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hi i have some question on my bird i think shes dieing

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by TweetyBirdBusterBlue, Dec 4, 2004.

  1. hi im new, and i need some help.. i dont live by any vet who deals with just birds and i dont have the money to take her to the vet, please dont think im a bad owner because of i cant afford to take her to the vets, i got her and my male one when my famliy and i had the money, but since my dad quite his job (he has a new one now but we are still in debt) just dont have enough money.. anyways onto what i need help with

    ive had Tweety Bird for 5 years (6 on the 9th of this month) and just in the past few months she hasntbeen doing too good, she would have problems pooping, she would throw up, she had gotten even fluffier and just yesterday when i took her and Buster Blue out for exercise, she had dropped her wings and hasnt been able to hold them up the right way, and she has no problems with me petting her on ther back (before she would bite you very hard) and she would be the noisey one, well now Buster is now, and just today she has been sleeping on the bottom of the cage, i would pick her up an dput her back on the perch but she would just go back on the bottom, and she's been sleeping alot more, and when i was holding her i found a bump on her neck, like on the side, its no where near where her ears are. and Buster has been attcking her! and im scared he's gonna hurt her! i yell at him everytime and he knows hes doing something bad because he will jump away from her, or just stop

    please help! sorry its soo long i just thought it would help if i listed everything that i've notcied oh! and she hasnt been eating alot..

    thankyou soooo much in advance!

  2. oh and by the way they both are Parakeets
  3. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Hello, I am a new bird owner myself and am not too sure about your sypmtoms or what course of action you should take. However I am sorry to hear that your bird is not feeling well I could imagine how good you could get to know your little friend over like 4 years! I hope everything works out and remember Buster is your friend too so dont be too hard on him :)
  4. yeah im not i just like yell hey! or Buster be nice! and then he stops, Buster is feeding Tweety, so is this a good sign? when my mom was looking at her, she said that it aint looking good!
    i hope she will be okay! i just lost my Rabbit (i've ad her for 7-8 years) she died on 10-25-04 so its only been a month, and im just not ready for another death!
  5. drab911

    drab911 New Member

    Its alright! As sad as it can be sometimes it really is a fact of nature... and if our pets lived forever we would never have the chance to meet and love all of our future wonderful pets!! Ya know what im saying? So just enjoy the times you have shared and enjoy the times you still have!!
    best of luck and merry christmas!
  6. well Tweety Bird just died! so yeah if you people still know what was wrong i'd still like to know, just in case Buster Blue can catch it!
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i am sorry for your loss..
    The symptoms your bird was showing was signs of egg binding this is where an egg becomes stuck in the oviduct and if not noticed or treated straight away is life threatening
    Your male bird can not suffer from this as its just a female thing.

    What happens when a bird can not pass an egg is they use all there energy trying to pass the egg and if the egg cracks inside the female cause poisioning and eventually death if not dealt with by a vet..

    Again i am sorry for your loss.

  8. thats what my mom and i thought, but when we rubbed her tummy to see if that was it, we didnt feel anything, but we still contuined to rub it, but not for too long, because she was getting upset.. well when i was gonna go to bed last night i was putting Buster back in is cage but he wouldn't go in there! so i put him in the other cage (they shared a cage since they were soo close together) he went in there and i have a mirror with him in the cage, and there is a mirror behind the cage (i have a full length mirror in my room) and he's been eating! so i'm figuring he's doing better.. (better than i am!) and hes talkative, but he's still scared becasue is eyes are still big.. but yeah thankyou!
  9. oh and what about the bump on her neck?? is that a symptom to Egg Bininding?
  10. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    How long did she have the lump on her neck as if she had a scratch or bite it could have been infected which could have been the result of her death..

  11. i dont know, she wouldn't let anyone touch her other than her tummy, and when i was holding her when she was dying and i was just petting her on her neck and i found a bump... i think it may have been there for awhile
  12. well my mom and dad found out ow old she had to have been, they figure about 8-9 years old.. and Buster is still a baby
  13. jelyb

    jelyb New Member

    I had a similar problem.

    Hi, im new to this thing too. i just read..i am so sorry. I too lost a cockatiel to something that sounds familiar, however i took mine to the bird vet, and she wasn't sure - she thought possible stomach infection and gave me some antibiotics. However that had no affect and i lost my bird two days later. We took her body back to the vet and she examined her again and she said that it could be a couple of things (only a few things make birds throw up) the highest possibility being she was allergic to sunflower seeds or a genetic problem, but since we have 6 other cockatiels she assured us it wasn't contagious and that was three years ago and no other of my birds have died.
    Hope that helps.
  14. jelyb

    jelyb New Member

    I had a similar problem.

    Hi, im new to this thing too. i just read..i am so sorry. I too lost a cockatiel to something that sounds familiar, however i took mine to the bird vet, and she wasn't sure - she thought possible stomach infection and gave me some antibiotics. However that had no affect and i lost my bird two days later. We took her body back to the vet and she examined her again and she said that it could be a couple of things (only a few things make birds throw up) the highest possibility being she was allergic to sunflower seeds or a genetic problem, but since we have 6 other cockatiels she assured us it wasn't contagious and that was three years ago and no other of my birds have died.
    Hope that helps.

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