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personaltiy?(sory i cant spell)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by i_love_my_ollie, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    i want to no all ur cat(s)/kitten(s) personailtys iv read most the messages on here bout all ur cat(s)/kitten(s) and now i would like to know more bout ur fur babies!its so intesting to know wot other cats r like as they r all so diffrent.thanks!
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    let's see....

    first is my Missy. She is a 9 year old sealpoint Siamese that I adopted when a senior citizen, who was living in senior housing, decided she'd rather have a puppy. Missy was free to a good home, a little over a year old so I snatched her up. She's very petite and she is the love of my life - and I am hers.

    Next is my Tilly...she is a 6 year old bluepoint Siamese that was also an owner give-up. Tilly was also nearly 2 when I got her. Her former had her front declawed and Tilly was a biter. My DH wasn't sure he wanted to keep her (yeah right) but now Tilly is a loving girl. She's so soft.

    Then there is Zeus :roll: he's my 2 yr. old double-pawed orange boy I adopted as a 9 week old kitten from the shelter. He and his little bro were picked up as strays. Zeus has panic attacks and has to carry smelling salts with him. He's a great Little Fella but is afraid of everything and everyone except me. He does like my oldest son who doesn't even live with us - that's strange for Zeus. My Little Fella is a great boy but I wish he were braver.

    Missy and Tilly started my adoration for the Siamese breed and I now foster for Siamese Rescue out of VA. I also have a foster now, a snowshow, Cleo who thinks I'm goatlicking scum. But she's being taken care of and I hope she'll be able to find a home for the holidays. But I think she's going to be a long-term foster.
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Moe can do no wrong. She was 2 when I adopted her and very very sick. We had a rocky start (she sent me to the hospital with bite wounds on my legs!), but now she's my baby. She's quiet and social. She asks for things she wants (and usually gets them). I adore her and she adores me!

    Artemis is a little monster. I'm still learning about him. He loves attention, and cries when I'm doing something other than looking at him. He's getting a little more affectionate everyday. Very playful!

  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

  6. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Tash - the big man... the one who dominates everything. He's long haired and weighs in at 18 pounds

    Boris - Tash's biological brother. The neurotic one. He stairs at nothing and gets scared of it. He fights Tash for the dominant role, but never wins. He has a weird obsession with me and has to sleep above my head every night.

    Chloe - The tuxedo cat. She should've been born a dog. Very social. Will sit on any lap and will purr at a pin drop. She was very sick when we got her and we nursed her to health. She has occassional sneezing attacks to remind us of how sick she was. It's worth cleaning the snot off the walls for her

    Zoe - The silent one. She's the most shy of the bunch. She's a pudgy little calico who gets jealous if the attention is not on her. She will attack the furniture and carpet to get attention. Even if it's yelling.

    Kitters - The new addition. She's sweet and recovering from being fixed. Full of energy and life, she loves to play and be with her humans. But, she only wants to be touched when she's in the mood.
  7. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    ok my turn ollie is very affectionate and folows me every where he wants to no everything im doing! hes so playful he goes off on mad 1s for 2hours (he dont no the meanin of mad half hour!) i got him for a animal rescuce pcae he was the last in a litter and the woman said she could sell him so she gave him to them and he was there jus 1day before i went and saw him n fell in love wiv him. he fav toys r hes balls n my jumpers!! he likes sleeping where ever i am bless him

    edited to say: i ment to add hes not very good wiv strangers

    thanks evry1 so far that has replyed its nice to get to no ur kittes a bit more as im still a rather new member!
  8. 2BlackCats

    2BlackCats New Member

    Well, I thought I would chime in since I am a new member, but really havent had the time to post. We adopted our two kittens about 4 weeks ago....and our best guess is that Jynx and Cinder are about 13 weeks old now.

    When we first brought them home they were glued to each other they were so scared. The man that I got them from was pretty much running out of options with what to do with them. I think that he was about to just let them go. So we are very fortunate to have them here with us. Over the last 4 weeks their personalities have been showing more and more. My boy Cinder is the "lover boy" cat, and has started to follow me around the house, and likes to sleep with my and hubby. He is the more brave of the two. And he is very protective of his sis Jynx.

    Jynx on the other hand is a very petite girl, (compared to her big brother). And is still not sure about humans. Although she is warming up more and more each day, Im thinking she may be more the type of cat that is not overly affectionate. She will come up to you in the evenings when its real quite and check you out. I try to make a point of picking her up at least once during the day and loving on her. She seems to like my oldest son the most of all the family.

    They are learning when its time to eat, and they will both meow until that bowl gets filled with food. And they are really cute together when they play. They also like to stay in the same room as one another, and if the other is gone too long the one will meow for it to come back. Very sweet little kittens indeed!!

    My digi cam is still on the fritz or I would have some pics to post! Sorry!!
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    OOh! My turn!! Copper is a big orange tabby boy whom I found at 2 weeks old about 5 years ago. My dachshunds and I raised him. I fed and burped him and the girls (dogs) cleaned him up and well...you know. He is afraid of crinkly plastic sacks and has a sock fetish. He is also very loud and remember I'm working on him not spraying! Right now he won't leave the bedroom because of the ssscat can.

