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question about plants

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by halaroo, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Oh the joys of kittens... anyone have any ideas of how to keep Artemis out of my large potted plant. I've tried the spray bottle and diverting his attention, but a second later he's back in it and there's dirt all over the floor. I really don't want to leave my plant on the kitchen counter forever!

  2. nern

    nern New Member

    You could try putting tinfoil over the dirt if thats possible. I did this with my huge pot in the hallway to keep Richie out of it...there was no plant in it, only dirt but he was digging and playing in it making a huge mess. Once I placed tinfoil over it he left it alone. I'm sure others will have more suggestions. :wink:
  3. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    i use chili powder..seems to keep my babies away from my plants
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Chili powder might just do the trick. If it doesn't, I'd sprinkle fresh garlic and ginger chunks. Onions and black pepper or lemon, lime, or orange peels may do the trick as well. Good luck! :mrgreen: If not, try using double sided tape.
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I don't know what to suggest. Socks and Mittens loved my plants when they were kittens. They even knocked my my aloe plant off the window sill and made a mess. They have grown out of it but they also go outdoors, too. They are not interested in the indoor plants anymore.

    Good luck with your kitten. I've seen that grass stuff that they sell at the pet stores. I wonder if that would help? :|
  6. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    Thanks for the replies. I'm going to try tinfoil first (less smelly than the other options), Hopefully that will do the trick. If not, I'm prepared to try the chili or cayenne.
  7. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    Vene arent onions poisionous to cats??
  8. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    yeah cats don't like the feel of tinfoil on their paws or something...it's also been suggested to me as a good way to keep them off the counters since they don't like the sound or feel of it. Except for when it's rolled up into a small ball and thrown across the room... :wink:
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    Yes, if they injest them. But I've yet to see a cat eat raw onion. They don't like the scent it gives off. the scent it comes out sends them running. Heck, I don't like cutting onions myself. :cry: My cats will run away from me when they smell that onion scent on my hands.
  10. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    ah okay..gotcha...it is a horrid smell..lol
  11. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    I've also heard that they really dislike the smell of citrus...I think it might be true because I have a cleaning spray that smells like oranges and they seem to hate it.
  12. vene

    vene New Member

    Citrus works on most cats. When I peel oranges or cut lemons, all my kitties will run away from me except for my Bengal cat Rene. What's up with that? LOL's. I can't even threaten her with it when she's naughty. I wonder if it's just a Bengal thing. :shock:
  13. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I tried the orange peel and Copper scattered them all over the house--LOL! But I did take window screen and cut it the size of the pot, cut a slit in it to put it around the plant stem and the secured it down with landscape fabric pin things. Then I scattered a little dirt on it. They didn't like that mesh at all and you really couldn't see it. P.S. I just wanted everyone to know that the ssscat deterrent spray can is working great!! NO inappropriate elimination in 3 days!!!
  14. vene

    vene New Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :0018:

    That screen is a great idea! :y_the_best:

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