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Your Screen Name (slightly off topic)

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by lucidity03, Dec 4, 2004.

  1. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Another forum I go to had this topic and I thought it was interesting.

    Where did you get your screen name from? I know some of you are named after a cat.

    Personally, I'm named after a Queensryche song, "Silent Lucidity" - I loved the song so much as well as the meaning of the word Lucid (shining and clear)... I use the same name everywhere (so I don't get confused!)

    what about everyone else???
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    halaroo is a screen name and email alias I have been using for years. I used to call Motley (by beloved calico, now gone) Halaroo. I always make up nonsensical nicknames for my pets (Moe is Schmoopie-poo, Winnie was Supermergantroy...). What can say, I'm a weirdo.

    I used to listen to Queensryche back in their days. I love that song <off to find it in my playlist>.
  3. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    I use mine everywhere too and it's pretty uncommon which I like.

    But...the story is that when I started my first year of college was really when I got into the internet and stuff...AIM asked me for my first screenname. I wanted to do something that was sort of an inside joke among my good friends and so I had wanted to use "SexKitten" (long story but we had a little "club" of sorts and even printed up business cards...it's sounds dirty but it really wasn't... ) but obviously SexKitten on AIM was already taken a million times over. But since I still liked the kitten part and I was in school to become a pilot, I added the Pilot on there.

    Ever since I been answering to PK pretty much everywhere I go. :D
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Interesting post :eek:

    Bente is my screen name because... eeh, it's my name. Lol! :mrgreen:
    I wasn't feeling too creative the day I signed up, hehe.
  5. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    Bente, I really like that name! I haven't really heard of it (at least here in the US) - it's a pretty name.
  6. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I used to be an amateur astronomer and wanted an astronomical nick on forums and chatrooms so I chose Cassiopeia. But everyone kept shortening it and calling me Cassie. Plus not all boards and chat places allow such a long nick so I decided to just shorten it. I've been using 'Cassie' for about 10 years now. I'm so used to it now that it's like a real second name for me. My real name is Tracy.
  7. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    And my name's Cassie! :wink:
  8. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I'm pretty unimaginative...my name is, well Mary and I live in New Hampshire and since that's easy for me to remember that's what I went with :roll:
  9. Bente

    Bente New Member

    Aw, thanks lucidity! :oops: :D
    My mother used to live in Germany, and there everybody thought Bente sounded like a boys name... Lol!
    And Janne wich is a girls name here in Norway, is a boys name in Sweden... :?
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    Well, Vene is named after my beloved pet Venus. Not very original, but it will always remind me of the sweet and sometimes vicious (huntress) girl that she was. :mrgreen:
  11. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Interesting topic. I love sky stuff, particularly sunsets so I just thought the name sunset would be nice. I love clouds in the sky, too. They are ever changing. :)
  12. i_love_my_ollie

    i_love_my_ollie New Member

    i dont need to explain mine really its all in the name its sad i no but i couldnt think of ne thing good!
  13. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    well my sn is just because i luv nascar..but i may need to change it..my driver robby gordon is not going to be w/ RCR next year and is not driving the #31...lol most of my other mb's i have my reg name hurrihottie
  14. nern

    nern New Member

    Mine is a goofy nickname that a friend made up years ago because I hated the nickname 'Ness'. When I first started using forums I could never think of s/n's so I've used Nern for years because its a name that is never taken already and its short and simple.
  15. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    My name simply comes from the colour of my hair! God knows why I picked this name, because I hate being called 'Ginger' in day to day life! #-o
  16. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOL. I posted this same post a while back called: How did you come up with your member name. I play chess. It's my favorite game since I was a kid. Sometimes I play well and sometimes I don't (hence chessmind). :wink:
  17. Starry

    Starry New Member

    I used to use different names on different boards, but I've been using Starry or Starry-Starry for a couple of years now. It comes from the song Vincent by Don McClean, which starts... Starry, Starry night. It just happened to be the song running around in my head when I was signing up for something that already had most of the screen-names I use. I liked it so I've kept it :D

    I've even got my own webpage using the name:
    Where I have just put up two pages of pictures of my cats!!
  18. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    kathy= name
    5= fav number

    & it is easy to remember
  19. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I chose mine because I was pulling my hair out over Copper's spraying the first time I posted. Usually I put something about the weiner dogs, but this time it was about Copper.
  20. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    lynn is my first name, h is the beginning of my last name and az is where i live!!!


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