quick and came right back and this was what I found.

    Naughty Socks
  18. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    Heh heh such cute pictures!! That oughta be our next pic contest theme...Cats caught getting into things they shouldn't and they know it.
    It would be fun because those are always cute pictures plus it'd make it a little bit *harder* because catching them with a camera in hand is harder. Especially when they KNOW they're gonna be in trouble!! :mrgreen:
  19. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    my first thought was I have never heard of such a thing but whall talking to my mother In law she told me this funny story

    they have this beauty of a kitty she got it at a shelter up here because they had none on the cape when she was looking for a kitten

    well it is a russin blue with a tiny bit of simise(sp?) this Is why he was in the shelter to begin with because he was not FULL russin blue there loss!
    wonderful cat you pick it up & it will hug you by putting both paws around your neck & needing you
    you try & put him down & he squeeses your neck to let you know that he is not done with your hug
    my husband ended up holding him for over an hour over the holiday
    & my mother in law had to do a car check to make sure no one was going home with him cause we all tease her that were going to seal him he is such a love well anyway he is also a jumper & will jump from the floor to my dad in laws shoulders like nothing
    well today my mother in law was emptying the dryer & brought the laundery into her bed room where she folds the laundery
    well my farther in law went to shut the dryer door & guess who was in the dryer?? moxi

    she has a piggie back washer &dryer & the dryer is on the top silly cat

    this Is him on the day that they got him he is now 9 months old


  20. vene

    vene New Member

    What a great pic of "naughty" Socks.

    Kathy. It's a good thing you don't live near me. I'm very tempted to steal the kitty! :mrgreen:

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