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Sneezing, scratching, not eating/drinking.

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Alyssa, Dec 3, 2004.

  1. Alyssa

    Alyssa New Member

    I just bought a new parakeet about 3 days ago from Pet-co. It seems fine but every now and then it will sneeze and scratch a lot (that may be just her cleaning, I'm not all that sure) But my main question is is it a problem that she has not touched her food or water sense I got her home. I called pet co and they suggested giving it Spray Millet and hopfully that would move her towards her food, but its not working (she will how ever sit and eat the millet for a long time). I've tried giving her tap water and bottled water but she hasn't even went near it. Is it normal for them to do that for a few days? It's been about 3 days now. Shes using the bathroom normally and crawls around the cage and cherps every now and then so she doesn't seem ill or anything.

    I was also wondering what the best way was to get her use to me. She lets me pet her and she'll sit on my finger now (before she would go nuts) but I can't hold her, she pushes her way out of my hands and then tries to fly around (clipped wings). I don't try again after she does that because I don't want to hurt her, so what is the best way to go about that?
  2. mchat

    mchat New Member

    I only have experience with cockatiels but as a general rule sneezing is not a good sign in any bird. Is it possible she may have mites? Shes not moulting at the moment as that can cause some scratching and as a consequense sneezing? As far as I have seen my cockatiels can go for about a week without drinking water (ususally happens when I'm worming them they dont like the taste or smell) so not drinking water is not a huge problem after 3 days. Now that shes eating the millet spray have you tried placing it in the food bowl? She may not realise what the food and water bowl are although by now she should be exploring the cage and have worked out what they are.

    I have found it best when getting a new bird to spray it for mites (can be picked up from the petshop) and worm it. If it continues for much longer I would be ringing the local vet clinics to locate a avian specialist as there may be a serious problem.

  3. Alyssa

    Alyssa New Member

    Now that I think about it I'm not sure if it sneezing. Its just a little sound it makes every now and then, maybe sounding like a muffled sneeze/sigh. I dont think it has mites, because it doesnt itch a whole lot just whenever she stretches that I've noticed. And she has been around the cage a lot and has crawled right over the food/water bowls but didnt show them any interest besides wanting to get away from them. I put the millet in the food bowl a few hours ago and she hasnt come down off the perch to get it yet.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi my birds sneeze all the time and i have budgies, finch's and cockatiels but its only when they are preening (cleaning ) themselves i think it could be dust thats on the feathers..

    The best thing to do is give an avian vet a call and tell them the situation and they will suggest what to do if anything.

    What type drinker and feeders do you have are they the same as the bird was using in pet-co if not i would try using dishes the bird is used to.

    It is normal for a bird not to eat or drink for a couple of days this is the transition period where they are settling into there new surroundings and becoming used to the new sights sounds and smells.

    Since you can hold her have you tried letting her sit in the palm of your hand with some seeds in it and see if she will eat from you hand this is also a great way to enforce a true bond between owner and bird.

    To tell if you bird has mites on a night look closely at the wings or if she will allow you hold her upside down and spread her winhgs on the underside of the feathers on the feather shafts you will see black marks that look like pencil lines these are called feather mites and these can be treated with a mite spray bought from you local petstore...

  5. Alyssa

    Alyssa New Member

    Well, it just took a drink and I was all excited and a few minutes later it was eating from the food bowl. So I guess it's ok, it was just stressed out. It's still scratching but only when its cleaning itself, so the do that while cleaning? Shes being more active and climbing around the cage and sitting on the swing. I was wondering when I should give it a bath tub or if I should try misting it first? Every where I read it said it's important for them to be able to bath with water and suggested both but not which one I should go about first. When I do things she doesnt like flies around like crazy, will she hurt herself?
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi glad to hear all is going well.

    I would start off with the misting and see how she goes most birds prefer this then you can try putting a bath in for her and see how she gets on with that.
    You may find she will like the bath better.

    Birds seem to know there limit when flying round a cage if she gets too excited and flaps frantically in the cage stop doing what your doing and allow her to calm down, Then try again.


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