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Is it possible for a dog to have too many toys?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by LilothesuperLhasa, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. LilothesuperLhasa

    LilothesuperLhasa New Member

    First off, I want to say hello to everyone! I'm hoping that this message board experience will be a good one as the last time I posted on a message board(different site) I was put down and made to feel like a real piece of chum. I have a 7 month old, female Lhasa Apso-Lilo-and she is my very first dog ever so I'm not well versed in dog ownership, bear with me please! She is currently going through her adolescence phase in full force so needless to say I'm ripping my hair out over the antics of my furry teenager. However, I love her to bits and pieces no matter how many times she has piddled in the house or barked for no reason other than to bark. My question is...Is it possible for a dog to have too many toys? Lilo is just setting her adult teeth and is chewing like a beaver so I made sure that she had an asortment of different chew toys in addition to her stuffed toys and balls. My husband is telling me that she has too many and it will make her think that everything is a chew toy-is that true? If so, what are the best types of toys to have on hand and what should I stay away from? Thanks. :mrgreen:
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Welcome and congrats of you first puppy.

    I don't think they can have too many toys. Rocky has both chew toys and stuffed toys but he knows the diference between his own toys and my sisters teddy bears.

    What does your husband mean by "everything" being a chew toy?

    If you have small children that have toys you can distinguish their toys from hers by putting flavour extracts (such as vanilla) on her toys to tell them apaart from the kids, but if he means stuff like furniture I've never personally had a problem like that being related to too many toys. In a way I would think it would curb the chewing tendency by giving them their own stuff to chew on.

    Hope this can help a bit. I'm sure there are toher members that will be of much more help.
  3. LilothesuperLhasa

    LilothesuperLhasa New Member

    I have an 18 month old daughter and Lilo knows what toys are hers and what toys are my daughters-which doesn't mean that Lilo doesn't TRY at times to sneak off with one of my daughter's Little People or something but when I say "leave it!" She drops it and grabsone of her own toys. Like I said, adolescence has hit and she's testing me. We've never had an issue with her chewing furniture or shoes-I guess we're really lucky in that aspect. I think what my husband means is that she'll get spoiled an djust take ownership of anything that she can chew on. I disagree-I thought, like you said, that if she had enough toys to chew and play with that she wouldn't get bored and seek out other items to chew and play with.
  4. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    Just a tip on the toys... I rotate our toys so Maya doesn't get bored. And when I pull out a toy she hasn't seen in a while she acts like its brand new. Its really funny.


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