    Sabrina--AKA "Miss Brina" is a dainty little black cat that was a stray that somehow moved in. She first started hanging out with my dogs and then let me pet her and of course I started feeding her. When I got her fixed she was knocked up (I didn't know), so the incision was larger and she had to stay inside while it healed. I had planned on putting her back outside, but by that time I couldn't bear to maybe lose her, so she never went back out. And has never tried to go out in 4 years--except when my 2 year old nephew was here...maybe that's why she left her other house! I'm working on the pics!
  10. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :oops: Also forgot to say that Miss Brina is the only normal critter here. She is great--no peeing, no plant eating, no toilet paper shredding or anything!
  11. Bente

    Bente New Member

    We got Kyrre three months ago, when he was eight weeks old. That makes him five months now (ooh! how clever I am :mrgreen: ).

    Sometimes I wonder if I actually have more than one cat... Kyrre is what I like to call a multiple personality. One minute he is so sweet, lying on my lap begging me to pet him. The next minute he is razing around like a maniac, trying to be in all places in the apartment at once. Then, when it gets boring to play alone, he'll be the tough/macho kitty, hunting down and attacking our feet and showing off...
    And finally he is a little whimp whenever we get visitors, he'll run and hide the second he can smell a stranger!

    He is also a habit animal... Every morning, he will wait until he hear my alarm clock at eight, and then he'll start scratching the bedroom door.
    If I for some reason don't have the alarm on one morning, he will start scraching the door around eight anyway :mrgreen:
    When I finaly drag my tired but out of bed, he runs to the bathroom and jumps up on the sink. Time for a morning drink! Then he'll sit and watch as I get ready, and when I'm done it's off to the kitchen and breakfast.
    When we both are done eating, he runs to the front door and waits for me to let him out...
    Every night I have to "tuck him in" and sit by his basket for a moment before I go to bed, otherwise he will keep us awake by meowing until I do what he wants... I'm almost embarrased because he is so spoiled :oops: I wonder how my kids will be, lol!

    Kyrre makes me laugh everyday, and life is so much easier when I have someone that loves me unconditionaly like he does! :love_y_t_much:
    (My little tribute to Kyrre, :lol: )


    He is also on Catster: http://www.catster.com/pet_page.php?i=71213
  12. nern

    nern New Member

    **Warning** this is going to be long......

    Tiddy was adopted from the SPCA (through Petsmart). He was approx. 3yrs old and just seemed like such a sweetheart. He was filthy when I brought him home so I gave him a bath. He did'nt scratch or even try to fight me instead he placed his paws (claws retracted) on my cheeks and around my neck trying to pull himself out of the tub while letting out loud pathetic whines....I felt so guilty but it had to be done. Tiddy is a lover. He's very affectionate and likes to give "hugs", even likes his belly rubbed.
    Bean was abandoned as a kitten along with his sister and mother in an apartment after his previous owner moved out of state. I went and picked them up and attemtped to find homes for them. I desperately wanted to keep his mother and figured it would be easier to find homes for the kittens but I ended up finding homes for his mother and sister and could'nt find one for him so I kept him. Although he was quite the terror during kittenhood, he grew up to be the most laid back, friendliest, happiest cat I've ever met. He likes to play fetch with catnip pillows and talks to me when I call his name. He is so friendly and welcoming to new cats (or other animals) that enter my home that I nicknamed him "mama Bean".
    Hoggle was found out in the middle of no where as a kitten when I was pumpkin shopping. He was tiny, smelly and very scared. He is extremely affectionate...so much that it is actually annoying at times. :mrgreen:
    He loves to be held and would probably allow me to carry him around in my arms with his face nuzzled in my neck all day long if I wanted to.
    Rhiannon I bought for $10 after seeing an ad at the grocery store with pictures of tiny little kittens looking for homes. I went to see an orange and white male but ended up coming home with Rhiannon. She's kind of jumpy and scares easily especially around loud noises but she is also very sweet. She loves the base of her tail rubbed and often nibbles and licks my hands while I pet her.

    Chieve and Belladonna were dumped on my friends, aunts farm along with a tiny kitten. They found a home for the kitten but could'nt find homes for Chieve and Bella and the husband was getting really annoyed because they kept sneaking into the garage using it as a litterbox. I went and picked them up with the intention of bringing them to the SPCA but the SPCA and every other cat rescue I contacted were already overwhelmed with cats and kittens so I searched for homes for them for about 6 months and then finally decided that they were here to stay.
    Chieve is very unique, very active, talkative and friendly. He loves to lay on my lap and often does summer saults when I say his name from a distance. Sometimes he yowls loudly and rolls against the door sticking his paws underneath if I go into another room. He follows me around, plays fetch with me and gets into alot of trouble...he is very mischievous (hence the name).
    Bella is friendly but was never really affectionate until recently. She lays on my lap now and comes over to me for pats which she never really seemed to enjoy doing before. She has become strangely affectionate over the past year and I'm so glad she has.
    Richie is a feral kitten that my roommate caught near work. He had maggots in his neck, a hernia and was very skinny and sickly. I got him all fixed up and have been working on taming him ever since. Its been three months now and he has made so much progress. He loves to play with me and I can pet him pretty frequently now and he does'nt run away and/or hiss like he used to. He does'nt completely trust me yet but I think he will over time. He appears to be very happy in his new home and I'm so glad to have him here.

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