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Dog Audio- Canyou hear me now?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sarge'smom, Dec 4, 2004.

  1. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    The Hound dog baying thing got me thinking. Wouldn't it be a nice feature if puppy finder.com, etc., had an audio of what the breed you were viewing sounded like. There are so many breeds that, due to their, uh, "pipes" are given up. If they had an audio of what they sounded like barking, baying, whatever, that might help people make an informed choice as well. What do ya'll think?
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    definately! If anyone heard the heeler "Yip" they'd laugh their heads off. They sound just like a chiuahuah's yip....its a very high pitched short , YIP
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    That would be great.

    Rocky's got a pretty good set of pipes for a little dog. Everytime someone new comes to visit they aways think we have this huge dog and when they see him they're all like "where's the rest of it?"


    I've heard the heeler yip. My dad's friend owns a farm and they have one named Banjo. You wouldn't expect a sound like that to come out of a bigger dog!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala does that, too. Her alarm bark is deeper, but her play bark is so yippy. :)
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Heeler next door makes me laugh...I had no idea that when I was hearing him in the house he was not a smaller dog...LOL... Riot's got this little gurgly 'momma i'm miserable" bark that would likely come out of some medium sized dog... Then he's got this get out of my territory or else kind of bark that even sends chills down my spine...and if he's in his crate telling a DOG to get out of his space...lord help us all... He might as well be a dang demon...no joke.
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Goose is that way. His bark is sooo intemidating. Your expecting a two ton bull!!! He's a BIG dog and his bark is even bigger. But when you tell him speak. You have to laugh. His bark is sooo big and vicious but he's got no teeth!!! That and his head bobbles like a bobble head when he barks too!! LoL
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    That would be great! I love Natalie's baying....its especially funny when she howls when the fire trucks go by. It reminds me of a person with a really bad voice singing way off key. When I get another dog I would like to bay like Natalie does. I would also be interested in hearing what a Besenji sounds like....I hear they don't bark but yodel. :mrgreen:
  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    Sorry I have 2 bark stories,
    first one day last week me hubby, Luther a JRT and a lab went to the park, they were running playing then a white little dog, maybe like a westie or something comes up and starts barking at us and hubby turns to me and says what is that bark? that isn't even a bark. ok I thought that was funny
    2nd story (happens all the time!) the jrt is the only non neutered one, but he is the littlest and I think he definitely has a big case of little mans disease. The first time this happened I heard this terrible screachy yowling like someone was killing the little JRt and the lab was using his "big" bark (as opposed to his more playful little bark) I ran into the room to check on them and the Jrt had the 100lb lab pinned down barking away and I now know that is just the way the JRT barks! but it still scares me and anyone passing by when he starts to bark! You think someone is killing him!
  9. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Nern- I have always wanted to hear the Besenji too! Does anyone on this site have one?

    Sarge has always sounded like he is as big as a Great Dane! Even when he was just a little guy, he would bark and our friends would be in shock when this little fur ball bounded into the room instead a huge dog!

    He sounds even louder now that he is bigger!

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