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Drinking Water

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by drab911, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Today is day 3 with my little budgie at home.... The millet spray was almost done and I had been slowly moving it into the feeding dish.. and then removed the spray and today I saw her eating her regular seed whoo hoo... I got the premium budgie seed with dried fruits and stuff made by Hagen?? good choice??
    But my question was I can see that she is now eating but I have to this day not seen her take a sip of water... I have been changing the water twice daily so I wouldnt really notice if the level went down anyways,.,, do your guys' birds ussually drink in front of you? and if so how much do they drink I have one of those drinkin tubes I hope that she is able to figure it out.. I also had a dish with water in until today but I just took it out today to try and limit the clutter in the cage.... any input would be appriciated thanks everyone!
    Geeze december 2 already eh merry christmas!!
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi if he/she is eating then you can be sure that it is drinking aswell you may not see her drinking but she maybe drinking while you not around or during the night.

    Try putting only small amounts in the drinker and leave it a couple of hours see if it goes down any i use a marker and mark round the drinker where the water level is that way i know if they have been drinking thats with my youngesters but usually they see the parents drinking so they know what its for..

    Where did you buy the bird and what type of drinker did it have there as it maybe the bird is used to drinking from a dish not the drinkers...

  3. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    In the pet store I saw that they had bowls of water... So I have had a dish of water in there for the last 2 days as well as the tube... but today i just took the dish away... I guess I could mark it but is there accually going to be that substantial of a dent made? Im sure it is all alright.. but are there any sypmtoms of not drinkin water that you know??? thanks
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Budgies drink quite alot of water so you would notice a change in the amount of water in the drinker.
    If she is not drinking she will become dehydrated and will stop eating and will sit all fluffed up and depressed looking but i do think she may have already been drinking.


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